
语言百科2024-02-25 16:26:43留学世界




1. 定义:due是一个英语单词,意为“应该的”、“应得的”、“到期的”。它可以作为形容词、名词或者副词使用,具体含义取决于句子结构和语境。

2. 词源:due这个词源自拉丁语“debitum”,意为“欠款”、“应付款项”。在英语中,它最早出现在14世纪,最初的意思是指“应付的款项”。随着时间推移,它的含义逐渐扩展,涵盖了更多方面。

3. 不同用法:作为形容词时,due通常用来描述某件事物或者行为是否符合预期、合理或者公正。比如,“你的工资已经到期了,但是你还没有收到。”中的due就表示“应该”的意思。作为名词时,due可以指代某个人或者组织应该支付的款项。比如,“房租每月都要交一次,这是我的租金due。”中的due就表示“到期”的意思。作为副词时,due可以修饰动词或者形容词,表示某件事情发生的时间符合预期或者按时。比如,“我要赶飞机了,我必须尽快完成所有任务,否则我会迟到。”中的due就表示“按时”的意思。

4. 反问:你知道吗?在英语中,due有时也可以用来表达反问的语气。比如,“你还没有完成作业?这是due今天晚上交的,你怎么还没有做?”中的due就表示“应该”的意思,但是语气带有一种责备或者讽刺的意味。

5. 举例子:小明每天都会提醒自己要按时交房租,因为他知道如果不按时交房租,就会产生违约金。他总是对自己说:“记住,房租due了,不要忘了交。”这句话中的due表示“到期”的意思,同时也暗示了小明对自己负责任的态度。

6. 幽默感:有趣的是,在英语中,due经常被用来开玩笑。比如,“我今天把作业忘在家里了,老师肯定会生气。”朋友调侃道:“你最好赶紧做完再交给老师吧,不然作业就due了!”这里的due虽然表示“到期”的意思,但是却被用来开玩笑,并且暗示了朋友并不认为作业真的很重要



1. 发音


- 当作形容词时,读作/djuː/,即/d-y-u/,其中的/d/是清辅音,/j/是半元音。

- 当作名词时,读作/dʒuː/,即/j-y-u/,其中的/j/是浊辅音。

2. 读音规则


- 当作形容词时,在句子中通常位于名词前面修饰名词。例如:“The due date for this assignment is next week.”(这项任务的截止日期是下周)

- 当作名词时,在句子中通常位于动词后面充当宾语。例如:“I still have some dues to pay.”(我还有一些费用要付)

3. 例子


- “The due date for this bill is tomorrow.”(这张账单的截止日期是明天)这里,“due”作为形容词,修饰名词“date”。

- “He didn't pay his dues on time.”(他没有按时付款)这里,“due”作为名词,充当宾语


1. 什么是due


2. 常见用法

- 形容词用法:due作为形容词时,通常放在名词前面,表示某物应该得到或者做出某种反应或结果。例如:“You are due for a promotion.”(你应该得到晋升了。)

- 名词用法:due作为名词时,通常指应付款项或者截止日期。例如:“The rent is due on the first of every month.”(房租每月一号到期。)

- 副词用法:due作为副词时,通常放在动词后面,表示按时、准时地发生或完成某事。例如:“The payment is due tomorrow.”(付款明天要到期了。)

3. 双语例句

- The project is due for completion by the end of this month.(这个项目应该在本月底完成。)

- The rent is due on the first day of each month.(每月一号房租到期。)

- She was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.(因为生病,她无法参加会议。)

- The due date for the assignment is next Monday.(作业的截止日期是下周一。)



1. Due date: 指截止日期,通常用于指定某项任务或工作的最后期限。

2. Due process: 指正当程序,是指在法律程序中保障公民权利的一种法律原则。

3. Due diligence: 指尽职调查,是指在进行商业交易或投资时对相关信息进行仔细审查和评估。

4. Due payment: 指应付款项,通常用于指定某笔款项的到期支付日期。

5. Due notice: 指应注意事项,是指提前通知他人需要注意的事情或要求。

6. Due care: 指应有的注意和谨慎,是指在做出决定或行动时应该具备的谨慎态度。

7. Due consideration: 指应予考虑,是指对某事物或情况应该给予充分的思考和重视。

8. Due process of law: 法律程序正当性,是指在司法程序中保障公民权利的一种原则。

9. Due to circumstances beyond one's control: 由于不可抗力因素,在英语中常用于说明某件事情发生的原因。

10. Pay one's dues: 偿还欠款,也可以表示做出应得的努力或付出必要的代价


1. Owed: This is another way to say "due" and is often used in a more formal context. For example, "The payment is owed by the end of the month."

2. Payable: This word can be used to describe something that is due or must be paid. For instance, "The rent is payable on the first of every month."

3. Expected: When something is due, it is expected to happen or be completed by a certain time. For example, "The report is due by tomorrow."

4. Outstanding: This word can be used to describe something that is still due or has not been paid yet. For instance, "There are still outstanding invoices that need to be paid."

5. Satisfactory: When something is due, it means it meets the requirements or expectations set forth. For example, "Your work was not satisfactory and therefore your payment will not be due until it's completed correctly."

6. Appropriate: This word can be used to describe something that is suitable or fitting for a particular situation. For instance, "The amount of money you owe is appropriate for the services provided."

7. Adequate: When something is due, it means it meets the necessary standards or requirements. For example, "Your payment was adequate for the work you did."

8. Timely: This word can be used to describe something that happens at the right time or within a reasonable timeframe. For instance, "Please make sure your payment arrives in a timely manner."

