
语言百科2024-03-09 12:18:05留学世界





1. 翻译行业的规模不断扩大


2. 翻译技术不断进步


3. 翻译服务范围不断拓展


4. 翻译行业的重要性日益凸显



1. expands的发音


2. expands的含义

expands一词有多种含义,在不同语境中可以表示不同的意思。它最常见的含义是指扩大、增加、放大等。例如:“The company plans to expand its business overseas.”(这家公司计划在海外扩大业务)此外,expands还可以表示膨胀、伸展、延伸等含义。

3. expands与其他单词搭配


- expand on:详细说明、详细阐述。例如:“Could you expand on your idea a little more?”(你能详细阐述一下你的想法吗?)

- expand into:扩展到、进入某个领域。例如:“The company plans to expand into the Asian market next year.”(这家公司计划明年进军亚洲市场)

- expand one's horizons:开阔某人的视野。例如:“Traveling can really help you expand your horizons.”(旅行可以帮助你开阔视野)

- expand one's mind:开阔某人的思维。例如:“Reading can expand your mind and help you see things from different perspectives.”(阅读可以开阔你的思维,帮助你从不同角度看问题)

4. expands的近义词


- extend更多指时间或空间上的延长,也可以指增加数量或程度。例如:“The deadline for the project has been extended to next month.”(项目的截止日期延长到下个月);“The company plans to extend its product line.”(这家公司计划扩大产品线)

- enlarge一般指尺寸或规模上的扩大,也可以指增加数量或程度。例如:“We need to enlarge the photo to make it clearer.”(我们需要把照片放大一下,让它更清晰);“The government plans to enlarge its military presence in the region.”(政府计划在该地区扩大军事存在)

- broaden则更多指知识、经验等方面的拓宽和丰富。例如:“Studying abroad can broaden your horizons and enrich your life experience.”(出国留学可以开阔你的视野,丰富你的生活经历)

5. expands在句子中的用法


- The company plans to expand its business.(这家公司计划扩大业务)

- She expanded her presentation with more details.(她用更多细节扩展了她的演讲)

- The project will expand into other areas.(这个项目将会扩展到其他领域)

- He expanded on his idea during the meeting.(他在会议上详细阐述了他的想法)

6. expands的派生词

expands还有一些派生词,如expansion(n. 扩大、扩展)、expansive(adj. 扩张的、广阔的)、expander(n. 扩张器)等。它们都是以expand为词根衍生而来,表示“扩大、增加”的意思。

7. expands在不同场景中的使用


1. expands的用法


2. 双语例句

(1) The company plans to expand its business to international markets next year.


(2) The city is expanding rapidly, with new buildings and roads being constructed every day.


(3) He expanded his knowledge by reading books from different fields.


(4) The teacher used various teaching methods to expand the students' understanding of the topic.


(5) The company is looking for ways to expand its customer base.


(6) The government has plans to expand the public transportation system in the city.


3. 注意事项


- 它是一个及物动词,后面需要接宾语。

- 它的过去式为expanded,过去分词为expanded,现在分词为expanding。

- 它也可以用作名词,意为“扩大、扩展”,如in the expansion of the company's business(公司业务的扩大)


1. Expand one's horizons 扩展视野

2. Expand one's knowledge 扩展知识

3. Expand one's skills 扩展技能

4. Expand one's network 扩展人脉

5. Expand one's business 扩展业务

6. Expand one's influence 扩大影响力

7. Expand one's creativity 拓展创造力

8. Expand one's perspective 拓宽思维视角

9. Expand one's opportunities 增加机会

10. Expand one's potential 发挥潜力


1. Broadens: "Expands" is a synonym for "broadens," meaning to increase in size, scope, or extent. For example, as the company expands its operations, it will need to hire more employees.

2. Enlarges: Similar to "expands," "enlarges" refers to making something bigger or increasing its size. The company plans to enlarge its production facilities in order to meet the growing demand for their products.

3. Extends: When something extends, it spreads or stretches out. In the context of business, "expands" can be used interchangeably with "extends." The company plans to expand their market reach by extending their services to new regions.

4. Grows: To grow means to increase in size or develop gradually over time. Companies often use the term "expands" when referring to growth opportunities and plans for expansion into new markets.

5. Widens: Similar to "expands," "widens" means to increase in size or scope. The company's decision to widen its product range has resulted in a significant increase in sales and revenue.

6. Develops: When something develops, it grows or progresses over time. In a business context, expanding can also be seen as developing and evolving the company's operations and offerings.

7. Diversifies: To diversify means to vary or expand into different areas or industries. The company is looking to expand its portfolio by diversifying into new markets and sectors.

8. Multiplies: When something multiplies, it increases significantly in number or quantity. As the demand for their products multiplies, the company will need to expand its production capabilities.

9. Spreads: Similar to "extends," "spreads" refers to something expanding or reaching outwards in all directions. The news of their success quickly spread and led them to consider expanding into international markets.

10.Ventures: To venture means to take a risk or embark on a new business opportunity. The company is expanding its ventures into new territories, hoping to tap into untapped markets and increase their global presence

