
语言百科2024-02-24 01:26:42留学世界



1. donate的定义



2. donate的词源


3. donate与慈善事业的关系


4. donate与其他相关单词


5. donate的发展历史


6. donate在当今社会的意义



1. donate的发音为:[dəˈneɪt],重音在第二个音节。

2. donate的读法可以分为两种情况:

a. 动词形式,意为“捐赠”、“捐献”,常用于慈善机构或活动中。此时读作[dəˈneɪt],重音在第二个音节。

b. 名词形式,意为“捐赠物”、“捐款”,常用于描述具体的捐赠行为或物品。此时读作[dəˈneɪʃn],重音在第二个音节。

3. donate一词源自拉丁语的“donare”,意为“给予”、“赠送”,后来演变为英语中的“donate”。因此,在发音上也保留了类似的读法。

4. 除了上述常见的发音外,有时候也会出现[dɒˈneɪt]或[dəˈnæt]等变体发音。这些变体多数源自方言或口语习惯,在正式场合并不常见。

5. 在美国英语中,有些地区会将最后一个音节发成[t]而不是[teɪ]。例如,“donate”会被读作[dəˈneɪt]而不是[dəˈneɪteɪ]。这种发音习惯可以被视为一种方言,但并非标准发音。

6. 在英式英语中,有些地区会将最后一个音节发成[ət]而不是[teɪ]。例如,“donate”会被读作[dəˈneɪt]而不是[dəˈneɪteɪ]。这种发音习惯可以被视为一种方言,但并非标准发音。

7. donate一词在口语中的使用频率较高,在正式场合也经常出现。因此,熟练掌握其发音及读法对于提高口语表达能力很有帮助。

8. 如果需要更准确地了解“donate”的发音及读法,可以通过在线字典或语音网站进行查询和学习。同时,在日常交流中也应多加练习和运用,以便更加自然地使用这个词汇


1. donate的基本用法

- 动词,意为“捐赠”、“捐助”。

- 可以接受者(recipient)作为宾语,也可以接受者和捐赠物(donation)作为宾语。

- 常与介词to搭配使用,表示将捐赠物交给某人或某组织。

2. donate的例句

- I donated all my old clothes to the charity.


- She donated a large sum of money to the orphanage.


- They donated their time and effort to help clean up the park.


3. donate的常用短语

- donate money (捐钱)

- donate blood (献血)

- donate time (捐时间)

- make a donation (做出捐赠)

- receive a donation (收到捐赠)

4. donate的同义词

contribute, give, offer, present

5. 拓展用法:donate还可以用作名词,表示“捐款”、“捐献物品”。例如:

- We received a generous donation from a local business.


- The charity relies on donations from the public to support their cause.



1. Make a donation: 捐赠

2. Give a donation: 捐赠

3. Contribute to: 贡献,捐赠

4. Donate money: 捐钱

5. Donate goods: 捐物品

6. Charity donation: 慈善捐赠

7. Monetary donation: 货币捐赠

8. In-kind donation: 实物捐赠

9. Tax-deductible donation: 可以税务扣除的捐款

10. Fundraising event: 筹款活动

11. Charitable giving: 慈善捐助

12. Sponsor a cause: 赞助一个事业/项目

13. Generous donation: 慷慨的捐赠

14. Philanthropic contribution: 博爱的贡献

15. Non-profit organization/charity/NGO: 非营利组织/慈善机构/非政府组织


1. Raise funds/money/donations for a cause/charity/organization: 为一个事业/慈善机构/组织筹集资金/钱款/捐款

2. Donate to a cause/charity/foundation/non-profit organization:向一个事业/慈善机构/基金会/非营利组织捐款

3. Support a cause/fundraiser/donation drive:支持一个事业/筹款活动/捐赠活动

4. Give back to the community/society: 回馈社会/社区

5. Spread awareness about a cause/charity: 宣传一个事业/慈善机构

6. Encourage donations/contributions: 鼓励捐赠/贡献

7. Make a difference/change: 产生影响,改变

8. Volunteer for a charity/event: 为慈善机构/活动做义工

9. Pledge to donate: 承诺捐赠

10. Donate in someone's honor/memory: 以某人的名义/纪念捐赠


1. Contribute

同义词:give, contribute to, make a donation to

近义词示例:He decided to contribute a large sum of money to the charity organization. / She made a donation to the local hospital.

2. Give

同义词:donate, offer, provide

近义词示例:The company gave a generous amount of money to the disaster relief fund. / The kind lady offered her time and resources to help those in need.

3. Support

同义词:aid, assist, back

近义词示例:The community came together to support the victims of the natural disaster. / The organization provided aid and assistance to the homeless population.

4. Grant

同义词:bestow, present, award

近义词示例:The foundation granted scholarships to deserving students. / The government bestowed funds for the development of education in rural areas.

5. Contribute towards/to

同义词:contribute to, donate towards/to, give towards/to

近义词示例:We would like to contribute towards the renovation of the school building. / He donated a large sum of money towards the construction of a new hospital.

6. Sponsor

同义词:finance, fund, support

近义词示例:The company sponsored a charity event for children in need. / The wealthy businessman funded a research project on renewable energy sources.

7. Offer up

同义词:donate, give away/off, sacrifice

近义词示例: He offered up his time and skills for free at the local orphanage. / She donated all her savings to support environmental conservation efforts.

8. Lend a hand

同义词: help out, assist with, pitch in

近义词示例: Many volunteers came to lend a hand at the soup kitchen. / The neighbors pitched in to rebuild the community center after it was destroyed by a fire.

9. Contribute to a cause

同义词:support, contribute towards, make a contribution to

近义词示例:The organization aims to contribute to the cause of promoting gender equality. / She made a generous contribution towards the fight against poverty.

10. Give back

同义词:return, repay, give in return

近义词示例:The successful entrepreneur decided to give back to his community by starting a scholarship program. / She wanted to repay her gratitude by giving back to those who helped her during tough times

