
语言百科2024-03-11 22:52:46留学世界






那么,在翻译行业中,“favor”的意思又是什么呢?其实,“favor”在翻译领域中有着更加具体的含义。它可以指代某种特殊的要求或者要求某人做某事的请求。比如,在口语中我们常用的表达方式:“Can you do me a favor?”(你能帮我个忙吗?)或者“It would be a great favor if you could help me with this translation.”(如果你能帮我翻译这个内容,那真是太感谢了!)

此外,在商务场景中,“favor”也有着特殊的含义。比如,在商务谈判中,一方可能会提出“favorable terms”(有利条件)来要求对方做出让步。在这种情况下,“favor”可以理解为“好处”。



1. 快速浏览一下:如果你是一个翻译行业的新手,可能会遇到一些专业术语,比如“favor”。别担心,本次介绍就是为了帮助你解决这个问题。

2. 音标指导:首先,我们来看一下“favor”的音标。它的发音为/ˈfeɪvər/,发音时要注意把重音放在第一个音节上。

3. 含义揭秘:那么,“favor”到底是什么意思呢?它有两种常用的含义。一种是“喜爱”、“偏爱”的意思,比如“I favor the blue one.”(我更喜欢蓝色的那个)。另一种含义是“好意”、“恩惠”,比如“He did me a favor by lending me the money.”(他借钱给我真是帮了我大忙)。

4. 用法指南:根据语境,“favor”可以作名词或动词使用。作名词时,它表示“偏爱”、“好意”等含义;作动词时,则表示“支持”、“赞成”的意思。比如“She favors the idea of going to the beach.”(她支持去海滩的想法)。

5. 实用例句:为了更好地理解和掌握“favor”的用法,我们来看几个例句吧。a. I have a favor to ask you.(我有一个请求要向你提出)b. Can you do me a favor and pick up some groceries on your way home?(你能帮我个忙,在回家的路上买些杂货吗?)c. The teacher favors the students who participate in class discussions.(老师更偏爱那些积极参与课堂讨论的学生)。

6. 总结:现在,你已经掌握了“favor”的发音和含义,还学会了如何在句子中正确使用它。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词汇。记得多多练习,加油!


1. “favor”的意思是“喜爱”或“偏爱”,通常用作动词。例如:“我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。”(My favorite color is blue.)

2. “in favor of”是一个常用的短语,意思是“支持”或“赞成”。例如:“大多数人都对这项提议表示支持。”(Most people are in favor of this proposal.)

3. “do someone a favor”意思是“帮某人一个忙”。例如:“你能帮我一个忙吗?”(Can you do me a favor?)

4. “ask for a favor”意思是“求助于某人”。例如:“他向我求助,希望我能帮他一个忙。”(He asked me for a favor, hoping I could help him out.)

5. “return the favor”意思是“回报恩情”。例如:“他曾经帮过我,现在轮到我回报恩情了。”(He did me a favor before, now it's my turn to return the favor.)

6. 双语例句:

- Could you do me a favor and pass me the salt, please? (你能帮我个忙把盐递给我吗?)

- I'm not really in favor of this idea, but I'll support it if everyone else agrees. (我并不特别赞成这个想法,但如果其他人都同意的话,我会支持它。)

- I owe him a big favor for helping me get this job. (他帮我找到这份工作,我欠他一个大大的人情。)

- She always asks for favors but never returns them. (她总是向别人求助,却从不回报。)

- I don't mind doing you a favor, but don't take advantage of it. (我不介意帮你个忙,但别趁机占便宜。)


1. In favor of - 支持,赞成

例如:I am in favor of the new policy.


2. Return the favor - 回报恩情

例如:She helped me with my project, so I will definitely return the favor.


3. Do someone a favor - 帮某人一个忙

例如:Can you do me a favor and pick up my dry cleaning?


4. In someone's favor - 对某人有利

例如:The judge ruled in her favor and she won the case.


5. Show someone a little favor - 对某人稍微偏袒一下

例如:He showed her a little favor by giving her extra credit on the exam.


6. Be in good/bad favor with someone - 得到/失去某人的欢心

例如:She is in good favor with her boss because she always works hard.


7. Curry favor with someone - 讨好某人,巴结某人

例如:He is always trying to curry favor with his boss by buying him expensive gifts.


8. In favor with someone - 得到某人的青睐

例如:She is in favor with the CEO and has been promoted to a higher position.


9. Be out of favor - 失宠,不受欢迎

例如:The politician is currently out of favor with the public due to recent scandals.


10. Do a favor for someone - 为某人做一件事情

例如:Can you do me a favor and water my plants while I'm away?



1. Preference - This word is often used to describe something that someone likes or chooses over another option. For example, "I have a preference for Italian food over Chinese food."

2. Affection - This word is used to show a liking or fondness for someone or something. For instance, "I have a deep affection for my dog."

3. Bias - This word refers to a tendency towards one particular thing, person, or group over another. For example, "The judge showed bias towards the defendant during the trial."

4. Partiality - Similar to bias, this word means having a preference for one thing over another. For instance, "She has a partiality for romantic comedies."

5. Inclination - This word describes a natural tendency or preference towards something. For example, "Her inclination towards adventure led her to travel the world."

6. Taste - This word can be used to express someone's liking or preference for certain things, such as food or music. For instance, "His taste in music is very eclectic."

7. Liking - This word simply means having a positive feeling towards something or someone. For example, "I have a liking for spicy food."

8. Predilection - This formal word refers to a strong liking or preference for something specific. For instance, "She has always had a predilection for art and design."

9. Fondness - Similar to affection, this word expresses a strong liking or love for someone or something. For example, "I have a fondness for vintage fashion."

10. Adoration - This strong word means having an intense love and admiration for someone or something. For instance, "Her adoration for her favorite singer knows no bounds."

