
语言百科2024-02-25 12:10:43留学世界





1. 干燥的

首先,最常见的意思就是“干燥的”。比如说,“My skin gets very dry in the winter.”(我的皮肤在冬天会变得很干燥。)或者,“I need to hang my clothes outside to dry.”(我需要把衣服挂在外面晾干。)这里的“dry”都指物体表面没有水分或液体。

2. 无趣的

除了形容物体表面没有水分,dry也可以用来形容人或事物缺乏趣味性。比如说,“That movie was so dry, I almost fell asleep.”(那部电影太无聊了,我差点睡着了。)或者,“He has a very dry sense of humor.”(他有一种非常无趣的幽默感。)

3. 禁酒

在美国英语中,“dry”还可以指禁酒。这起源于20世纪初期美国对酒精饮料实行的禁酒令。比如说,“I'm on a dry month, so I can't drink any alcohol.”(我正在进行一个禁酒月,所以不能喝任何酒精。)

4. 无雨的

除了指物体表面没有水分,dry也可以用来形容天气没有雨。比如说,“It's been really dry lately, we haven't had any rain in weeks.”(最近一直都很干燥,几周都没有下雨了。)或者,“The forecast says it will be dry and sunny all week.”(天气预报说这周会持续干燥和晴朗。)

5. 紧张的

在口语中,dry还可以用来形容人或情况紧张、尴尬。比如说,“The atmosphere at the meeting was really dry, no one was talking.”(会议上的氛围非常紧张,没人说话。)或者,“It was a really dry conversation, we didn't have much to talk about.”(这是一次非常尴尬的谈话,我们没有太多话题可聊。)

6. 干旱的


1. 独特性强的原创内容

在英语单词中,dry是一个形容词,意为“干燥的”,它的发音为/ draɪ /。但是,在不同的语境下,dry可能会有不同的发音和含义。因此,在学习如何正确地读这个单词之前,我们需要了解它在不同情况下的用法和含义。

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3. 内容精准详细


a. 干燥的意思

首先,让我们来看一下dry作为形容词时的基本含义。它指物体表面没有水分或液体,并且感觉粗糙或没有光泽。例如,“The clothes are dry after being in the sun for hours.”(衣服在太阳下晒了几个小时后变干了。)

b. 无趣的、枯燥乏味的意思

除了表示物体表面没有水分的含义外,dry还可以用来形容某件事情或某个人枯燥乏味、无趣。例如,“The lecture was so dry that I almost fell asleep.”(那堂讲座太枯燥了,我差点睡着了。)在这种情况下,dry的发音为/ draɪ /。

c. 干笑的意思

此外,dry还可以作为一个动词,表示“干笑”或“冷笑”。例如,“He just dryly laughed at my joke.”(他只是干笑了一下我的笑话。)在这种情况下,dry的发音为/ draɪli /。

4. 如何正确读dry


a. 当它表示“干燥”的意思时,读作/ draɪ /。

b. 当它表示“无趣的、枯燥乏味的”意思时,读作/ draɪ /。

c. 当它作为动词表示“干笑”的意思时,读作/ draɪli /。

5. 练习和应用


a. 练习:听力练习是提高发音准确性的有效方法。你可以找一段包含dry这个单词的英语对话或文章,反复听并模仿发音。

b. 应用:在日常生活中,当你遇到dry这个单词时,试着用正确的发音来读它。例如,在超市购买干果时,你可以对售货员说:“Can I have some dry fruits, please?”(我可以要些干果吗?)


1. “dry”作为形容词,意为“干的,干燥的”,常用来描述缺乏水分或湿润的状态。它也可以用来表示无趣、无聊或缺乏感情。


- The clothes are still wet, I need to put them in the dryer to make them dry.


- After a long period of drought, the land became dry and barren.


- We went to a comedy show last night, but it was so dry that we fell asleep.


2. “dry”也可以作为动词使用,意为“使变干,晾干”。它还可以表示停止流泪或停止出汗。


- Please dry your hands before touching the clean dishes.


- She cried so much that her tears wouldn't stop, but eventually they dried up.


- The doctor prescribed some medicine to help dry up my excessive sweating.


3. “dry”还可以用作副词,表示“干燥地,干巴巴地”,常用来描述食物或气候。


- The bread was so dry that it was difficult to swallow.


- It's been a dry summer, we haven't had any rain for weeks.


4. “dry”作为名词时,意为“干燥”,常用来指没有雨水的天气或缺少水分的状态。


- The farmers were worried about the dry weather and its effect on their crops.


- After the flood, the town was left in a state of dry and desolation.


