
语言百科2024-03-08 22:19:50留学世界


















1. exchangerate的读音和发音是什么?

exchangerate这个词是由exchange和rate两个单词组合而成,所以它的读音也是由这两个单词的发音决定的。exchange的发音为[iksˈtʃeɪndʒ],rate的发音为[reɪt],因此exchangerate的读音为[iksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪt]。

2. 如何正确地发音exchangerate?


3. exchangerate与其他相关术语如何区分?

在翻译行业中,有许多与exchangerate相关的术语,如currency exchange rate(货币汇率)、foreign exchange rate(外汇汇率)、interest rate(利率)等等。虽然它们都包含着“rate”这个单词,但是它们各自指代不同的内容。currency exchange rate指的是两种不同货币之间的比率,foreign exchange rate指的是一国货币与其他国家货币之间的比率,而interest rate则指的是借贷利率。因此,在阅读相关文献或者进行翻译时,要注意区分这些术语并且正确使用。

4. exchangerate在翻译行业中的重要性



1. 概述


2. 国际贸易中的重要性


3. 跨国企业发展中的必备知识


4. 外语翻译中的必备技能


5. 对专业翻译人员的要求




1. Exchange rate:汇率

- The exchange rate between the two currencies has been fluctuating recently.:最近两种货币之间的汇率一直在波动。

- The exchange rate of the US dollar against the euro is currently 1.2.:美元对欧元的汇率目前为1.2。

- The central bank announced a new exchange rate policy to stabilize the currency market.:央行宣布了一项新的汇率政策,以稳定货币市场。

2. Currency conversion:货币兑换

- Many tourists are worried about currency conversion when traveling abroad.:许多游客在出国旅游时担心货币兑换问题。

- The bank charges a small fee for currency conversion services.:银行提供货币兑换服务需要收取一小笔费用。

- You can check the current currency conversion rates on our website.:您可以在我们的网站上查询当前的货币兑换率。

3. Foreign exchange market:外汇市场

- The foreign exchange market is highly volatile and affected by various factors such as political events and economic policies.:外汇市场非常波动,受到政治事件和经济政策等各种因素的影响。

- Many investors choose to invest in the foreign exchange market due to its potential for high returns.:许多投资者选择投资于外汇市场,因为它具有较高回报的潜力。

- The government closely monitors the foreign exchange market to ensure stability in the economy.:政府密切监控外汇市场,以确保经济稳定。

4. Currency pair:货币对

- The most commonly traded currency pairs in the foreign exchange market are EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY.:在外汇市场上,最常见的交易货币对是欧元/美元、英镑/美元和美元/日元。

- Understanding the relationship between currency pairs is important for successful trading in the foreign exchange market.:了解货币对之间的关系对于在外汇市场上成功交易至关重要。

- The exchange rate of a currency pair can be affected by factors such as interest rates, inflation, and economic growth.:货币对的汇率受到利率、通胀率和经济增长等因素的影响。

5. Floating exchange rate:浮动汇率

- A floating exchange rate is determined by the forces of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market.:浮动汇率由外汇市场的供求力量决定。

- Many countries have adopted a floating exchange rate system to allow their currencies to fluctuate freely against other currencies.:许多国家采用浮动汇率制度,使其货币能够自由地与其他货币波动。

- A floating exchange rate can help a country's economy adjust to external shocks and maintain competitiveness in international trade.:浮动汇率可以帮助一个国家的经济适应外部冲击,并在国际贸易中保持竞争力。

6. Fixed exchange rate:固定汇率

- A fixed exchange rate is set and maintained by the government or central bank.:固定汇率由政府或央行设定和维持。

- Many developing countries have a fixed exchange rate to stabilize their currencies and attract foreign investment.:许多发展中国家采用固定汇率制度来稳定其货币并吸引外国投资。

- A fixed exchange rate can also help control inflation and maintain price stability in the domestic market.:固定汇率还可以帮助控制通胀并在国内市场保持价格稳定。

7. Cross currency:跨货币

- A cross currency refers to any currency pair that does not involve the US dollar.:跨货币是指不涉及美元的任何货币对。

- With the increasing globalization of trade, cross currency transactions have become more common.:随着贸易全球化的增加,跨货币交易变得更加常见。

- Cross currency rates are often used for international payments and investments.:跨货币汇率通常用于国际支付和投资。

8. Currency hedging:货币套期保值

- Currency hedging is a risk management strategy used by companies to protect against potential losses due to fluctuations in exchange rates.:货币套期保值是公司用来防范由于汇率波动可能导致的损失的风险管理策略。

- Many multinational corporations use currency hedging to minimize their exposure to foreign exchange risk.:许多跨国公司使用货币套期保值来最小化其对外汇风险的敞口。

- There are various hedging instruments available, such as forward contracts, options, and currency swaps.:有多种套期保值工具可供选择,如远期合同、期权和货币互换。

9. Currency devaluation:货币贬值

- Currency devaluation refers to a deliberate decrease in the value of a currency by the government.:货币贬值是指政府有意降低一种货币的价值。

- This can be done to make exports more competitive or to reduce the country's trade deficit.:这可以通过使出口更具竞争力或减少国家贸易逆差来实现。

- However, currency devaluation can also lead to higher inflation and make imports more expensive for consumers.:然而,货币贬值也可能导致通胀加剧,使进口产品对消费者变得更加昂贵。

10. Currency appreciation:货币升值

- Currency appreciation is the opposite of currency devaluation and refers to an increase in the value of a currency against other currencies.:货币升值与货币贬值相反,指的是一种货币相对其他货币价值的增加。

- A strong economy and stable political situation can lead to currency appreciation.:强劲的经济和稳定的政治局势可以导致货币升值。

- However, it can also make exports less competitive and lead to a trade deficit.:然而,这也可能使出口产品不那么具有竞争力,并导致贸易逆差


1. Exchange rate: 汇率

2. Currency: 货币

3. Foreign exchange: 外汇

4. Exchange rate regime: 汇率制度

5. Floating exchange rate: 浮动汇率

6. Fixed exchange rate: 固定汇率

7. Pegged exchange rate: 锚定汇率

8. Cross exchange rate: 交叉汇率

9. Spot exchange rate: 即期汇率

10. Forward exchange rate: 远期汇率

11. Interbank exchange rate: 银行间汇率

12. Central bank intervention: 央行干预

13. Appreciation: 升值

14. Depreciation: 贬值

15. Devaluation: 贬值

16. Revaluation: 升值

17. Arbitrage: 套利

18. Speculation: 投机

19. Hedging: 对冲

20.Currency converter:货币兑换器

21.Exchange risk:汇兑风险

22.Foreign currency account:外币账户

23.Currency swap:货币互换

24.Exchange control:外汇管制

25.Bilateral exchange rate:双边汇率

26.Multilateral exchange rate:多边汇率

27.Exchange market intervention:外汇市场干预

28.Spot market:即期市场

29.Forward market:远期市场

30.Market maker:做市商

31.Foreign currency option:外国货币选择权

32.Currency futures contract:货币期货合约

33.Currency basket:货币篮子

34.Currency board:货币委员会

35.Currency crisis:货币危机

36.Exchange rate volatility:汇率波动性

37.Purchasing power parity:购买力平价

38.Real exchange rate:实际汇率

39.Nominal exchange rate:名义汇率

40.Trade-weighted exchange rate:贸易加权汇率


