
语言百科2024-02-26 01:47:44留学世界




1. durex的来历



2. durex的产品


3. durex与年轻人


4. durex的影响力



1. durex的发音


2. durex的含义


3. durex的历史

durex这个品牌最初由英国一家名为"Lancaster Rubber Company"的公司于1915年推出。当时它被称为"Dura-Tex",意为耐用的橡胶。后来该公司改名为"durex"并开始生产避孕套。随着时间的推移,durex逐渐成为全球知名品牌,并于1999年被英国制药巨头利洁时收购。

4. durex在不同语言中的发音


5. durex在中国


6. durex与性教育



1. 什么是durex?

Durex是一种知名的安全套品牌,它的英文全称是"Durable Reliable Excellence",意为耐用可靠的卓越品质。它既是一种避孕工具,也是一种性保健产品。

2. 如何正确使用durex?


3. durex的双语例句

- 中文:我买了一盒durex安全套。

英文:I bought a box of durex condoms.

- 中文:你知道如何正确使用durex吗?

英文:Do you know how to use durex properly?


1. Durex Condoms - 迪巧避孕套

2. Durex Play - 迪巧情趣润滑剂

3. Durex Intense - 迪巧强力型避孕套

4. Durex Invisible - 迪巧透明避孕套

5. Durex Pleasure Pack - 迪巧欢愉组合包

6. Durex Real Feel - 迪巧真实感避孕套

7. Durex Mutual Climax - 迪巧双向高潮避孕套

8. Durex Extra Safe - 迪巧额外安全型避孕套

9. Durex Performax Intense - 迪巧高效强力型避孕套

10. Durex Play Vibrations - 迪巧情趣震动环

11. Durex Tingle - 迪巧刺激型避孕套

12. Durex Fetherlite Ultra Thin Feel-迪巧超薄透感避孕套

13. Durex Extended Pleasure-迪巧延时型避孕套

14. Durex Sensi-Thin-迪巧超薄敏感型避孕套

15.Durex Pleasuremax Warming-迪巧温暖型避孕套

16.Durex Avanti Bare RealFeel Non-Latex Condoms-迪巧阿凡提真实感非乳胶避孕套

17.Durex Sensi-Fit-迪巧贴合型避孕套

18.Durex Extra Sensitive-迪巧超敏感型避孕套

19.Durex XXL-迪巧超大号避孕套

20.Durex Intense Sensation Studded-迪巧强力刺激型避孕套

21. Durex Pleasure Me - 迪巧欢愉型避孕套

22. Durex Performax Mutual Climax - 迪巧双向高潮延时型避孕套

23. Durex Play Cheeky Cherry - 迪巧情趣樱桃味润滑剂

24. Durex Play Saucy Strawberry - 迪巧情趣草莓味润滑剂

25. Durex Play Aloe Vera - 迪巧情趣芦荟味润滑剂

26. Durex Play Perfect Glide - 迪巧情趣顺滑润滑剂

27. Durex Play Warming - 迪巧情趣温热润滑剂

28. Durex Massage 2in1 Sensual with Ylang Ylang - 迪巧按摩双效感官油(含伊兰伊兰)

29. Durex Massage 2in1 Stimulating with Guarana - 迪巧按摩双效刺激油(含瓜拉纳)

30. Durex Massage 2in1 Soothing with Aloe Vera - 迪巧按摩双效舒缓油(含芦荟)

31. Durex Massage & Play Intensify - 迪巧按摩和情趣双效增强霜

32. Durex Play Delight - 迪巧情趣香蕉味润滑剂

33. Durex Play Tingling - 迪巧情趣刺激型润滑剂

34. Durex Play Cherry - 迪巧情趣樱桃味润滑剂

35. Durex Play Feel - 迪巧情趣透明润滑剂

36. Durex Play Strawberry - 迪巧情趣草莓味润滑剂

37. Durex Mutual Climax Condoms & Lubricant-迪巧双向高潮型避孕套和润滑剂组合包

38. Durex Real Feel Pleasure Gel-迪巧真实感愉悦凝胶

39.Durex Perfect Glide Silicone Based Lubricant-迪巧顺滑硅基润滑剂

40.Durex Excite Me Condoms-迪巧刺激型避孕套

41.Durex Intense Stimulating Condoms-迪巧强力刺激型避孕套

42.Durex Pleasuremax Condoms-迪巧欢愉型避孕套

43.Durex Fetherlite Ultra Thin Feel Condoms-迪巧超薄透感避孕套

44.Durex Extra Safe Condoms-迪巧额外安全型避孕套

45.Durex Sensi-Thin Condoms-迪巧超薄敏感型避孕套

46.Durex Extended Pleasure Condoms-迪巧延时型避孕套

47.Durex Invisible Extra Lubricated Condoms-迪巧透明超润滑型避孕套

48. Durex Play Sweet Strawberry - 迪巧情趣甜蜜草莓味润滑剂

49. Durex Play Tingle Me - 迪巧情趣刺激震动润滑剂

50. Durex Play Cheeky Cherry Lube & Massage Gel - 迪巧情趣樱桃味润滑和按摩凝胶


1. Condom - This is the most common term used for durex in English. It refers to a thin sheath worn over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

2. Rubber - Another commonly used synonym for durex is rubber. This term originated from the material used to make condoms, which was originally made from rubber latex.

3. Prophylactic - This is a more formal term for durex and refers to any device or medication used to prevent disease or pregnancy. In the context of durex, it specifically refers to condoms.

4. Sheath - Similar to prophylactic, this term also has a formal tone and refers to a covering or protection, specifically in the context of condoms.

5. Love glove - This is a playful and humorous way of referring to durex, often used in slang or casual conversations.

6. Johnny - This term originated from World War I when soldiers were issued condoms named "Johnnies" by the British Army. It is still sometimes used as a synonym for durex.

7. French letter - This term is primarily used in British English and comes from the French word "préservatif," meaning condom.

8. Safe - While not directly related to durex, this term is often used as a synonym for condoms in general due to their role in preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

9. Rubber johnny - Similar to "Johnny," this term also has its origins in World War I when American soldiers called condoms "rubber Johnnies."

10. Jimmy hat - Another playful and casual way of referring to durex, this term originated from the brand name "Trojan," which became synonymous with condoms in general.

11. Protective sheath - This is another formal way of referring to durex and highlights its role as a protective barrier during sexual intercourse.

12. Contraceptive - This term refers to any method or device used to prevent pregnancy, including durex condoms.

13. Safety - Similar to "safe," this term is often used as a synonym for condoms in general, emphasizing their role in preventing unwanted consequences of sexual activity.

14. Love sock - This is another humorous and slang term for durex, often used in casual conversations or jokes.

15. Intimate apparel - While not specifically referring to durex, this term can be used as a euphemism for condoms in general and highlights their role in intimate relationships.

16. Barrier method - This term refers to any contraceptive method that creates a physical barrier between the sperm and the egg, including durex condoms.

17. Raincoat - Another playful and humorous way of referring to durex, this term originated from the idea that condoms protect against "rain" (i.e., sperm).

18. Protective device - Similar to "protective sheath," this term also has a formal tone and highlights the protective role of durex during sexual intercourse.

19. Love cover - This is another playful and informal way of referring to durex, highlighting its role as a covering during sexual activity.

20. Rubber johnny bag - Similar to "rubber johnny," this term also originated from World War I when American soldiers called condoms "rubber Johnny bags."

