
语言百科2024-03-06 01:20:00留学世界




enroll一词源于法语的enroller,意为“登记、注册”,在英语中有多种含义。首先,它可以指代“加入某个组织或机构”,比如我们常说的enroll in a school(入学)、enroll in a course(选课)。其次,它也可以表示“参加某项活动或计划”,比如我们可以enroll in a fitness class(参加健身课程)、enroll in a volunteer program(参加志愿者计划)。此外,enroll还可以指“登记姓名或信息”,比如在医院挂号时我们需要填写一张enrollment form(登记表)。最后,它也可以用作及物动词,表示“招收、录取”,比如该学校每年都会enroll一批优秀的学生。总的来说,enroll是一个非常常用且多义的词汇,在日常生活中都会经常遇到


1. 是不是enroll不知道怎么读?

2. 没关系,其实很简单的,就是“en-ro-ll”。

3. “en”发音类似于“安”,“ro”发音类似于“柔”,“ll”发音类似于“乐”。

4. 这个单词的意思是注册、登记或加入。

5. 比如,你可以说:“我要enroll参加这个活动。”

6. 也可以说:“我正在考虑enroll加入这个俱乐部。”

7. enroll还有一个更常用的意思就是注册学习,比如大学生一般都会在每个学期开始时去办理enrollment。

8. 所以,如果你想表达“我要去注册上大学了”,就可以说:“I'm going to enroll in college.”

9. enroll这个词也可以用作动词和名词,所以根据语境不同可能会有些微差别。

10. 总之,记住它的发音和基本意思就够啦!快去试试吧!


1. enroll的用法:

- 动词:指注册、登记或加入某项活动、课程或组织。

- 名词:指已经注册或加入某项活动、课程或组织的人。

2. 双语例句:

- I want to enroll in a cooking class next semester.(我想在下学期报名参加一门烹饪课程。)

- How do I enroll for this workshop?(我如何报名参加这个研讨会?)

- She enrolled in a yoga retreat to relax and rejuvenate.(她报名参加了一个瑜伽修行营来放松身心。)

- He is enrolled in a prestigious university studying law.(他已经在一所知名大学就读法律专业。)

- The school has enrolled more students this year compared to last year.(与去年相比,该校今年招收了更多的学生。)


1. Enroll in (参加,登记)

- I enrolled in a yoga class last month.


- You need to enroll in the program before the deadline.


2. Enroll for (为...而注册)

- She enrolled for the course to improve her English.


- Have you enrolled for the conference yet?


3. Enroll with (与...一起注册)

- I enrolled with my friend so we can get a discount.


- You can enroll with your family members to save money.


4. Enroll on (登记,注册)

- The students have to enroll on the school's website.


- You can enroll on the waiting list if there are no available spots left.


5. Enroll as (作为...登记)

- She enrolled as a member of the club last week.


- He plans to enroll as a volunteer for the charity organization.


6. Enroll into (进入,加入)

- She enrolled into the university after graduating from high school.


- He decided to enroll into the military after college.


7. Enroll for (为...注册)

- We need to enroll for the event before it's too late.


- The deadline to enroll for the competition is next week.


8. Enroll by (通过...登记)

- You can enroll by filling out an online form.


- They enrolled by sending an email to the organizer.


9. Enroll with (与...一起注册)

- I enrolled with my friend so we can get a discount.


- You can enroll with your family members to save money.


10. Enroll in advance (提前报名)

- It's recommended to enroll in advance for popular courses.


- You can get a discount if you enroll in advance for the concert tickets.



1. Register

- Definition: to officially join a group or organization

- Example: She registered for the course at the beginning of the semester.

2. Enlist

- Definition: to join or sign up for something, often related to military service

- Example: He enlisted in the army when he turned 18.

3. Join

- Definition: to become a member of a group or organization

- Example: She joined the club in order to meet new people.

4. Sign up

- Definition: to officially register or enroll in something, usually by filling out a form or providing information

- Example: They signed up for the workshop on writing skills.

5. Enroll in

- Definition: to officially register or become a member of an institution, such as a school or program

- Example: He enrolled in the university's business program.

6. Enter

- Definition: to become a member of something, often by signing up or registering

- Example: She entered the competition for young entrepreneurs.

7. Become a member of

- Definition: to join and be accepted as part of an organization or group

- Example: He became a member of the local community center and started volunteering there.

8. Take part in

- Definition: to participate in an activity or event

- Example: They took part in the language exchange program at their university.

9. Participate in

- Definition: to take part in an activity with others

- Example: She participated in the charity run and raised money for a good cause.

10. Engage in

- Definition: to participate actively and fully in an activity

- Example: The students engaged in lively discussions during their literature class.

11. Enroll for

- Definition: to register for something, usually with an intention of attending it


She enrolled for the cooking class and learned how to make delicious dishes.

12. Sign on

- Definition: to officially agree to participate in something

- Example: He signed on for the company's new project and became a key team member.

13. Enroll oneself

- Definition: to officially register oneself as a member of an organization or institution

- Example: She enrolled herself in the dance academy and started taking classes.

14. Become a part of

- Definition: to join and be accepted as part of something

- Example: He became a part of the drama club and performed in their latest production.

15. Admit into

- Definition: to accept someone into an institution or program

- Example: The university admitted her into their prestigious law school

