
语言百科2024-03-10 13:06:05留学世界




1. 概述


2. 词源


3. 用法示例

- She fainted when she saw the blood.


- The heat made him feel faint.


- He fainted from exhaustion after running a marathon.


4. 同义词


- Blacked out:昏迷、失去知觉

- Passed out:昏迷、晕倒

- Swooned:昏厥、晕倒

5. 不同场景下的用法差异


- Exhausted:筋疲力尽的

- Weak:虚弱的

- Dizzy:头晕目眩的

6. 注意事项



1. 情景一:在医院

小标题:Are you feeling faint?


2. 情景二:在公共场合

小标题:Don't faint on me now!


3. 情景三:看到令人震惊的事情

小标题:I almost fainted when I saw it!


4. 情景四:形容非常兴奋或激动

小标题:I'm about to faint from excitement!


5. 情景五:描述某人昏厥的状态

小标题:He fainted dead away.


6. 情景六: 形容某物令人难以置信或惊讶

小标题: I was so shocked that I almost fainted!

小标题正文部分: 我太震惊了,差点晕过去!


1. 什么是fainted?


2. 如何使用fainted?

你可以说“I fainted”来表示自己昏厥了,或者用“He fainted”来描述别人晕倒了。此外,你也可以用“faint”作为名词,表示“昏厥”。

3. 有什么常见的短语搭配吗?


- Faint with hunger: 饿得晕倒

- Faint with emotion: 因情绪而晕倒

- Faint from exhaustion: 因疲劳而晕倒

4. 有什么相关的双语例句吗?

- She fainted at the sight of blood. (她看到血就晕倒了。)

- He fainted from heatstroke. (他因中暑而晕倒。)

- The young girl fainted from excitement when she saw her favorite celebrity. (当年轻女孩看到她最喜欢的明星时,她因兴奋而晕倒了。)


1. Passed out

Fainted的最常见翻译就是passed out,表示昏厥或失去知觉的意思。这个词组可以用来形容一个人突然晕倒或因为某种原因而失去意识。

2. Blacked out

Blacked out也可以用来表示fainted,它的意思是失去知觉或在一段时间内无法回忆起发生的事情。这个词组通常用来形容因为极度疲劳、酒精中毒或其他原因而昏倒的情况。

3. Faint-hearted


4. Swoon


5. Lose consciousness

Lose consciousness指失去意识或昏迷。这个词组可以用来形容因为外界刺激、疾病或其他原因而导致的昏厥情况。

6. Fall into a coma

Fall into a coma表示陷入昏迷状态。这个词组通常用来描述因为严重的身体问题或意外事故而导致的昏厥,比如头部受伤导致的失去知觉。

7. Lapse into unconsciousness

Lapse into unconsciousness指进入无意识状态。这个词组可以用来形容因为某种原因而逐渐失去意识,直到最终昏倒。

8. Faint away

Faint away是一个动词短语,表示因为某种原因而晕倒或失去知觉。它也可以用来描述一种突然发生的情况,例如受到惊吓或受到强烈的情绪影响而晕倒。

9. Pass out cold

Pass out cold指完全失去知觉或昏迷。这个词组可以用来形容一种突然发生的情况,例如由于血压骤降或其他原因导致的昏厥。

10. Swoon away

Swoon away是一个动词短语,表示晕倒或失去知觉。它也可以用来形容一种突然发生的情况,例如受到惊吓或受到强烈的情绪影响而晕倒。与fainted直接相关的是其含义中“晕眩”的部分,因为昏厥往往会让人感到头晕目眩


1. Passed out - This phrase is often used to describe someone who has lost consciousness or fainted.

2. Blacked out - Similar to passed out, this phrase is also used to describe someone who has lost consciousness.

3. Swooned - This word is often used in a romantic context, but it can also mean to faint or lose consciousness.

4. Collapsed - This term is often used to describe someone who has suddenly fallen down or lost consciousness.

5. Keeled over - This phrase is commonly used to describe someone who has suddenly collapsed or fainted.

6. Lost consciousness - A more formal way of saying someone has fainted or passed out.

7. Fainted away - This phrase emphasizes the sudden and dramatic nature of fainting.

8. Slumped over - Used to describe someone who has lost consciousness and their body has fallen forward.

9. Went out like a light - An informal way of saying someone suddenly fainted or lost consciousness.

10. Hit the deck - Often used in a military context, this phrase means to suddenly fall down or faint.

11. Passed away - While this phrase usually means to die, it can also be used informally to mean fainting or losing consciousness.

12. Became unconscious - A more clinical way of saying someone has fainted or passed out.

13. Went blank - This phrase can be used when someone loses consciousness and their mind goes blank.

14. Toppled over - Similar to slumping over, this phrase describes the sudden loss of balance and falling down during a fainting spell.

15. Zonked out - An informal way of saying someone has fainted or passed out due to exhaustion or fatigue.

Overall, there are many ways to say "fainted" in English depending on the context and level of formality needed. It's important for translators to understand the nuances and connotations behind each synonym in order to accurately convey the meaning of the original word

