
语言百科2024-02-26 18:26:09留学世界





1. "eat"的基本意思

首先,我们来看一下"eat"的基本意思。作为一个动词,它的含义是"吃"或者"进食"。比如,在餐厅里你可以对服务员说"I would like to eat a burger."(我想吃一个汉堡包。)

2. "eat"在口语中的用法

除了基本的意思之外,"eat"还有一些常用的口语表达方式。比如,在美国人和英国人之间流行的问候语就有"Eat well?"(吃得好吗?)这句话其实是在关心对方是否有足够的食物来维持健康。

3. "eat away at"

此外,我们还可以说某件事情正在"Eat away at me."(让我感到烦恼。)这句话通常用于形容一件让人不舒服或者痛苦的事情。

4. "eat into"

如果某件事情正在消耗你的时间或者金钱,我们也可以使用"eat into"这个短语来表达。比如,"I can't go out tonight, I have to study. It's eating into my free time."(我今晚不能出去,我得学习。这会占用我的空闲时间。)

5. "eat up"


1. eat的含义


2. eat的发音


3. eat的词性


4. eat的过去式和过去分词形式

eat的过去式是ate,过去分词形式是eaten。例如,“我昨天吃了一个苹果”可以翻译为“I ate an apple yesterday”。

5. eat的常见搭配

(1) eat breakfast/lunch/dinner:吃早餐/午餐/晚餐

(2) eat out:外出就餐

(3) eat up:把食物吃完

(4) eat healthy:健康饮食

6. 其他相关表达方式


(1) have a meal:用餐

(2) dine on:享用(正式场合)

(3) devour:狼吞虎咽地吃(通常指大量食物)

(4) munch:用力咀嚼(通常指吃东西的声音)

(5) feast on:大快朵颐(通常指享用美食)

7. eat的其他含义

除了“吃”之外,eat还可以表示“消耗、侵蚀、耗尽”的意思。例如,“时间不多了,我们得赶紧吃掉这个任务”可以翻译为“We don't have much time left, we need to eat up this task”。

8. eat的常见短语

(1) eat away at:侵蚀,损害

(2) eat into:侵蚀,减少

(3) eat up:消耗完,吞没

(4) be eaten up with:被…困扰


1. “eat”的基本含义


- I eat breakfast every morning.(我每天早上吃早餐。)

- The lion eats meat.(狮子吃肉。)

- The apple was eaten by the dog.(苹果被狗吃掉了。)

2. “eat”的其他用法


- 同类事物相互影响:eat into(侵蚀)、eat away at(消耗)、eat up(耗尽)等。

- 消费、花费:eat up all the money(花光所有钱)。

- 承受、忍受:eat one's heart out(悲伤到极点)。

- 同类事物相互竞争:the big fish eats the small fish(大鱼吃小鱼)。

3. 双语例句


- He ate his dinner quickly and went to bed. (他迅速地吃完晚餐就去睡觉了。)

- The birds are eating seeds in the garden. (鸟儿们在花园里吃种子。)

- The dog ate the bone in one bite. (狗一口就把骨头吃掉了。)

- The acid rain has eaten away at the statue's surface. (酸雨已经侵蚀了这座雕像的表面。)

- Don't eat up all the cookies. Save some for later. (别把所有的饼干都吃光,留一些到后面吃。)

- She's been eating her heart out since her boyfriend broke up with her. (自从她男朋友和她分手后,她一直悲伤不已。)

- In this industry, the big companies eat up all the small ones. (在这个行业里,大公司吞并小公司是很常见的事情。)



1. Eat out: 在外就餐

2. Eat up: 吃光,吃完

3. Eat in: 在家吃饭

4. Eat away: 消耗,腐蚀

5. Eat into: 侵蚀,削弱

6. Eat up with: 被…困扰,被…吞噬

7. Eat one's words: 收回自己的话

8. Eat like a bird: 吃得很少,饭量小

9. Eat like a horse: 吃得很多,饭量大

10. Eat humble pie: 承认错误,谦卑自下地道歉

11. Eat someone out of house and home: 吃得太多,把某人家里的东西都吃光了

12. You are what you eat: 你吃什么就是什么样的人(指饮食对身体健康的影响)

13. Eating disorder: 饮食失调(指暴食症、厌食症等)

14. Eating habits: 饮食习惯

15. Eating utensils: 餐具


17。Eat and run:匆匆忙忙地吃完就走。

18。Eat up the scenery:欣赏景色。

19。Eat someone alive:严厉批评某人。

20。Eat dirt:受到屈辱,丢脸。

21。Eat crow:认错,收回自己的话。

22。Eat high on the hog:吃得很好,享受奢华生活。

23。Eat one's heart out:悲伤,痛苦。

24。Eat into one's savings:花光积蓄。

25。Eat out of someone's hand:被某人操控,听从某人的意志。

26。Eating one's own words:收回自己的话。

27。Eating like a king/queen:吃得很好,享受美食。

28。Eating disorder treatment:饮食失调治疗。

29。Eating healthy: 健康饮食

30。Eating well: 吃得好


1. Consume

- Definition: to eat or drink something

- Example: He consumed a large meal for dinner.

2. Ingest

- Definition: to take food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it

- Example: She ingested a lot of caffeine before her exam.

3. Devour

- Definition: to eat something quickly and eagerly, often in a way that shows hunger or enthusiasm

- Example: The children devoured the pizza at the party.

4. Nosh

- Definition: to eat small amounts of food between meals; to snack

- Example: We like to nosh on chips while watching movies.

5. Feast

- Definition: a large and special meal, often for a celebration or holiday; to eat a lot at one sitting

- Example: They had a feast of traditional dishes for Thanksgiving dinner.

6. Dine

- Definition: to have dinner; to eat a meal in a formal setting or with others

- Example: They dined at an expensive restaurant for their anniversary.

7. Chow down

- Definition: to eat enthusiastically and quickly, often with great appetite; informal slang term for eating

- Example: We chowed down on burgers and fries at the cookout.

8. Snack on/upon

- Definition: to eat small amounts of food between meals; informal term for snacking

- Example: She likes to snack on fruit throughout the day.

9. Munch

- Definition: to chew something steadily and often noisily; informal term for eating

- Example: He munched on popcorn while watching the movie.

10. Graze

- Definition: to eat small amounts of food throughout the day instead of having regular meals; also used for animals feeding on grass

- Example: We grazed on appetizers at the party instead of having a full meal.


eat是一个非常常用的动词,它的意思是吃。它的发音也很简单,读起来就像是字母E和字母T连在一起一样。在英语中,eat有着丰富的用法和词组,比如eat out、eat up等等。除了常用的意思外,eat还有许多同义词可以替换使用,比如consume、ingest等等。希望通过本文的介绍,大家能够更加深入地了解到eat这个单词,并能够在日常生活中更加灵活地运用它。

