
语言百科2024-03-07 04:01:01留学世界

"逃离"的英文意思? 今天我们要探讨的是一个有趣的词汇——escape,它的含义似乎和我们日常生活中所想象的“逃离”有些相似。但它究竟是什么意思呢?它又该如何读呢?如果你对这个词感兴趣,那么请继续阅读下去,我将为你揭开这个词背后的神秘面纱。除了基本的含义外,我们还将探讨它在双语例句中的用法、常见短语和搭配,以及一些同义词示例。现在就让我们一起来揭开escape这个词的奥秘吧!



1. 逃脱


首先,最常见的意思就是“逃脱”,比如说,“The prisoner tried to escape from the jail.”(那个囚犯试图从监狱里逃脱。)

2. 逃跑

除了指逃离某处外,“escape”也可以表示“逃跑”,比如说,“The dog escaped from its leash.”(那只狗从牵绳中逃跑了。)

3. 避免

此外,“escape”还可以表示“避免”,例如,“I can't escape the feeling that something is wrong.”(我无法避免一种错误的感觉。)

4. 溜走

有时候,我们也会用“escape”来表示偷偷溜走的意思,比如,“She managed to escape from the party without anyone noticing.”(她设法在没人注意到的情况下从聚会中溜走了。)

5. 挣脱


1. “escape”是一个动词,意思是“逃跑,逃脱”,读作/ɪˈskeɪp/。

2. 这个词也可以作为名词使用,表示“逃跑,逃离”的意思。

3. 在日常生活中,我们也可以用这个词来形容某种情况下的“逃避”或“摆脱”的意思。

4. 例如,“I need to escape from this boring meeting.”(我需要从这场无聊的会议中逃离。)

5. 或者,“She always escapes from her responsibilities.”(她总是逃避她的责任。)

6. 不过,“escape”也可以表示“成功躲避危险或困难”的意思。

7. 例如,“He managed to escape unharmed from the burning building.”(他成功从起火的建筑物中脱险。)

8. 在英语中,还有一个常用短语“escape room”,指的是一种受欢迎的游戏形式,在限定时间内解决谜题来逃离一个虚拟房间。

9. 总之,“escape”是一个非常有用且多功能的词汇,在不同场合都能够发挥重要作用


1. 什么是escape?


2. escape的用法

a. 动词用法:escape作为动词时,可用于以下几种情况:

- 表示成功地逃离某种困境或危险:“The prisoners managed to escape from the prison.”(这些囚犯设法从监狱里逃脱了。)

- 表示避开某件不愉快的事情:“I need to escape from this boring party.”(我需要从这个无聊的派对中逃离。)

- 表示没有被注意到或发现:“The thief escaped without being noticed.”(小偷没有被注意到就逃走了。)

b. 名词用法:escape作为名词时,通常指逃跑或逃脱的行为。“The prisoner's escape was a well-planned operation.”(囚犯的逃跑是一次精心策划的行动。)

3. 双语例句

a. The cat managed to escape from the cage before we could catch it.(在我们还没来得及抓住它之前,那只猫已经从笼子里逃脱了。)

b. I need a vacation to escape from the stress of work.(我需要一次假期来摆脱工作的压力。)

c. The prisoner's escape was a daring feat that surprised everyone.(囚犯的逃跑是一次大胆的壮举,让所有人都感到惊讶。)

d. The magician's escape trick left the audience in awe.(魔术师的逃脱绝技让观众惊叹不已。)


1. Make an escape - 逃脱

例如:The prisoners made an escape from the prison last night.

2. Escape route - 逃跑路线

例如:The robbers had planned an escape route in case the police arrived.

3. Escape hatch - 逃生口

例如:The crew members used the escape hatch to leave the sinking ship.

4. Narrow escape - 侥幸逃脱

例如:He had a narrow escape from the car accident.

5. Great Escape - 大逃亡

例如:The movie "The Great Escape" is based on a true story of prisoners escaping from a German POW camp during World War II.

6. Escape artist - 越狱专家

例如:The famous magician is known as an escape artist for his ability to free himself from chains and handcuffs.

7. Escapism - 逃避现实

例如:Reading books is her way of escapism from the stress of daily life.

8. Escape velocity - 逃离速度

例如:In order for a rocket to leave Earth's orbit, it must reach the escape velocity of 11 kilometers per second.

9. Escape clause - 赎回条款/免责条款

例如:The contract includes an escape clause that allows either party to terminate it with a notice period of 30 days.

10. Escape pod - 太空救生舱

例如:In case of emergency, astronauts can use the escape pod to return safely to Earth.

11. Prison break - 越狱/越狱事件

例如:The notorious criminal was involved in a prison break last year and has been on the run since then.

12. Escape room - 密室逃脱游戏

例如:Escape rooms have become a popular form of entertainment where players have to solve puzzles and clues to escape a themed room within a certain time limit.

13. Escape from reality - 逃离现实

例如:Some people use drugs as a way to escape from reality and their problems.

14. Escape the crowd - 逃离人群

例如:She needed to escape the crowd and find some peace and quiet.

15. Escape with someone - 和某人一起逃跑

例如:The couple decided to escape together and start a new life in a different country


1. Getaway - 逃离

2. Flee - 逃跑

3. Breakout - 突破

4. Evade - 躲避

5. Slip away - 溜走

6. Run off - 逃走

7. Dodge - 规避

8. Elude - 避开

9. Abscond - 潜逃

10. Bolt - 逃脱

