
语言百科2024-03-09 03:40:03留学世界







同义词:arouse, stimulate, thrill, excite, provoke

反义词:calm, soothe, quiet, pacify


- The new movie trailer has really excited me. (这部新电影的预告片真的让我很兴奋。)

- The news of her promotion excited the whole office. (她升职的消息让整个办公室都很兴奋。)

- The bright colors of the painting excite the viewers' senses. (画作鲜艳的色彩激发了观众的感官。)


- Exciting: 令人兴奋的

- Excitement: 兴奋,激动

- Excitable: 易兴奋的,易激动的







- 中文:兴奋 (xīng fèn)

- 法语:exciter

- 西班牙语:emocionar

- 德语:aufregen




1. 发音:[ɪk'saɪt],重读音节在第一个音节上。

2. 意思:激动、兴奋、使兴奋、使激动。

3. 例句:

- The news of my promotion really excites me! (我晋升的消息让我非常激动!)

- The new movie trailer has been released and it is sure to excite audiences. (新电影预告已经发布,肯定会让观众兴奋。)

- How can we excite more interest in our product? (我们应该如何激发更多人对我们的产品感兴趣?)

4. 幽默小故事:








1. 用法介绍


2. 双语例句

1) Her speech excited the audience and they gave her a standing ovation.


2) The new movie trailer has really excited me, I can't wait to see it.


3) The teacher tried to excite the students' interest in science by conducting fun experiments.


4) The children were excitedly talking about their upcoming trip to Disneyland.


5) The news of her promotion excited her colleagues, who threw her a surprise party.


6) The bright colors of the painting excite the senses and evoke strong emotions.


7) The new product launch has excited the market, with many people eager to try it out.


8) The idea of traveling to a new country excites me, I can't wait to experience a different culture.


9) The audience was excitedly cheering for their favorite team during the final game.


10) The smell of fresh coffee always excites me and helps me wake up in the morning.



1. Excite someone's interest: 激发某人的兴趣

例句:The new movie trailer has excited everyone's interest.

2. Excite someone's curiosity: 引起某人的好奇心

例句:The mysterious package on my doorstep excited my curiosity.

3. Excite someone's imagination: 激发某人的想象力

例句:The colorful illustrations in the book excited the children's imagination.

4. Excite someone's passion: 激发某人的激情

例句:The powerful speech by the activist excited the crowd's passion for change.

5. Excite someone's emotions: 激发某人的情绪

例句:The sad news of her friend's passing excited a range of emotions in her.

6. Excite someone's senses: 激发某人的感官

例句:The delicious aroma from the kitchen excited my senses and made me hungry.

7. Excite someone's admiration: 引起某人的钦佩

例句:Her incredible talent and hard work have excited everyone's admiration.

8. Excite someone's envy: 引起某人的嫉妒

例句:His success in business has excited his colleagues' envy.

9. Excite someone's anticipation: 引起某人的期待

例句:The upcoming concert has excited fans' anticipation for weeks.

10. Excite someone's fear: 引起某人的恐惧

例句:The loud noise from the abandoned building excited our fear of ghosts.

11. Excite a buzz: 引起一股轰动

例句:The new product launch has excited a buzz in the market.

12. Excite controversy: 引起争议

例句:The politician's statement excited controversy among the public.

13. Excite a reaction: 引起反应

例句:The shocking news excited a strong reaction from the community.

14. Excite anticipation: 引起期待

例句:The announcement of the new iPhone model has excited anticipation among tech enthusiasts.

15. Excite enthusiasm: 激发热情

例句:His motivational speech excited enthusiasm in the team for their upcoming project


1. Thrill – This word can be used as a synonym for “excite” when describing a feeling of excitement or enthusiasm. For example, “The thought of going on vacation excites me” could also be written as “The thought of going on vacation thrills me.”

2. Stimulate – When something excites your mind or senses, it can be described as stimulating. For instance, “The new job opportunity really excites me” could also be written as “The new job opportunity is very stimulating to me.”

3. Energize – If something makes you feel lively and full of energy, it can be considered exciting. For example, “The music at the concert really energized the crowd” could also be written as “The music at the concert was very exciting for the crowd.”

4. Enthuse – This word can be used to describe a strong feeling of excitement or enthusiasm about something. For instance, “She was completely enthused about her new project” could also be written as “She was extremely excited about her new project.”

5. Galvanize – When something excites someone into taking action or making a change, it can be described as galvanizing. For example, “His speech galvanized the audience into action” could also be written as “His speech excited the audience into taking action.”

6. Arouse – This word can be used to describe a strong feeling of excitement or interest in someone or something. For instance, “The book aroused my curiosity and I couldn’t put it down” could also be written as “The book excited my curiosity and I couldn’t stop reading it.”

7. Fire up – When something gets you excited and motivated to do something, it can be described as firing you up. For example, “Her passionate speech really fired up the crowd” could also be written as “Her passionate speech really excited and motivated the crowd.”

8. Titillate – This word can be used to describe a feeling of excitement or pleasure, often in a sexual way. For instance, “The movie was designed to titillate the audience” could also be written as “The movie was meant to excite and arouse the audience.”

9. Inspire – When something excites you and motivates you to do or create something, it can be described as inspiring. For example, “The beautiful scenery inspired me to take up painting” could also be written as “The beautiful scenery excited and motivated me to start painting.”

10. Intoxicate – This word can be used to describe an overwhelming feeling of excitement or pleasure. For instance, “The music at the concert intoxicated the crowd” could also be written as “The music at the concert filled the crowd with excitement and pleasure.”

