
语言百科2024-02-22 21:56:40留学世界




1. 简介


2. 用法


3. 示例

- The cake was divided into eight equal slices.


- The company was divided into four departments, each responsible for different tasks.


- The book can be divided into three main sections.


4. 同义词


- split into:与divideinto相同,表示将某物划分成几个部分。

- separate into:也是指将某物拆散或者划分成几部分。

- break down into:通常用来指将复杂的事物分解成更小的部分。

- partition into:强调将某物划分成若干个独立的部分。

5. 相关词汇

- division:名词,表示“划分、分割”的过程或结果。

- divided:形容词,表示被划分成若干部分的状态。

- divider:名词,表示用来划分或隔开两个物体或空间的东西


1. 翻译行业中,divideinto是一个常见的词汇,它的正确读音是[dɪˈvaɪd ˈɪntu:]。其中,divide读作[dɪˈvaɪd],into读作[ˈɪntu:]。

2. 这个词由两部分组成,divide意为“分开、划分”,into意为“进入、到达”,合起来就是“划分为”、“分成”的意思。

3. 在英语中,divideinto可以用作动词短语,也可以用作介词短语。作为动词短语时,它的用法有两种:

a. divide something into something:将某物划分为某物。例如:He divided the cake into equal pieces.(他把蛋糕切成了相等大小的块。)

b. divide into something:被划分为某物。例如:The class is divided into groups of four students each.(这个班级被分成了每组四名学生。)

4. 作为介词短语时,divideinto后面通常跟着名词或代词作宾语,表示“被划分为”、“归属于”的关系。例如:The country is divided into three regions.(这个国家被划分成了三个地区。)

5. 在口语中,有时也会把divide into缩写为div into,但在正式的写作中,应该使用完整的形式。

6. 除了divideinto之外,还有一些近义词可以表示“划分为”的意思,例如:split into、separate into、partition into等。它们的用法和区别可根据具体语境来决定。

7. 在翻译行业中,除了divideinto之外,还有一些相关的词汇需要注意:

a. divide:作为动词时,除了表示“划分”之外,还可以表示“分配”、“分开”等含义。例如:They divided the work among the team members.(他们把工作分配给了团队成员。)

b. separate:作为动词时,也可表示“分开、划分”的意思。但与divide不同的是,separate通常强调将两个或多个部分完全隔离开来。例如:The wall separates the two countries.(这堵墙把两个国家完全隔离开来。)

c. split:作为动词时,也可表示“分开、划分”的意思。但与divide和separate不同的是,split更常用于指物理上的断裂或撕裂。例如:The earthquake split the ground in half.(地震把地面撕裂成两半。)

8. 总之,在翻译行业中使用divideinto这个词时,请注意它的正确读音和用法,避免将其与其他近义词混淆。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解和使用这个词汇


1. divideinto的用法


2. divideinto的双语例句

1) The cake was divided into six equal slices for the party.


2) The project can be divided into three main phases.


3) The book is divided into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.


4) The country is divided into 50 states.


5) We need to divide the work into smaller tasks to make it more manageable.


6) The movie was divided into chapters, each focusing on a different character's story.


7) The company plans to divide its profits into three parts: reinvestment, dividends, and bonuses.


8) The teacher divided the class into groups for a group project.


9) The budget needs to be divided into categories such as food, rent, and transportation.


10) The team was divided into two opposing sides for the debate competition.



1. Split into

- 意思:分成

- 例句:The cake was divided into equal slices for each person.

2. Separate into

- 意思:分开

- 例句:The students were separated into groups for the project.

3. Partition into

- 意思:划分成

- 例句:The land was partitioned into different sections for farming.

4. Divide up into

- 意思:把...分割成

- 例句:The inheritance was divided up equally among the siblings.

5. Break down into

- 意思:分解成

- 例句:The complex problem was broken down into smaller, more manageable parts.

6. Segment into

- 意思:将...分段

- 例句:The book is segmented into chapters for easier reading.

7. Dissect into

- 意思:解剖成

- 例句:The frog was dissected into different parts for the biology class.

8. Cut up into

- 意思:把...切碎

- 例句: The vegetables were cut up into small pieces for the stir-fry dish.

9. Carve out of

- 意思: 雕刻出自

- 例句: The statue was carved out of a single block of marble.

10. Divide off from

- 意思: 把...从中隔开

- 例句: The playground is divided off from the rest of the park by a fence.

11. Split in two/three/four, etc.

-意思: 分成两/三/四等份

-例句: The group was split in two to work on different tasks


1. Split into

Example: The company will divide the profits into equal shares among its employees.

2. Break down into

Example: The project can be divided into smaller tasks for better management.

3. Separate into

Example: The book is divided into three sections, each covering a different aspect of the topic.

4. Partition into

Example: The room was partitioned into two smaller rooms to create more space.

5. Segment into

Example: The market can be segmented into different demographics based on consumer behavior.

6. Subdivide into

Example: The land was subdivided into smaller plots for individual sale.

7. Dissect into

Example: The scientist dissected the experiment results to analyze each variable separately.

8. Cut up into

Example: The cake was cut up into equal slices for everyone to enjoy.

9. Split up into

Example: After the divorce, the couple had to split up their assets and divide them between themselves.

10. Dismember into

Example: The body was dismembered into several parts, making it difficult for investigators to identify the victim.

11. Break apart/into pieces

Example: The vase fell off the shelf and broke apart/into pieces on the floor.

12. Fragmentize

Example: The rock was fragmentized by the earthquake, creating smaller pieces of debris.

13. Cleave in two

Example: He used an axe to cleave the log in two for firewood.

14. Share/divide out

Example: Please share/divide out these candies equally among your friends.

15. Distribute/apportion

Example: It's important to distribute/apportion resources fairly among all team members for a successful project completion

