
语言百科2024-02-26 15:33:46留学世界




1. 简介


2. 起源


3. 基督教意义


4. 庆祝方式


5. 影响




1. 音标简介


2. 音标解读

- /iː/:发音为长元音“ee”,舌尖抬起,嘴唇微微张开。

- /s/:发音为清辅音“s”,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从舌间流出。

- /t/:发音为清塞擦音“t”,舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后迅速脱离。

- /ə/:发音为中央元音“uh”,嘴唇放松,舌头放平。

- /r/:发音为近似辅音“r”,将舌尖卷起并向上抬起。

3. 音标拼读练习

- 第一步:先将每个字母按照正确的发音读出来。例如,“e”读作/iː/,“a”读作/ə/,“s”读作/s/,“t”读作/t/,“er”读作/r/。

- 第二步:将所有字母组合起来,按照正确的顺序读出来。例如,“easter”读作/ˈiːstər/。

- 第三步:练习快速拼读,注意每个音节的重音。例如,“Easter”读作/ˈiːstər/。

4. 常见误读


- easier(更容易):/ˈiːziər/

- eastern(东方的):/ˈiːstərn/

- Easter Island(复活节岛):/ˈiːstə ˈaɪlənd/

5. 注意事项



1. easter作为名词,表示“复活节”,通常指基督教的复活节。它源自希腊语单词“pascha”,意为“逾越节”。复活节是基督教最重要的节日之一,也是春季的一个重要节日,在西方国家有着悠久的传统。

2. easter也可以作为动词使用,意为“庆祝复活节”。例如:“We will easter with our family this year.”(今年我们将和家人一起庆祝复活节。)

3. 在英语中,easter还可以用来表示“开始”或者“出现”的意思。例如:“The sun rose in the east, marking the easter of a new day.”(太阳从东方升起,标志着新的一天开始了。)

4. 下面是一些关于easter的双语例句:

- Easter is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate.(复活节是家人和朋友聚在一起庆祝的时刻。)

- The Easter bunny is a popular symbol of this holiday in many countries.(很多国家都把复活节兔子作为这个假期的象征。)

- Many people attend church services on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.(许多人在复活节主日去教堂参加礼拜,庆祝耶稣基督的复活。)

- Easter eggs are a traditional part of the holiday, symbolizing new life and rebirth.(复活节彩蛋是这个节日的传统,象征着新生和重生。)

- In some countries, it is common to have an Easter egg hunt for children to find hidden eggs.(在一些国家,给孩子们找藏起来的复活节彩蛋是一种常见的活动。)

5. 总的来说,easter是一个多义词,在不同语境下可以有不同的含义。它既可以表示一个特定的节日,也可以作为动词使用,还可以用来表示开始或出现。通过学习easter的用法和双语例句,我们可以更深入地了解这个节日,并且提高自己的英语表达能力


1. Easter egg:复活节彩蛋

2. Easter bunny:复活节兔子

3. Easter basket:复活节篮子

4. Easter Sunday:复活节星期日

5. Easter parade:复活节游行

6. Easter bonnet:复活节帽子

7. Easter lily:复活百合花

8. Easter candle:复活节蜡烛

9. Easter lamb:复活节小羊

10. Easter ham:复活节火腿

11. Easter feast:复活节盛宴

12. Easter traditions:复活节传统习俗

13. Good Friday:耶稣受难日

14. Palm Sunday:棕枝主日

15. Maundy Thursday: 洗脚礼星期四

16. Holy Week: 圣周

17. Resurrection Sunday: 复活主日

18. Lent: 四旬斋期

19.Easter vigil: 复活夜祷

20.Easter hymns: 复活节赞美诗


1. Easter pronunciation

2. Easter phonetics

3. Easter accent

4. Easter intonation

5. Easter stress patterns

1. Easter pronunciation refers to the way in which the word "Easter" is spoken or pronounced in English. It involves the correct use of sounds, stress, and intonation to accurately convey the meaning of the word.

2. Easter phonetics is another term for the study of the sounds used in the English language, including how they are produced and perceived by speakers.

3. Easter accent refers to the specific way in which a person speaks English, influenced by their regional or cultural background.

4. Easter intonation refers to the rise and fall of pitch in a person's voice when speaking, which can convey emotions or add emphasis to certain words or phrases.

5. Easter stress patterns refer to the emphasis placed on certain syllables within a word, which can change its meaning or convey a different tone when spoken aloud.

In summary, these are all different aspects of how "Easter" can be expressed in spoken English and understanding them can help improve one's overall pronunciation and communication skills in the language

