
语言百科2024-03-06 03:14:58留学世界









- 它是一种感情状态,可以是内心的激情,也可以是外在的表现。

- 它通常指对某件事物或活动的兴趣、喜爱和投入程度。

- 它可以是暂时性的,也可以是持久性的。





- 保持好奇心,不断学习新知识。

- 和同事、客户保持良好的沟通,分享工作中的喜悦和挑战。

- 持续提升自己的专业能力,让自己在工作中更加得心应手。

- 记住自己为什么选择了翻译这个行业,并坚定自己的目标。



1. 英语中的enthusiasm一词通常被翻译为“热情”或“热忱”,它源自希腊语中的“ενθουσιασμός”,意为“有神灵附体”。在英语中,它的发音为/ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/,其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. 在英语中,enthusiasm一词可以作名词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它表示对某件事物或活动的强烈兴趣和投入;作形容词时,它表示充满热情和激情的状态。

3. 在日常生活中,我们可以用以下几种方式来表达enthusiasm:

- He has a lot of enthusiasm for his job.(他对工作充满热情。)

- She showed great enthusiasm for the project.(她对这个项目表现出极大的热忱。)

- The audience responded with great enthusiasm to the performance.(观众对演出反应非常热情。)

4. 此外,enthusiasm还有一些相关的表达方式:

- Enthusiast:n. 狂热者,爱好者

- Enthusiastic:adj. 狂热的,充满激情的

- Enthuse:v. 激动,热情洋溢

- Enthusiastically:adv. 热情地,激动地

5. 在英语中,enthusiasm也可以用来表示对某件事物的热爱和热衷。例如:

- She has a great enthusiasm for gardening.(她非常热爱园艺。)

- He has always had a strong enthusiasm for music.(他一直对音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。)

6. 最后,需要注意的是,enthusiasm一词通常用于正式场合或书面语中,如果在口语中使用,可能会显得过于正式或夸张。因此,在日常交流中,我们可以用更口语化的表达来代替enthusiasm,如excitement(兴奋)或passion(激情)等


1. 用法:enthusiasm是一个名词,意为“热情、热忱”。它可以用来形容对某件事物的强烈兴趣和激情,也可以指某人的积极态度和精神状态。

2. 双语例句:

- She showed great enthusiasm for learning English and made rapid progress. (她对学习英语表现出极大的热情,并取得了快速进步。)

- His enthusiasm for sports is contagious and has inspired many of his friends to join in. (他对运动的热情具有感染力,已经激励了许多朋友参与其中。)

- The audience was captivated by the speaker's enthusiasm and passion for his topic. (听众被演讲者对主题的热情和激情所吸引。)

- Despite facing many challenges, her enthusiasm for her job never wavered. (尽管面临许多挑战,她对工作的热情从未动摇。)

- The team's enthusiasm and determination led them to victory in the final match. (团队的热情和决心带领他们赢得了最后一场比赛的胜利。)


