
语言百科2024-03-11 03:34:07留学世界




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1. 著名的


- He is a famous actor.(他是一位著名的演员。)

- The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.(埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎著名的地标。)

2. 出名的


- She became famous overnight after her performance on the talent show.(她在才艺表演节目中一夜成名。)

- The band's new album made them even more famous.(这个乐队的新专辑让他们更加出名了。)

3. 有声望的


- He is a famous doctor in the medical community.(他在医学界享有盛誉。)

- The company has a long history and is well-known for its famous brand.(这家公司历史悠久,以其享誉全球的品牌闻名。)

4. 著作等受欢迎的


- The famous novel has been translated into many languages.(这本著名的小说已被翻译成多种语言。)

- The band's concert was a huge success and became famous among music lovers.(这个乐队的音乐会大获成功,受到了音乐爱好者的喜爱。)

5. 重要的


- This is a famous historical site.(这是一个重要的历史遗迹。)

- The company's CEO is a famous figure in the business world.(这家公司的CEO是商界重要人物。)



1. 首先,让我们来看一下famous这个词的发音。它的读音是/ˈfeɪməs/,其中重读音节为第一个音节,即“fei”。

2. 如果你觉得这个发音有些难以理解,可以尝试将它分解为两部分来读。首先是/fɛɪ/,类似于“fay”的发音,然后是/məs/,类似于“muss”的发音。

3. 另外,要注意的是,英语中的“o”通常不会被单独发音,而是与前面的字母一起组成特殊的发音。所以在famous这个词中,“o”和“u”一起构成了/dʒ/的发音。

4. 如果你想更加准确地掌握famous的发音,在网上可以找到很多英语语音教学视频或者网站来帮助你练习。

5. 此外,在日常生活中,我们也可以通过模仿英语母语人士的发音来提高自己的口语能力。尝试用不同的语调、重读和连读来说出famous这个词,并且多听多练习会让你更加熟悉它的正确发音。

6. 最后要提醒大家的是,在学习英语语言的过程中,要保持耐心和坚持,相信你一定能够掌握famous这个词的正确发音。加油吧!


1. famous的基本用法


2. famous的双语例句

(1) She is a famous singer in China.


(2) The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris.


(3) Shakespeare is a famous playwright from England.


3. famous与其他同义词搭配使用


(1) Well-known强调广为人知,常和in前置连用,表示某人或某事物在某个领域或社会中都被熟知。

例:He is well-known in the field of medicine.


(2) Renowned多指因杰出成就而闻名,常与for连用,表示某人或某事物因特定原因而被大众所熟知。

例:He is renowned for his achievements in science.


(3) Celebrated常用来形容某人或某事物因其特殊地位或成就而被广泛赞扬和庆祝。

例:The celebrated artist's works are highly sought after by collectors.


4. famous的用法注意事项

(1) famous一词通常用来形容正面的、积极的事物,不适合用来形容负面的、消极的事物。比如,我们不会说“a famous disaster”(著名的灾难),而会说“a notorious disaster”(臭名昭著的灾难)。

(2) 在英语中,famous一般不与副词very连用,如果要强调程度,可以使用much或extremely。

例:He is much more famous now than before.




1. "Famous for": 以...而闻名

例如:"Paris is famous for its fashion and art."

2. "Famous as": 作为...而出名

例如:"She is famous as a singer and actress."

3. "World-famous": 举世闻名的

例如:"The Eiffel Tower is a world-famous landmark in Paris."

4. "Infamously": 臭名昭著地

例如:"He is infamously known for his scandalous behavior."

5. "Famous figure": 著名人物

例如:"Shakespeare is a famous figure in English literature."

6. "Famous brand": 著名品牌

例如:"Nike is a famous brand known for its athletic wear."

7. "Famously said/written": 著名的话/文章

例如:"As Shakespeare famously wrote, 'To be or not to be, that is the question.'"

8. "Instantly famous": 瞬间成名的

例如:"The video went viral and she became instantly famous."

9. "Fame and fortune": 名利双收

例如:"Many people dream of achieving fame and fortune."

10. "Rise to fame": 成名之路

例如:"Her rise to fame was unexpected but well-deserved."


1. Well-known: This word sounds similar to "famous" and can be used in the same context. For example, "The well-known actor received an award for his performance."

2. Renowned: Another word that has a similar meaning to "famous" is renowned. It is often used to describe someone who is highly respected or admired for their achievements. For instance, "The renowned author's books have been translated into multiple languages."

3. Celebrated: This word has a positive connotation and can be used as a synonym for "famous." It is often used to describe someone who is widely recognized and praised for their talents or accomplishments. For example, "The celebrated singer performed at the music festival."

4. Prominent: This word can also be used as a synonym for "famous." It refers to someone who is well-known and important in their field or industry. For instance, "The prominent scientist made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine."

5. Notable: Similar to "famous," notable refers to someone who is widely recognized and worthy of attention or notice. It can also be used to describe something that stands out or is remarkable. For example, "The notable artist's paintings are displayed in galleries around the world."

6. Legendary: This word has a more dramatic connotation compared to "famous." It refers to someone who is known for their extraordinary talents or achievements and has become a legend in their own right. For instance, "The legendary musician's songs are still popular decades after their release."

7. Iconic: Another synonym for "famous" with a strong connotation is iconic. It describes someone or something that represents a particular time period, trend, or culture and has achieved widespread recognition and admiration. For example, "The iconic fashion designer revolutionized the industry with her unique designs."

8. Popular: While this word may not have the same level of recognition as "famous," it can still be used as a synonym in certain contexts. It refers to someone who is well-liked and has a large following or fan base. For instance, "The popular YouTuber has millions of subscribers."

9. Noteworthy: This word can be used to describe someone who is worthy of attention or recognition due to their achievements or actions. It is often used in a positive sense and can be used as a synonym for "famous." For example, "The noteworthy chef received a Michelin star for his restaurant."

10. Eminent: Similar to "prominent," this word refers to someone who is highly respected and distinguished in their field or industry. It can also be used to describe someone who is famous or well-known in a particular area. For instance, "The eminent scientist received the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research."

