
语言百科2024-02-24 23:24:43留学世界




1. 什么是drain

Drain是一个英文单词,既可以作动词也可以作名词,它的基本意思是“排水”,用来描述液体或气体通过管道或其他设备流出或排出的过程。在日常生活中,我们经常会听到类似“kitchen drain”(厨房排水管)和“drain the water”(排出水)的用法。

2. drain的其他含义

除了指代排水外,drain还有一些其他的含义。作为动词时,它可以表示“耗尽”、“使精疲力竭”、“放空”等。例如,“The long meeting drained all my energy.”(长时间的会议使我精疲力竭了。)作为名词时,drain还可以指代“下水道”、“消耗”、“排气装置”等。

3. drain的同义词


4. drain在生活中的应用

除了上面提到的厨房排水管之外,在生活中我们还经常会遇到其他类型的drain。比如洗手池、浴缸、马桶等,它们都是用来排出水的设备。此外,汽车的排气管也可以被称为“exhaust drain”(排气管)。

5. drain的相关词汇

除了drain本身,还有一些与之相关的词汇需要了解。比如“drainage”表示“排水系统”、“drainage pipe”表示“排水管道”、“drainage ditch”表示“排水沟”。另外,“drained”是drain的过去分词形式,可以作形容词使用,表示“精疲力竭的”。



1. drain的基本含义


2. drain的发音


3. drain作为动词使用

① 描述流动状态:当drain用作及物动词时,常用来描述物体或液体从某处排出或流出。例如:“The water drained out of the sink.”(水从洗手池排出了。)“The blood drained from his face when he saw the accident.”(他看到事故后脸色变得苍白。)

② 耗尽、消耗:当drain用作及物动词时,还可以表示消耗或耗尽某种资源。例如:“The long hours of work drained his energy.”(长时间的工作消耗了他的精力。)“The expensive vacation drained all their savings.”(昂贵的假期耗尽了他们的储蓄。)

4. drain作为名词使用

除了作为动词,drain也可以作为名词使用,表示“排水沟”、“下水道”或“排水系统”。例如:“The rainwater flows into the drain.”(雨水流入下水道。)“The city's drainage system needs to be improved.”(这个城市的排水系统需要改进。)

5. drain的常见搭配

① drain away:流走、消失。例如:“The color drained away from her face when she heard the bad news.”(她听到坏消息后脸色变得苍白。)

② drain off:排出、放出。例如:“He drained off the excess water from the pot.”(他把锅里多余的水排出去了。)

③ drain out:排空、耗尽。例如:“The battery is almost drained out.”(电池快要耗尽了。)

④ drain on:对...造成负担或压力。例如:“The long commute drains on his energy every day.”(长途通勤每天都让他精疲力竭。)

6. 其他含义


① 消耗精力或财富:例句:“His constant complaining is really draining me.”(他不停地抱怨真的让我精疲力竭。)

② (使)失去活力:例句:“The boring meeting drained all my enthusiasm.”(无聊的会议让我失去了所有的热情。)

③ 排出、抽出:例句:“The doctor drained the pus from the wound.”(医生把伤口里的脓液排出来了。)


1. Drain作为名词,指的是排水管道或者排水系统,也可以指污水处理设备。例如:The drain in my kitchen is clogged and needs to be fixed. (我厨房的排水管堵了,需要修理。)

2. Drain作为动词,有多种用法:

- 指排出液体或者气体。例如:The plumber drained the water from the sink. (水管工把水从洗碗池中排出。)

- 指耗尽某物或者使某物减少。例如:The constant stress was draining her energy. (持续的压力让她精力不足。)

- 指流失财富或资源。例如:The company's profits were being drained by excessive spending. (公司的利润被过度支出消耗掉了。)

- 指使某人精疲力竭或筋疲力尽。例如:My job is so demanding, it drains me every day. (我的工作太累人了,每天都让我筋疲力尽。)


1. The rainwater will drain away through the pipes under the street. (雨水会通过街道下面的管道排走。)

2. His constant complaints were draining her patience. (他持续的抱怨让她耐心耗尽了。)

3. The war has drained our country of its resources and wealth. (战争已经耗尽我们国家的资源和财富。)

4. The long hours at work were draining her physically and mentally. (长时间的工作让她身心俱疲。)


1. Drain the swamp: 清除污染,消除腐败


2. Drain the energy: 耗尽精力,消耗能量


3. Drain the battery: 耗电


4. Drain the resources: 耗尽资源


5. Drain away: 流走,排出


6. Drain the color: 褪色


7. Drain the joy: 消除快乐


8. Drain the glass: 喝光一杯酒


9. Drain on resources: 资源消耗


10. Emotional drain: 情绪耗竭



1. Exhaust - This word is often used as a synonym for "drain" when referring to something that depletes or uses up resources. For example, "The constant demands of his job were exhausting and left him feeling drained."

2. Deplete - Similar to "exhaust," this word also conveys the idea of using up or draining something completely. It can be used in a physical sense, such as "The drought has depleted the water supply in the region," or in a more emotional sense, as in "Her toxic relationship with her ex-husband had completely depleted her energy and self-esteem."

3. Sap - This verb means to gradually weaken or drain someone's strength, energy, or resources. It can also be used in a figurative sense to describe something that gradually wears down or erodes over time. For example, "The constant stress and pressure of his job sapped his motivation and creativity."

4. Exhaustion - This noun is often used as a synonym for "drain" to describe the state of being completely depleted or worn out, both physically and emotionally. It can also refer to the process of using up resources until they are completely gone.

5. Depletion - Similar to exhaustion, this noun refers to the process of using up or draining something until it is completely gone. It can also be used in a more abstract sense to describe the gradual loss or decline of something over time.

6. Wear down - This phrasal verb means to gradually reduce someone's strength, energy, or resistance through persistent pressure or stress. It can also be used in a physical sense to describe something that becomes worn out or damaged over time.

7. Drainage - While this word is not typically used as a synonym for "drain," it does have a similar meaning when referring to the removal of liquid from an area or system. For example, "The drainage system in the city was unable to handle the heavy rainfall, causing flooding in some areas."

8. Fatigue - This noun refers to the physical and mental tiredness that comes from overexertion or prolonged stress. It can be used as a synonym for "drain" when describing the feeling of being completely exhausted or drained.

9. Enervate - This verb means to weaken or drain someone's energy or vitality. It is often used in a more formal context, such as in academic or literary writing.

10. Erode - While this word is not typically used as a synonym for "drain," it does have a similar meaning when referring to something that gradually wears away or diminishes over time. For example, "The constant criticism and negativity from her boss eroded her confidence and self-worth."

