
语言百科2024-03-09 05:22:27留学世界



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1. 首先,让我们来看一下这个词的组成部分。ex- 是一个前缀,意为“出”,clusive 则是后缀,意为“排除的”。因此,exclusive 的意思就是“排除在外的”。

2. 在英语中,“ex”通常读作[eks],而“clusive”则读作[kluːsɪv]。所以,exclusive 的正确发音应该是[eks-kluː-siv]。

3. 但是要注意的是,在美式英语中,“clusive”这个音节可能会被念得更轻一些,变成[klə-sɪv]。所以如果你听到有人说[ek-klə-sɪv],也不要觉得奇怪哦。

4. 再来看一下重音的位置。exclusive 的重音在第二个音节上,即[kluː]这个音节上。记住这一点可以帮助你更准确地发出正确的发音。

5. 如果你还想进一步练习这个词的发音,可以尝试用不同的语调和语速来说它。比如快速地说出“exclusive”,然后慢慢地说出来,“e-x-c-l-u-s-i-v-e”。这样可以帮助你更好地掌握这个词的发音。

6. 最后,记住,发音是需要练习的。如果你想要更流利地说出exclusive,就要多听多说多练习。相信我,只要坚持不懈,你一定能够掌握这个词的正确发音!

那么,exclusive 的发音就是[eks-kluː-siv]或者[ek-klə-sɪv]。现在你已经学会了怎么读这个词了吧?快去练习一下吧!


1. 什么是exclusive?


2. exclusive作为形容词的用法

a. 指独特的、唯一的:The exclusive club only accepts members who are from wealthy families. (这个高档俱乐部只接受来自富裕家庭的成员)

b. 指排他性的、排外的:This school has an exclusive policy of only admitting students with high grades. (这所学校有一项排他性政策,只招收成绩优异的学生)

c. 指高档的、昂贵的:She loves to shop at exclusive boutiques in the city center. (她喜欢在市中心高档精品店购物)

3. exclusive作为名词的用法

a. 指独家新闻或报道:This magazine has an exclusive interview with the famous actress. (这本杂志有一篇与著名女演员的独家采访)

b. 指排他性权利或特权:The company offers its employees many exclusives, such as free gym memberships and travel discounts. (该公司为员工提供许多特权,如免费健身会员和旅行折扣)

4. exclusive的双语例句

a. The exclusive concert tickets were sold out within minutes. (这些独家音乐会门票在几分钟内就售罄了)

b. He has an exclusive contract with the famous fashion brand. (他与这个著名时尚品牌有一份独家合约)

c. The exclusive rights to sell this product in our country belong to our company. (在我们国家,销售这种产品的独家权利属于我们公司)

d. This club is known for its exclusive membership and strict dress code. (这个俱乐部以其排他性的会员资格和严格的着装规定而闻名)


1. Exclusive access 独占访问

2. Exclusive offer 独家优惠

3. Exclusive rights 独家权利

4. Exclusive use 独占使用

5. Exclusive distribution 独家分销

6. Exclusive agreement 独家协议

7. Exclusive content 独家内容

8. Exclusive interview 独家采访

9. Exclusive membership 独家会员资格

10. Exclusive event 独家活动

11. Exclusive product line 独家产品线

12. Exclusive brand 独家品牌

13. Exclusive deal 独家交易

14. Exclusive partnership 独家合作伙伴关系

15. Exclusive release date 独家发布日期

1. "Exclusive access"指的是独占访问的权限,通常用于描述某个人或组织拥有特定信息或资源的唯一获取途径。例如:We have exclusive access to the latest market data.

2. "Exclusive offer"指的是仅限特定人群或时间段内可以享受的特别优惠。例如:This is an exclusive offer for our VIP members.

3."Exclusive rights"指的是某项权利只属于特定人或团体拥有,其他人无法分享。例如:The company has exclusive rights to distribute the product in this region.

4."Exclusive use"指的是某物只能被特定人或组织使用,其他人无法使用。例如:The conference room is for exclusive use by the management team.

