
语言百科2024-03-11 20:41:41留学世界



1. fat的拼读



2. fat的词性


3. fat的同义词和反义词


4. fat在日常生活中的用法

a. 形容人或动物身体肥胖:She is getting fat.

b. 指食物含有大量脂肪:I try to avoid eating too much fat.

c. 指“脂肪”:Fat is an important source of energy for our body.

5. fat在文学作品中的用法

a. 比喻财富或权力:He inherited a large fortune and lived a life of luxury and fat.

b. 比喻事情变得复杂或困难:The negotiations were complicated by the addition of new players, making it a real fat to untangle.

6. 短语搭配

a. put on/gain weight: 增加体重

b. lose weight: 减肥

c. a diet high in fats: 富含脂肪的饮食

7. 相关词汇

a. fatty: 油腻的、含脂肪的

b. obesity: 肥胖症

c. cholesterol: 胆固醇

8. fat的文化内涵




1. "fat"这个单词,你是不是也觉得有点小复杂?其实,它的发音可不像它的拼写那么肥胖。那么,我们来看看它到底怎么读吧!

2. 首先,我们要注意的是,这个单词的第一个音节应该是重读的。所以,我们可以把它分成两部分来读:f-at。

3. 那么,第一个音节"f"应该怎么发音呢?其实很简单,就和英文中的"f"一样,在嘴唇微微张开、牙齿轻轻咬合的情况下吹气即可。

4. 接下来就是第二个音节"at"了。这里有一个小技巧,我们可以把它读成两个音:a-t。先发出"a"这个元音音素,然后再迅速滑向"t"这个辅音音素。

5. 如果你还觉得有点难以掌握,没关系!我们可以用一句话来总结:"fat怎么读?f-at!"

6. 当然啦,在日常生活中,“fat”这个词也经常被用作形容词,表示“肥胖”的意思。如果你想表达某人或某物“很胖”,可以说:"He/She/It is very fat." 这样就可以啦!

7. 总之,记住这个单词的发音很简单,只要把它分成两部分来读,就能轻松掌握啦!"fat怎么读?f-at!"


1. Fat可以用作形容词,意为“肥胖的”、“丰满的”,拼读为/fæt/。

例句:She is fat, but she is also confident and beautiful. (她虽然胖,但是自信美丽。)

2. Fat也可以用作名词,指“脂肪”,拼读为/fæt/。

例句:Too much fat in your diet can lead to health problems. (饮食中摄入过多的脂肪会导致健康问题。)

3. Fat还有一种意思是“富裕的”、“有钱的”,拼读为/fæt/。

例句:He comes from a fat family and never has to worry about money. (他出身富裕,从不用担心钱的问题。)

4. 在俚语中,fat还可以表示“很棒的”、“非常好的”,拼读为/fæt/。

例句:The party last night was so fat, everyone had a great time! (昨晚的派对太棒了,每个人都玩得很开心!)

5. 另外,在医学领域中,fat也可以缩写为FAT,指“肿瘤相关因子(Fatty Acid Translocase)”。在这种情况下,它通常被拼读为/ef-ei-ti/。

例句:The researchers found that the expression of FAT was significantly increased in cancer cells. (研究人员发现,肿瘤细胞中FAT的表达显著增加。)


1. "Fat chance" - 意为"几乎没有可能",用于表达对某事不太乐观的看法。

2. "Fat cat" - 指代权势和财富的人,通常带有贬义的含义。

3. "Fat lip" - 指嘴唇肿胀或受伤,也可以用来比喻被打击或受到伤害。

4. "Fat wallet" - 指钱包里装满了钱,表示财务充裕。

5. "Fat chance of that happening" - 用于表达对某事情发生的怀疑或不可能性。

6. "Fatten up" - 意为增加体重或变得更丰满,也可以用来比喻增加利润或收入。

7. "Fat-free" - 指食物中没有脂肪成分,也可以用来形容某件事情没有任何缺点或问题。

8. "Fatso" - 一种带有歧视性的称呼,指肥胖的人。

9. "Go on a fat diet" - 意为节食减肥,但也可以用来比喻削减开支或降低成本。

10. "The fat of the land" - 指极其富足和舒适的生活条件


1. Overweight - 超重

Fat is often used as a synonym for overweight, which refers to having a higher body weight than what is considered healthy for a certain height. This term is commonly used in medical and health contexts.

2. Obese - 肥胖的

Obese is another word that can be used interchangeably with fat, specifically referring to a person who has an excessive amount of body fat. It is often associated with health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

3. Plump - 丰满的

Plump is a more positive word that can be used to describe someone who has a slightly larger or fuller figure. It can also refer to something that is pleasantly round or chubby.

4. Chubby - 圆胖的

Similar to plump, chubby describes someone who has a pleasantly rounded or slightly overweight figure. It can also be used in a more affectionate way to describe children or pets.

5. Stout - 矮胖的

Stout refers to someone who is short and heavily built, often with a large waistline. This term may also have connotations of strength and robustness.

6. Rotund - 圆滚滚的

Rotund describes someone who is round, plump, or chubby in appearance. It can also refer to objects that are circular or spherical in shape.

7. Portly - 肥胖的

Portly is another word that can be used to describe someone who is fat or overweight, usually with the implication of being somewhat dignified or respectable.

8. Heavyset - 体格魁梧的

Heavyset refers to someone who has a large and solid build, usually with broad shoulders and thick limbs.

9. Corpulent - 肥胖的

Corpulent describes someone who is excessively fat or obese. It can also be used to describe something that is large and bulky in size.

10. Curvy - 曲线美的

Curvy is a more positive term that can be used to describe someone who has a shapely and attractive figure, with well-defined curves and contours.

11. Plus-sized - 大码的

Plus-sized refers to clothing or fashion items that are designed for people who are larger than the average size. It can also be used to describe someone who is overweight or obese.

12. Well-rounded - 圆润的

Well-rounded can be used to describe someone who has a pleasingly full or proportionate figure, without any negative connotations of being fat or overweight.

13. Pudgy - 圆胖的

Pudgy describes someone who is slightly overweight, often with a soft and rounded body shape. It can also refer to objects that are chubby or plump in appearance.

14. Husky - 魁梧的

Husky refers to someone who has a strong and heavy build, often with broad shoulders and thick muscles. It can also be used to describe someone who has a deep, rough voice.

15. Flabby - 肥胖松弛的

Flabby describes someone who has loose or sagging skin due to being overweight or having lost weight quickly. It can also refer to something that is soft and lacking firmness

