exiled是什么意思 exiled的中文翻译、读音、例句

语言百科2024-03-09 07:06:39留学世界




例句1:After being caught for treason, the former leader was exiled to a remote island.

exiled是什么意思 exiled的中文翻译、读音、例句


例句2:The exiled poet wrote about his longing for his homeland in his famous works.


例句3:Many refugees are living in exiled status, unable to return to their war-torn countries.





那么,exiled究竟是什么意思呢?它是一个形容词,意为“被流放的”、“被放逐的”。例如:“The king was exiled to a remote island.”(国王被流放到一个偏远的岛屿。)在这句话中,exiled描述了国王的状态。

除了作为形容词使用外,exiled也可以作为动词使用,意为“流放”、“放逐”。例如:“The dictator exiled all his political opponents.”(独裁者流放了所有政治对手。)在这句话中,exiled表示动作。

1. After being exiled for many years, the writer finally returned to his home country.(在被流放多年后,这位作家终于回到了自己的祖国。)

2. The princess was exiled from the palace for disobeying her father's orders.(公主因违抗父亲的命令被流放出宫。)




作为动词,“exiled”意为“流放”、“放逐”、“驱逐出境”,通常用来描述政治犯、异议人士或不受欢迎的人被强制离开国家或地区。例如,“The king exiled his enemies to a remote island.”(国王将他的敌人流放到一个偏远的岛屿上。)

作为形容词,“exiled”意为“流亡的”、“被放逐的”,用来描述那些因政治原因或其他原因而被迫离开家园、生活在异国他乡的人。例如,“The exiled writer continued to speak out against the government from abroad.”(那位流亡作家继续在国外对政府发表言论。)

exiled一词也可以引申为“被排斥”的意思,表示某人或某物被排除在外、不受欢迎。例如,“She felt exiled from her own family after her parents' divorce.”(在父母离婚后,她感觉自己被家人排斥。)


1. exiled的发音

exiled一词的发音为 [ek-sahyld],其中e的发音为[e],x的发音为[ks],a的发音为[ah],i的发音为[y],l的发音为[d]。

2. exiled的音标

exiled一词在国际音标中可以表示为 /ˈɛksaɪld/。

3. 关于exiled一词


4. exiled的中文翻译


- He was exiled from his homeland for political reasons. (他因政治原因被流放出他的家乡。)

- The writer lived as an exile in Europe for many years. (这位作家在欧洲生活了很多年作为一个流亡者。)

- The people were exiled from their homes due to the war. (这些人因战争而被迫离开家园失去自由。)

5. exiled的例句

- After being exiled for 20 years, he finally returned to his home country.


- The exiled leader still had a strong influence on his people even from afar.


- The exiled prince plotted his revenge against those who had overthrown him.


exiled一词在英语中常用作形容词或名词,意为“被流放的”,它的发音为 [ek-sahyld],音标为 /ˈɛksaɪld/。根据不同语境和含义,它可以有多种中文翻译,如“被流放的”、“流亡者”、“失去自由”的意思。以上就是关于exiled一词发音及音标部分的解释,希望能帮助你更好地理解并使用这个单词


1. "He was exiled from his home country for political reasons." - 他因政治原因被流放出他的祖国。

2. "The exiled king sought refuge in a neighboring kingdom." - 被流放的国王在邻国寻求庇护。

3. "After being exiled for years, he finally returned to his homeland." - 在被流放多年后,他终于回到了故乡。

4. "The exiled poet continued to write about his longing for his homeland." - 被流放的诗人继续写着对故乡的思念之作。

5. "Many exiled individuals struggle with feelings of displacement and isolation." - 许多被流放的个人都面临着被排斥和孤立的感觉。

6. "During the war, thousands of civilians were forced to flee and become exiles in other countries." - 在战争期间,成千上万的平民被迫逃离并成为其他国家的流亡者。

7. "The novel tells the story of a young girl who is exiled from her village due to a curse." - 这本小说讲述了一个年轻女孩因诅咒而被远离村庄的故事。

8. "The exiled leader continued to fight for the rights of his people from abroad." - 被流放的领导人在海外继续为自己民族的权利而奋斗。

9. "Exile can be both a physical and emotional experience, as one is forced to leave behind their home and loved ones." - 流放既可以是一种身体上的经历,也可以是一种情感上的经历,因为被迫离开家乡和挚爱的人。

10. "Despite being exiled, the artist's work continued to gain recognition and praise." - 尽管被流放,这位艺术家的作品仍然获得了认可和赞扬。

11. "The exiled prince plotted his return to the throne with the help of loyal supporters." - 被流放的王子在忠诚的支持者的帮助下策划着重返王位。

12. "The exiled family found solace in each other's company as they adjusted to their new life in a foreign land." - 这个被流放的家庭在彼此陪伴下找到了慰藉,适应了他们在异国他乡的新生活。

13. "Being exiled often means leaving behind everything you have ever known and starting over in a new place." - 被流放往往意味着离开你所熟悉的一切,从头开始在一个新地方生活。

14. "The exiled leader's return was met with both celebration and resistance from his people." - 被流放领导人的回归受到了人民的欢迎和抵抗。

15. "Some see exile as a form of punishment, while others view it as an opportunity for growth and change." - 有些人将流放视为一种惩罚,而另一些人则将其视为成长和改变的机会

我们了解到exiled这个单词的含义和用法。它是一个形容词,意为“被流放的”,通常用来形容被迫离开自己的国家或家乡的人。它的发音为[ˈegaɪld],读起来比较简单。exiled在句子中可以作定语或表语,例如:“The exiled king returned to his homeland after many years.”(被流放多年后,这位国王终于回到了故土。)如果你对这个单词感兴趣,可以在日常生活中多加运用,提升自己的英语表达能力。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望今天的文章能给大家带来帮助和启发。喜欢就关注我吧!谢谢阅读!