5."Exclusive distribution"指的是某产品只能由特定的渠道进行销售,其他渠道无法销售。例如:The company has an exclusive distribution agreement with this retail chain.

6."Exclusive agreement"指的是双方达成的独家协议,其他人无法参与其中。例如:We have an exclusive agreement with this supplier for the next three years.

7."Exclusive content"指的是独家拥有的内容,其他人无法复制或转载。例如:Our website offers exclusive content that cannot be found elsewhere.

8."Exclusive interview"指的是只对某个人或团体进行的独家采访。例如:The journalist was granted an exclusive interview with the CEO.

9."Exclusive membership"指的是仅限特定人群加入的会员资格,享受特殊待遇。例如:This is an exclusive membership club for high-net-worth individuals.

10."Exclusive event"指的是仅限特定人群参加的活动。例如:This is an exclusive event for our top clients.

11."Exclusive product line"指的是某品牌独有的产品系列,其他品牌无法生产类似产品。例如:This is our exclusive product line that can only be found in our stores.

12."Exclusive brand"指的是某品牌在市场上具有独占地位,没有竞争对手。例如:This luxury brand is known for its exclusive status in the fashion industry.

13."Exclusive deal"指的是只有特定人或团体可以达成的交易,其他人无法参与。例如:The company has secured an exclusive deal with the supplier for a discounted price.

14."Exclusive partnership"指的是双方达成的独家合作伙伴关系,其他人无法加入。例如:We have an exclusive partnership with this charity organization.

15."Exclusive release date"指的是某产品或信息的独家发布日期,其他渠道无法提前发布。例如:The album will have an exclusive release date on our streaming platform


1. Unique

- Meaning: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

- Example: The brand offers a unique experience for its customers.

2. One-of-a-kind

- Meaning: being the only one of its kind; unique.

- Example: The artist's paintings are one-of-a-kind and highly sought after.

3. Distinctive

- Meaning: having a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily recognizable.

- Example: The restaurant's distinctive decor sets it apart from others in the area.

4. Exclusive

- Meaning: limited to only a certain group or class of people; not shared with others.

- Example: The club has an exclusive membership, with strict criteria for joining.

5. Original

- Meaning: created, done, or presented first-hand; not a copy or imitation.

- Example: The designer's original creations are highly praised in the fashion industry.

6. Singular

- Meaning: unique; being the only one of its kind.

- Example: Her singing voice is singular and instantly recognizable.

7. Unparalleled

- Meaning: having no equal; unmatched or unrivaled.

- Example: The hotel's service is unparalleled, making it a top choice for luxury travelers.

8. Exceptional

- Meaning: standing out from others; unusually good or impressive.

- Example: The company's exceptional products have gained a loyal following among consumers.

9. Rare

- Meaning: not found in large numbers; unusual or uncommon.

- Example: This book is a rare find and highly valued by collectors.

10. Extraordinary

- Meaning: beyond what is usual or ordinary; remarkable or exceptional.

- Example: The team's extraordinary efforts led them to victory in the championship game.

11. Incomparable

- Meaning: unable to be compared because of being so different or better than everything else.


The chef's cooking skills are incomparable, earning him numerous awards and accolades.

12. Exclusive

- Meaning: being the only one of its kind; not shared with others.

- Example: The company has exclusive rights to distribute the product in this region.

13. Unmatched

- Meaning: having no equal; superior or unparalleled.

- Example: The team's performance was unmatched and they easily won the competition.

14. Peerless

- Meaning: having no equal; unmatched or unrivaled.

- Example: The hotel's peerless service has earned it a spot on the list of top luxury hotels.

15. Exceptional

- Meaning: standing out from others; unusually good or impressive.

- Example: The company's exceptional customer service sets it apart from its competitors.

16. Inimitable

- Meaning: impossible to imitate or copy; unique.

- Example: The artist's style is inimitable and instantly recognizable

