
语言百科2024-02-26 13:52:46留学世界



1. 什么是easiness?



2. easiness的词性及词源


3. easiness在日常生活中的用法

Easiness通常用来形容某件事情或者状态,表示轻松、舒适、不费力。比如,“The easiness of the task made it enjoyable.”(这项任务的轻松性让人感到愉悦。)它也可以用来形容人的性格或者行为,表示某人很随和、轻松。例如,“She has an easiness about her that makes people feel comfortable.”(她有一种随和的气质让人感觉很舒服。)

4. easiness与其他相关词汇


5. easiness在文学作品中的运用

Easiness是一个常见的词汇,在文学作品中也经常出现。它可以用来形容人物的性格、环境氛围或者某个场景,帮助读者更好地感受到故事中的轻松愉快的氛围。比如,“The easiness of the summer breeze made her feel carefree.”(夏日微风带来的轻松感让她感觉无忧无虑。)

6. easiness在商业领域中的应用

在商业领域,easiness也是一个常见的词汇。它可以用来形容产品或服务的易用性、便捷性和舒适度,从而吸引消费者。比如,“Our new app is designed for easiness and convenience.”(我们新开发的应用旨在提供便捷和舒适体验。)





1. 音标:[iːzi]。

2. 第一个音节[easy]的发音要长一些,嘴唇要微微张开。

3. 注意第二个音节[ness]的发音要比第一个音节轻一些。



1. easiness的含义和用法


2. “easiness”在句中的用法

(1) 作为名词:在句中作主语、宾语或表语。


- The easiness of the task surprised me.


- She enjoys the easiness of her new job.


- His easiness in dealing with difficult situations impressed his colleagues.


(2) 作为形容词:在句中修饰名词。


- The easiness of the exam made me feel relaxed.


- The teacher's easiness in explaining complicated concepts helped us understand better.


3. “easiness”与其他相关单词

- Easy: 容易的,简单的;与easiness同义,但easy更常用于修饰名词。

- Ease: 容易,轻松;与easiness同义,但ease更常用作名词。

- Effortlessness: 轻松自如;与easiness意思相近,但effortlessness强调毫不费力的状态。

- Simplicity: 简单,简易;与easiness意思相近,但simplicity更强调事物的简单性。

4. 双语例句

- The easiness of the language made it easy for me to learn.


- I admire her easiness in adapting to new environments.


- The easiness of the task was deceiving; it turned out to be more difficult than expected.


- His easiness in dealing with difficult customers is commendable.



1. Ease of use - 使用便捷性

2. Simplicity - 简单性

3. Effortlessness - 轻松自如

4. Uncomplicatedness - 不复杂

5. Straightforwardness - 直接简单

6. User-friendly - 用户友好的

7. Convenience - 方便性

8. Comfortability - 舒适度

9. Hassle-free - 无麻烦的

10. Smoothness - 流畅性

11. Effortless operation - 操作轻松简单

12. Ease of understanding - 易于理解

13. User simplicity - 用户简洁性

14. User convenience - 用户方便性

15. Easy navigation - 简单导航

16. Simple interface - 简单界面

17. Intuitive design- 直观设计

18. Minimal learning curve- 最小学习曲线

19.Easy to operate- 操作简便

20.Straightforward instructions- 简明指示

21.Clear and concise- 清晰简洁

22.User-friendly layout- 用户友好布局

23.Effortless access- 轻松访问

24.Simple process- 简单流程

25.Easy to understand functions- 易于理解的功能


1. Simplicity

Simplicity is a synonym for easiness, meaning something that is easy to do or understand. For example, "The instructions for this game are written with simplicity in mind, making it easy for anyone to play."

2. Effortlessness

Effortlessness is another word for easiness, describing something that can be done without much effort or difficulty. For instance, "The design of this app allows users to navigate it with effortlessness, making it user-friendly."

3. Facileness

Facileness refers to the quality of being easy or simple, and can be used as a synonym for easiness. For instance, "The facileness of this software makes it accessible to people of all ages and technical abilities."

4. Straightforwardness

Straightforwardness means being direct and uncomplicated, and can be used as a synonym for easiness. For example, "The straightforwardness of the instructions made it easy for me to assemble the furniture."

5. Ease

Ease is a simple word that can be used as a synonym for easiness, describing something that is not difficult or complicated. For instance, "The ease of use of this product makes it popular among consumers."

6. Uncomplicatedness

Uncomplicatedness refers to the state of being uncomplicated or not complex, and can be used as a synonym for easiness. For example, "The uncomplicatedness of this recipe makes it perfect for beginners in the kitchen."

7. No-brainer

No-brainer is an informal term that means something is very easy or obvious to do or understand. For instance, "Using this app is a no-brainer - even my grandparents can figure it out!"

8. Child's play

Child's play refers to something that is very easy to do or understand, often implying that even a child could do it without difficulty. For example, "Navigating through this website is child's play - you don't need any technical skills."

9. Piece of cake

Piece of cake is a common phrase used to describe something that is extremely easy to do. For instance, "Completing this task was a piece of cake - I finished it in no time."

10. Breeze

Breeze is another word for easiness, often used to describe something that is effortless or uncomplicated. For example, "The new update made using this software a breeze - everything is much simpler now."

11. Walk in the park

Walk in the park means something is very easy or simple to do, often implying that it requires little effort. For instance, "For experienced hikers, this trail will be a walk in the park."

12. Simple

Simple is a straightforward word that can be used as a synonym for easiness, describing something that is not complicated or difficult. For example, "The design of this website is simple and easy to navigate."

13. Painless

Painless means something does not cause any difficulty or discomfort, and can be used as a synonym for easiness. For instance, "The installation process for this software was painless and only took a few minutes."

14. Effortless

Effortless describes something that does not require much effort or difficulty to do or achieve, and can be used as a synonym for easiness. For example, "With the new updates, using this app has become effortless - I can complete tasks much faster now."

15. User-friendly

User-friendly refers to something that is easy for anyone to use or understand, often implying simplicity and ease of use. For instance, "This new version of the software is more user-friendly than the previous one."

