
语言百科2024-02-28 15:53:48留学世界



1. 介绍else的基本含义



2. else作为副词修饰名词


3. else作为副词修饰动词


4. else作为副词修饰整个句子


5. else还可以作为连词使用


6. else的其他用法

除了以上常见的用法外,else还有一些特殊的用法。比如,在计算机编程中,else通常与if连用,表示“否则”的意思。在英语中也有一个短语“or else”,表示“要不然就……”。此外,else还可以作为名词使用,表示“其他选择”或者“其他人”。例如,“我已经尝试了所有的方法,但是没有成功。我只能求助于别的方法了。”



1. 介绍else的含义

Else是一个英语单词,常用作连词或副词,表示除此之外、另外、否则等含义。在语法上,它通常被用来引导一个条件句的后半部分,表达对前半部分的否定或补充。例如:“If it rains, we will stay inside. Else, we will go for a walk.”(如果下雨了,我们会待在室内。否则,我们会去散步。)

2. else的发音


3. else的意思和用法


(1) 表示“其他”的意思:例如,“What else do you want?”(你还想要什么?)

(2) 与“if”连用表示“否则”的意思:例如,“Come on, or else we'll be late.”(赶快走吧,不然我们会迟到。)

(3) 与“or”连用表示“要不然”的意思:例如,“You should study hard, or else you won't pass the exam.”(你应该努力学习,要不然就过不了考试。)

4. else的同义词和近义词


(1) Otherwise:表示“否则”的意思,与else的用法相同。

(2) Besides:表示“除此之外”的意思,与else的用法类似。

(3) Furthermore:表示“此外”的意思,与else的用法略有不同,更偏向于表达补充信息。

5. else在句子中的位置

Else通常位于句子中较靠后的位置,作为一个副词出现。例如,“I will go to the store, else I won't have anything to eat.”(我会去商店,否则我就没东西吃了。)

6. else在语言学习中的应用




1. else的基本用法

Else是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作为副词、形容词和名词使用。作为副词时,else的含义是“其他”,可以用来强调某个事物之外的其他事物。例如,“Do you want anything else?”(你还想要别的吗?)作为形容词时,else表示“另外的”,常用于表达某种选择或者补充。例如,“What else do you need?”(你还需要什么别的吗?)作为名词时,else指代“其他事物”或者“其他人”。例如,“I will help everyone else first.”(我会先帮助其他人。)

2. else与其它单词搭配使用

除了以上基本用法外,else还有一些常见的搭配用法。比如,“or else”表示“否则”,强调某种结果或者后果。“What’s wrong with him, or else why is he acting like that?”(他怎么了,要不然他为什么会这样表现?)另外,“if not...else”表示“否则”,强调某种条件下的不同情况。“If you don’t come, I’ll go alone, if not...else we can go together.”(如果你不来,我就一个人去,要不然...否则我们可以一起去。)

3. 双语例句

- What else can I do for you? (我还能为你做什么?)

- I don't want anything else. (我不想要别的。)

- Let's go somewhere else. (我们去别的地方吧。)

- He is always doing something or else he gets bored. (他总是做点什么,否则就会感到无聊。)

- If you don't finish your homework, there will be consequences, or else... (如果你不完成作业,就会有后果,要不然...)


1. "or else" - 否则,要不然

例如:"You need to finish your homework, or else you won't be able to go out with your friends tonight."

2. "something else" - 其他的事情,别的东西

例如:"I don't want to eat pizza again, let's get something else for dinner."

3. "anything else" - 任何其他的事情

例如:"Do you need anything else from the store?"

4. "somewhere else" - 别的地方,其他地方

例如:"I'm tired of this city, I want to live somewhere else."

5. "someone/somebody else" - 别人,其他人

例如:"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend. I have feelings for someone else."

6. "elsewhere" - 在其他地方

例如:"I'm sorry, we're all out of that item here. You might be able to find it elsewhere."

7. "or something/anything/whatever else" - 或者其他什么东西

例如:"Do you want to get ice cream or something/anything/whatever else?"

8. "nothing else" - 没有别的,什么都没有

例如:"I have nothing else to say on the matter."


1. Besides

Besides is a commonly used synonym for else, especially in spoken English. For example, "What else do you want to eat besides pizza?"

2. Additionally

Additionally can also be used in place of else, especially when talking about additional options or choices. For instance, "Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for the project, additionally to what we've already discussed?"

3. Furthermore

Furthermore can be used to mean "in addition" or "moreover", making it another suitable synonym for else. For example, "We need to discuss the budget for the event and furthermore, we should also consider the marketing strategy."

4. Otherwise

Otherwise is often used to express a different option or alternative, making it a good synonym for else in certain contexts. For instance, "If you don't like this restaurant, we can go somewhere otherwise."

5. Alternatively

Alternatively can be used to suggest another option or choice instead of something previously mentioned. For example, "We could go shopping at the mall or alternatively, we could go to the park and have a picnic."

6. In addition

In addition is commonly used in place of else when talking about additional things or information that should be considered. For instance, "We need to buy groceries and in addition, we should also remember to get some cleaning supplies."

7. Elsewhere

Elsewhere can be used as a synonym for else when talking about other places or locations that are not specified. For example, "If you don't like this neighborhood, we can look for houses elsewhere."

8. Alternately

Alternately is another word that can be used as a synonym for else in certain contexts where there are multiple options or choices available. For example, "You can either take the train or alternately, you could drive there yourself."

9. Or else

Or else is a common phrase that means "if not" or "otherwise", making it a good synonym for else. For instance, "You need to submit your report by tomorrow, or else you might face consequences."

10. On the other hand

On the other hand is often used to introduce a contrasting option or alternative, making it a suitable synonym for else in certain contexts. For example, "We could go to the beach for vacation, but on the other hand, we could also go on a road trip."

