
语言百科2024-02-28 22:18:07留学世界



1. 紧急情况:emergency一词最常见的意思就是指紧急情况,通常指突发的危险或重要事件,例如火灾、自然灾害、医疗紧急状况等。在这种情况下,我们通常会使用“emergency”来表示需要立即采取行动或寻求帮助。


2. 紧急医疗服务:除了指代紧急情况,emergency也可以用来表示医疗服务领域中的急诊服务。在医院中,我们经常可以看到写有“Emergency”字样的标识牌,这意味着该区域为接受紧急医疗服务的地方。

3. 紧急求救电话:在英语国家,我们经常可以听到关于“911”的故事。这个数字其实是美国和加拿大等国家的紧急求救电话号码。当遇到紧急情况时,只需拨打911即可获得帮助。类似地,在英国和欧洲其他国家,则是使用112作为紧急求救电话号码。

4. 急速反应:除了上述含义外,emergency也可以用来形容某种反应或行为非常迅速和迫切。例如,“The emergency response team arrived at the scene within minutes.”(紧急反应小组在几分钟内就到达了现场。)这里的emergency指的是行动迅速、反应敏捷的意思。

5. 紧急情况下的特殊事物:在某些情况下,我们也可以用emergency来形容一些特殊的事物,例如“emergency rations”(紧急口粮)和“emergency supplies”(紧急物资)。这些都是指在紧急情况下提供给人们食物和必需品的特殊物品


1. emergency的发音


2. emergency的词性和含义


3. emergency的同义词和近义词


4. emergency的反义词和近反义词


5. emergency的搭配用法

(1) in an emergency:表示在紧急情况下。

例如:In an emergency, please dial 911 for assistance.

(2) emergency services:表示紧急服务。

例如:The fire department provides emergency services to the community.

(3) emergency room:表示急诊室。

例如:The patient was rushed to the emergency room after the accident.

(4) emergency exit:表示紧急出口。

例如:Please familiarize yourself with the location of the emergency exits on the plane.

(5) emergency landing:表示紧急降落。

例如:The pilot made an emergency landing due to engine failure.

6. 常见短语

(1) call for emergency:呼叫紧急情况。

例如:I had to call for an emergency when my car broke down on the highway.

(2) declare an emergency:宣布紧急情况。

例如:The airline declared an emergency when one of its engines caught fire mid-flight.

(3) be in an emergency situation:处于紧急情况中。

例如:The hikers were in an emergency situation when they got lost in the mountains during a snowstorm.

7. 常见用法

(1) deal with an emergency:处理紧急情况。

例如:The paramedics are trained to deal with all kinds of emergencies.

(2) respond to an emergency:应对紧急情况。

例如:The police responded quickly to the bank robbery, preventing any harm to civilians.

8. 相关词汇


emergency plan(应急计划)、emergency kit(应急包)、emergency contact(紧急联系人)、emergency fund(应急基金)等。

9. 例句

(1) In case of an emergency, please follow the evacuation procedures.


(2) The hospital has a team of doctors on call for emergencies 24/7.


(3) The government has declared a state of emergency due to the natural disaster.


(4) It's important to have an emergency fund in case of unexpected expenses.



1. 用法


2. 双语例句

(1) In case of emergency, please call 911 for assistance.


(2) We have an emergency situation here, we need to evacuate the building immediately.


(3) The hospital has a dedicated emergency department to handle urgent medical cases.


(4) The government has declared a state of emergency due to the natural disaster.


(5) In an emergency, it is important to stay calm and follow the instructions of the authorities.


(6) The emergency response team arrived at the scene within minutes of receiving the call for help.


(7) The company has a contingency plan in place for any potential emergencies that may occur.


(8) The emergency exit is located at the back of the building.


(9) The doctor was called in for an emergency surgery in the middle of the night.


(10) The emergency hotline is available 24/7 for any urgent matters.



1. Emergency situation: 紧急情况

2. Emergency services: 紧急服务

3. Emergency response: 应急响应

4. Emergency preparedness: 应急准备

5. Emergency management: 应急管理

6. Emergency plan: 应急计划

7. Emergency evacuation: 紧急疏散

8. Emergency shelter: 应急避难所

9. Emergency supplies: 应急物资

10. Emergency kit: 应急包

11. Emergency contact: 紧急联系人/电话

12. Emergency call: 紧急呼叫/电话

13. Emergency alarm: 紧急警报/报警器

14. Emergency exit: 紧急出口/逃生通道

15. Emergency stop: 紧急停止/制动器

16. Medical emergency: 医疗紧急情况

17. Natural disaster emergency: 自然灾害应对紧急情况

18. Fire emergency:火灾突发事件

19.Emergency landing:紧急降落

20.Emergency room: 急诊室

21.Emergency response team:应对紧急情况的团队

22.Emergency protocol:应对紧急情况的协议

23.Emergency fund:应对紧急情况的基金

24.Emergency broadcast system:紧急广播系统

25.Emergency power supply:备用电源

26.Emergency lighting:应急照明灯

27.Emergency backup:紧急备用

28.Emergency procedure:应急程序

29.Emergency situation report:紧急情况报告

30.Emergency response drill:应对紧急情况的演练


1. Crisis - A situation that requires immediate attention or action.

2. Urgency - The need for immediate action or attention.

3. Critical situation - A serious and urgent problem or event.

4. Sudden emergency - An unexpected and urgent situation that requires immediate action.

5. Dire straits - A difficult or desperate situation that requires urgent action to improve.

6. Pressing matter - An important and urgent issue that needs to be addressed immediately.

7. Acute problem - A severe and pressing issue that needs to be resolved quickly.

8. Life-threatening situation - An emergency that poses a risk to someone's life and requires immediate intervention.

9. Emergency situation - A critical event or circumstance that needs immediate action to prevent harm or damage.

10. Urgent crisis - A pressing and serious situation that demands swift action to resolve it

emergency是一个十分常用的词汇,它可以表示紧急情况、突发事件,也可以指代紧急医疗服务。它的发音为/ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/,读者们可以多加练习来熟悉这个单词。在使用时,我们要注意根据具体语境选择正确的含义,并且可以通过一些词组如“emergency room”、“emergency call”等来丰富表达。同时,还可以通过使用同义词如“crisis”、“urgency”等来避免重复使用该词。最后,我是网站的编辑小编,在此感谢各位读者的阅读和关注!如果您喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!
