
语言百科2024-02-22 20:50:41留学世界




1. 什么是diverse?


2. diverse的同义词


3. diverse的反义词


4. diverse与其他相关单词


5. diverse在句子中的用法

(1) Diverse作为形容词:

- The group of students comes from diverse backgrounds.


- The city has a diverse population, with people from different ethnicities and cultures.


(2) Diverse作为动词:

- The company is trying to diversify its product line to attract more customers.


- We need to diversify our investment portfolio to reduce risks.


6. diverse的例句

- The country has a diverse landscape, with mountains, rivers, and beaches.


- The team is made up of diverse individuals, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.


- The company is known for its diverse and inclusive work culture.



1. 发音指南


2. 词义解释


3. 同义词

与“diverse”意思相近的单词包括:varied, diverse, different, various, distinct。

4. 用法示例

- The company has a diverse range of products.


- The city is known for its diverse population.


- We need to embrace diversity and celebrate our differences.


5. 搭配短语

- diverse cultures 多元文化

- a diverse group of people 多元群体

- a diverse range of opinions 各种不同观点

6. 派生词

- diversity 名词,“多样性”

- diversely 副词,“多样地”

- diversify 动词,“使多样化”

7. 用法注意事项


8. 词源解析


9. 常见错误

- 不要将“diverse”与“diver”混淆。前者是形容词,后者是名词,意为“潜水员”。

- 不要将“diverse”与“adverse”混淆。前者意为“多样的”,后者意为“不利的”


1. 用法:


- The city is known for its diverse population, with people from all over the world living and working together. (这座城市以其多样的人口而闻名,来自世界各地的人们在这里生活和工作。)

- The company prides itself on having a diverse workforce, with employees from different backgrounds and cultures. (这家公司以拥有多元化的员工队伍为荣,员工来自不同的背景和文化。)

- The menu offers a diverse selection of dishes, catering to different tastes and dietary preferences. (菜单提供了多样化的菜肴选择,满足不同口味和饮食偏好。)

2. 双语例句:

- The country's political landscape is becoming more diverse, with the rise of multiple parties and ideologies. (随着多党派和意识形态的兴起,该国政治格局变得更加多元化。)

- This art exhibition showcases the diverse talent of emerging artists from around the world. (这次艺术展览展示了来自世界各地新兴艺术家的多样才华。)

- The university promotes diversity by offering scholarships to students from underrepresented communities. (该大学通过向来自少数群体社区的学生提供奖学金来促进多样性。)

- The country's diverse landscape includes mountains, beaches, and deserts. (该国多样的地形包括山区、海滩和沙漠。)

- The company's diverse team brings unique perspectives and ideas to the table. (这家公司多元化的团队为工作带来独特的观点和想法。)


1. A wide range of: 多样的

例句:This company offers a wide range of translation services to meet diverse needs.

2. Multifaceted: 多方面的,多元化的

例句:The translation industry is multifaceted, with diverse job opportunities.

3. Varied: 各种各样的,多样化的

例句:The translation market is constantly changing and offers a varied selection of projects.

4. Differing: 不同的,差异化的

例句:Translation styles may be differing depending on the target audience and purpose.

5. Wide-ranging: 广泛的,多种多样的

例句:This conference covers a wide-ranging topics related to the diverse field of translation.

6. Eclectic: 兼收并蓄的,多元化的

例句:The translation team consists of members with eclectic backgrounds and diverse skills.

7. Heterogeneous: 异质性的,多元化的

例句:The translation industry has a heterogeneous mix of professionals from different cultural backgrounds.

8. Assorted: 各式各样的,琳琅满目的

例句:The company provides an assorted selection of translation services for diverse clients.

9. Myriad: 无数的,繁多的

例句:There are a myriad of challenges faced by translators when dealing with diverse languages and cultures.

10. Diversified: 多样化的,变化多端的

例句:With the rise of technology, the translation industry has become more diversified, offering new tools and methods for translators to use


1. Diversified - This word is often used to describe a variety of different things or a wide range of options. For example, "The company offers a diversified portfolio of products and services."

2. Varied - Similar to diversified, this word also refers to a range of different things. It can also be used to describe something that is constantly changing or has many different aspects. For instance, "Her interests are quite varied, she enjoys everything from painting to hiking."

3. Multifaceted - This word is often used to describe something that has many different sides or aspects. It can also refer to someone who has many talents or abilities. For example, "The project was multifaceted, requiring skills in marketing, design, and finance."

4. Versatile - This word can have a similar meaning to multifaceted, but it specifically refers to someone or something that is able to adapt and perform well in various situations or roles. For instance, "She is a versatile actress who can play both comedic and dramatic roles."

5. Heterogeneous - This word is used to describe a group or collection of things that are diverse in nature. It can also refer to something that is made up of various components or elements. For example, "The team was made up of a heterogeneous group of individuals with different backgrounds and skills."

6. Eclectic - This word describes something that consists of diverse elements from different sources or styles. It can also refer to someone who has varied tastes and interests. For instance, "Her home decor was eclectic, featuring pieces from different cultures and time periods."

7. Assorted - Similar to eclectic, this word refers to a mix of various things without any particular order or pattern. It can also be used in reference to a variety pack of items with different flavors or types. For example, "The gift basket contained an assortment of chocolates from around the world."

8. Myriad - This word is often used to describe a large number or variety of things. It can also refer to an infinite or countless amount. For instance, "The city offers a myriad of cultural experiences, from museums to festivals."

9. Differing - This word simply means different or varying in nature. It can also be used to describe something that is not the same as something else. For example, "The two opinions on the matter were differing, causing a heated debate."

10. Wide-ranging - This word refers to something that covers a broad scope or includes many different aspects. It can also be used to describe someone who has a diverse range of skills or knowledge. For instance, "The book covers a wide-ranging array of topics, from history to science."