5. “dry”还有一些常见的搭配表达:

- Dry off: 擦干,把湿润的东西擦干。

例句:She dried off her hair with a towel after taking a shower.(她洗完澡后用毛巾把头发擦干。)

- Dry out: 使变得更加干燥,除去水分。

例句:I left the wet clothes outside to dry out in the sun.(我把湿衣服放在外面让它们在阳光下晾干。)

- Dry up: 干涸,枯竭,用完。

例句:The river has dried up due to the drought.(由于干旱,这条河已经干涸了。)

- Dry cough: 干咳,没有痰的咳嗽。

例句:He has been suffering from a dry cough for weeks.(他已经有几周一直在干咳。)


1. “Dry” as an adjective means “lacking moisture or wetness,” and is often used to describe a state of being without water or humidity. It can also be used to describe something that is dull, boring, or lacking emotion.


- The clothes are still wet, I need to put them in the dryer to make them dry.

- After a long period of drought, the land became dry and barren.

- We went to a comedy show last night, but it was so dry that we fell asleep.

2. As a verb, “dry” means “to remove moisture or make something dry.” It can also mean to stop crying or sweating.


- Please dry your hands before touching the clean dishes.

- She cried so much that her tears wouldn't stop, but eventually they dried up.

- The doctor prescribed some medicine to help dry up my excessive sweating.

3. “Dry” can also be used as an adverb, meaning “in a dry or parched manner.” It is often used to describe food or weather.


- The bread was so dry that it was difficult to swallow.

- It's been a dry summer, we haven't had any rain for weeks.

4. When used as a noun, “dry” means “a lack of moisture” and is often used to describe a state of being without rain or lacking water.


- The farmers were worried about the dry weather and its effect on their crops.

- After the flood, the town was left in a state of dry and desolation.

5. Here are some common phrases using “dry”:

- Dry off: to wipe or rub something until it is no longer wet.

Example: She dried off her hair with a towel after taking a shower.

- Dry out: to become drier; to remove moisture from something.

Example: I left the wet clothes outside to dry out in the sun.

- Dry up: to become completely dry; to use up completely.

Example: The river has dried up due to the drought.

- Dry cough: a cough without phlegm or mucus.

Example: He has been suffering from a dry cough for weeks.

In conclusion, “dry” has various meanings depending on its part of speech and context. It is often used to describe a lack of moisture or water. As an adjective, verb, adverb, and noun, it has different uses and can be seen in many common phrases


1. Dry as a bone: 干燥如骨


2. Dry spell: 干旱期


3. Dry humor: 冷幽默


4. Dry up: 干涸,枯竭


5. Dry wit: 幽默机智

与dry humor类似,但更强调机智和智慧。

6. Bone dry: 骨干,极度干燥


7. Dry cleaning: 干洗


8. Dry run: 试运行


9. Dry heat: 干热


10. Dry goods: 干货



1. Arid - This word has a similar meaning to "dry" and is often used to describe a place or climate that lacks moisture.

2. Dehydrated - This word is often used to describe something that has lost its water content, making it dry.

3. Parched - This word can be used to describe something that is extremely dry, especially due to a lack of rainfall.

4. Barren - This word has a broader meaning and can refer to land or soil that is unable to produce plants or crops due to being dry and infertile.

5. Desiccated - This word is often used in scientific contexts and refers to something that has been completely dried out.

6. Drought-stricken - This hyphenated word describes an area or region that is suffering from a severe lack of rain, resulting in dry conditions.

7. Thirsty - While this word can also be used literally to describe the need for water, it can also be used figuratively to describe something as being dry or lacking moisture.

8. Sere - This poetic term describes something as being withered or dried up, often in reference to plants or vegetation.

9. Bone-dry - This phrase emphasizes the extreme dryness of something, comparing it to the dryness of bones.

10. Waterless - As the name suggests, this word describes something as being completely without water and therefore very dry.

Overall, these words all have a similar meaning to "dry" but may have slightly different connotations or contexts in which they are used. It's important for language learners to understand these synonyms in order to expand their vocabulary and express themselves more precisely in English.

When learning how to pronounce the word "dry", it's important for language learners to pay attention to the vowel sound in the middle of the word. It should sound like "eye" and not like "ee". Some tips for practicing the correct pronunciation include listening to native speakers, using online resources or apps with audio recordings, and practicing saying the word out loud.

In conclusion, there are many ways to say "dry" in English, each with its own unique nuance and usage. By understanding these synonyms and practicing proper pronunciation, language learners can improve their English skills and communicate more effectively. Remember to avoid using hyperlinks in your written content and to be precise and detailed in your writing. Happy learning!

dry是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“干燥的”。在英语中,dry的发音有多种变化,但最常见的读法是/ draɪ /。除了基本的意思外,dry还有许多不同用法和词组,如“keep dry”、“dry up”、“dry off”等等。同时,为了帮助大家更好地掌握这个单词,我还为大家提供了一些双语例句和同义词示例。希望通过本文的介绍,大家能够更加熟练地使用dry这个单词,并且在日常生活中能够灵活运用。最后,我是网站编辑小A,在此非常感谢大家对本文的阅读和支持。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语学习内容。谢谢!