1. Enthusiasm for something - 对某事的热情

2. Enthusiastic about something - 对某事感兴趣

3. Full of enthusiasm - 充满热情

4. Show enthusiasm - 表现出热情

5. Share the enthusiasm - 分享热情

6. Genuine enthusiasm - 真诚的热情

7. Boundless enthusiasm - 无限的热情

8. Infectious enthusiasm - 有感染力的热情

9. Unbridled enthusiasm - 不受约束的热情

10. Overwhelming enthusiasm - 压倒性的热情

11. Enthusiasm and passion - 热忱与激情

12. Enthusiasm and determination - 热忱与决心

13. Enthusiasm and motivation - 热忱与动力

14. Enthusiasm and energy - 热忱与活力

15. Enthusiasm and commitment - 热忱与承诺

16. Enthusiasm and dedication- 热忱与奉献

17.Enthusiasm and drive- 热忱与推动力

18.Enthusiastic support- 狂热的支持

19.Enthusiastic response- 积极的反应

20.Enthusiastic reception- 踊跃接待

21.The spirit of enthusiasm- 狂热精神

22.Lack of enthusiasm- 缺乏热情

23.Losing enthusiasm- 失去激情

24.Enthusiasm is contagious- 热情具有感染力

25.Enthusiasm can be learned- 热情可以学习

26.Enthusiasm can be cultivated- 热情可以培养

27.Enthusiasm is the key to success- 热情是成功的关键

28.Enthusiasm is the fuel of life- 热情是生活的动力

29.Keep up the enthusiasm- 保持热情不减

30.Rekindle your enthusiasm- 激发你的热情

31.Lose yourself in enthusiasm - 沉浸在热情中

32.A surge of enthusiasm - 涌动的热情

33.Spark of enthusiasm - 火花般的热情

34.A wave of enthusiasm - 一股热潮

35.Burst of enthusiasm - 爆发的热情

36.Radiate enthusiasm - 散发热情

37.A glimmer of enthusiasm - 一丝热忱

38.A flame of enthusiasm - 一团火焰般的热情

39.A fountain of enthusiasm - 一泓激流般的热忱

40.Overflowing with enthusiasm - 充满激情

41.The power of enthusiasm - 狂热的力量

42.The beauty of enthusiasm - 狂热的美丽

43.The importance of enthusiasm - 狂热的重要性

44.The impact of enthusiasm - 狂热的影响力

45.The benefits of enthusiasm - 狂热的好处

46.The dangers of enthusiasm - 狂热的危险性

47.The balance of enthusiasm - 狂热的平衡

48.The source of enthusiasm - 狂热的源头

49.The expression of enthusiasm - 狂热的表现

50.The essence of enthusiasm - 狂热的本质

51.Enthusiasm in the workplace - 工作中的热情

52.Enthusiasm in relationships - 关系中的热情

53.Enthusiasm in learning - 学习中的热情

54.Enthusiasm in sports - 运动中的热情

55.Enthusiasm in art and creativity - 艺术与创造力中的热情

56.Enthusiasm in volunteer work - 志愿工作中的热情

57.Enthusiasm in personal growth and development - 个人成长与发展中的热情

58.Enthusiasm in facing challenges and obstacles - 面对挑战和障碍时的热情

59.Cultivating enthusiasm in daily life - 在日常生活中培养热情

60.Embracing enthusiasm as a way of life- 将狂热融入生活方式


1. Passion

- Passion is a strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm towards something.

- Example: His passion for music was evident in the way he played the guitar.

2. Zeal

- Zeal is a great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

- Example: She tackled every project with zeal and determination.

3. Ardor

- Ardor refers to intense enthusiasm or passion.

- Example: The young artist's ardor for painting was infectious.

4. Fervor

- Fervor is a strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm.

- Example: The crowd cheered with fervor as their team scored the winning goal.

5. Eagerness

- Eagerness is a strong desire or enthusiasm to do something.

- Example: She showed great eagerness to learn new skills at her job.

6. Zest

- Zest is an enthusiastic enjoyment or excitement about something.

- Example: The chef added lemon zest to give the dish a burst of flavor and freshness.

7. Gusto

- Gusto is great enjoyment, energy, and enthusiasm in doing something.

- Example: He approached his work with such gusto that it inspired his colleagues to do the same.

8. Verve

- Verve refers to liveliness, energy, and enthusiasm in one's actions or behavior.

- Example: The actress performed with verve and captivated the audience's attention.

9. Fire

- Fire symbolizes intense passion, energy, and enthusiasm.

- Example: Her fiery performance on stage left the audience in awe.

10. Excitement

- Excitement is a feeling of eager enjoyment or anticipation towards something.

- Example: The children's excitement was palpable as they waited for Santa Claus to arrive.

11. Frenzy

- Frenzy is wild excitement or uncontrolled emotion towards something.

Example: The fans were in a frenzy as they waited for their favorite band to take the stage.

12. Ardency

- Ardency is an intense feeling of enthusiasm and passion.

- Example: The writer's ardency for storytelling was evident in his bestselling novels.

13. Enthusiasm

- Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of excitement and interest in something.

- Example: She approached her new job with great enthusiasm and dedication.

14. Rapture

- Rapture refers to a state of intense pleasure, happiness, or excitement.

- Example: The couple danced with rapture as they celebrated their wedding day.

15. Ecstasy

- Ecstasy is an overwhelming feeling of joy, happiness, or excitement.

- Example: The athlete felt a sense of ecstasy as he crossed the finish line and won the race.

16. Delight

- Delight is a feeling of great pleasure or satisfaction.

- Example: The children's faces lit up with delight when they saw the presents under the Christmas tree.

17. Elation

- Elation is a feeling of extreme happiness or joy.

- Example: Her elation knew no bounds when she received the news of her promotion.

18. Exuberance

- Exuberance is an overflowing abundance of energy, enthusiasm, and joy.

- Example: The children's exuberance was contagious as they played and laughed together in the park.

19. Glee

- Glee is a state of great joy or happiness.

- Example: She couldn't contain her glee when she found out she had won the lottery.

20. Thrill

- Thrill refers to a sudden feeling of excitement or pleasure.

Example: The thrill of skydiving left him exhilarated and wanting more

