
语言百科2024-03-12 23:24:15留学世界





1. 指物体或人向下移动:fell一词最基本的意思就是“跌倒”或“下降”,比如“他从树上fell下来”、“股市又fell了”。

2. 突然发生:除了指运动方向,fell也可以表示某件事情突然发生,例如“夜幕降临时,雨水开始fell下来”。

3. 被砍伐:在农村地区,人们常用fell这个词来表示砍伐树木,“他们一天内就把整片森林都砍掉了”。

4. 变得不好:当我们说某件事情“不好”的时候,可以用fell来表达,“他的健康状况每况愈下”。

5. 陷入某种状态:比如说我们可以说“我fell进了沉思”,表示自己陷入了深深的思考中。

6. 进行施工:在建筑行业,fell也可以表示进行拆除或修建工作,“这栋旧楼将会被拆除并重建”。

7. 意外发现:当我们无意中发现某件事情时,也可以用fell来表达,“我在整理书架时,fell到了一本我以前一直在找的书”。

8. 被击败:在战争或比赛中,我们可以说某个团队或个人被对手fell,“这支球队最终被对手fell”


1. Fell的发音是/fɛl/,读作“费尔”,重音在第一个音节。

2. 这个单词的意思有两种,一种是动词,意为“跌倒”、“摔倒”,例如:He fell off the bike.(他从自行车上摔了下来。)另一种是名词,意为“山谷”,例如:The village is nestled in a small fell.(村子坐落在一座小山谷里。)

3. Fell也可以用作形容词,意为“凹陷的”、“下沉的”,例如:The fell ground was covered with snow.(凹陷的地面被雪覆盖着。)

4. 在英式英语中,fell也可以指代“砍伐”的动作或者被砍伐后的树木,例如:He spent the whole day felling trees in the forest.(他在森林里花了整整一天砍树。)

5. Fell还有一个常见的用法是与down连用,表示“突然变得不好”、“衰退”的意思,例如:The stock market fell down dramatically yesterday.(股市昨天突然大幅下跌。)

6. 除了上述用法外,在口语中fell还可以表示“喜欢”、“迷恋”的意思,通常与介词for连用,例如:I've really fallen for this new TV show!(我真的迷上了这部新电视剧!)

7. Fell也可以用作名词,表示“男友”、“情人”的意思,通常用于非正式场合,例如:She's going out with her fell tonight.(她今晚和她的男友出去了。)

8. 最后,fell也是一种姓氏,在英语中也可以指代某个人的姓氏


1. Fell的基本含义


2. Fell作为动词的用法

a. 指人或物体因失去平衡而跌倒

例句:He tripped and fell on the ground.


b. 指建筑物或其他物体被破坏、倒塌

例句:The old building finally fell to the ground after years of neglect.


c. 比喻意义上指某种状态或情感发生改变

例句:She fell in love with him at first sight.


d. 用于表示时间、温度等数值减少到某个程度

例句:The temperature fell below freezing last night.


3. Fell作为名词的用法

a. 指树木被砍伐后剩余的部分

例句:They chopped down the tree and left the fell on the ground.


b. 指某种皮革材料

例句:The boots are made of high-quality fell.


4. Fell的双语例句

a. The snow was falling heavily and it was difficult to see.


b. She tripped on the rug and fell down the stairs.


c. After their defeat, their spirits fell and they lost all hope.


d. The tree was so old that it finally fell over in a storm.


e. The price of oil has fallen significantly in recent months.


f. They were able to sell the fells of the trees for a good price.


g. The boots are made from high-quality fell leather, making them durable and comfortable to wear.



1. “fell”在口语中的使用:作为一个常见的俚语,我们经常可以听到年轻人在对话中使用“fell”来代替“feel”。比如,“I'm feeling so tired today”可以简化为“I'm so fell today”。这种用法在日常生活中非常常见,因此在翻译口语对话时,我们也需要注意这一点。

2. “fell”作为动词的用法:除了作为名词和俚语外,“fell”也是一个动词,意思是“跌倒”,“下降”。比如,“The tree fell down during the storm.”(树在暴风雨中倒下了。)在翻译文章或小说时,我们可能会遇到这样的用法,需要根据上下文来确定具体含义。

3. “fell”作为名词的用法:除了指代“感觉”外,“fell”还可以表示“山峰”,特别是在英国英语中。比如,“We climbed to the top of the fell and enjoyed the beautiful view.”(我们爬到山顶,欣赏美景。)如果翻译涉及到英国地区的内容,就可能会遇到这样的用法。

4. “fell”的其他含义:除了以上几种常见的用法外,“fell”还有一些其他含义。比如,在古老的英格兰法律中,“felon”指代重罪犯,而“felonious”则表示“邪恶的”。在诗歌中,我们也可以看到“fell”被用来形容残酷或凶险的场景。因此,在翻译文学作品时,我们也需要注意这些特殊用法。

5. “fell”与其他单词的搭配:最后,我们还需要注意“fell”与其他单词的搭配。比如,“fellow”和“fella”都是与“fell”相关的俚语,意思分别是“家伙”和“小伙子”。而在古英语中,“fell”也有“凶恶”的含义,因此在翻译古老文献时,也需要注意这一点


1. Synonyms for fell: drop, plunge, tumble, descend, topple.

2. Antonyms for fell: rise, ascend, climb, soar.

3. Other related words: fall, plummet, collapse, stumble, trip.

4. Idioms and phrases: take a fall (to suffer a defeat or failure), have a fall (to experience a physical fall), fall back on (to rely on as a last resort), fall into place (to become clear or understandable), the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (children often resemble their parents).

5. Compound words: downfall (a sudden loss or defeat), downfallen (fallen from a high position or power), downfalling (the act of falling down).

6. Words with similar meanings: drop- to let something fall from one's hand or grasp; plunge- to move quickly and forcefully into something; tumble- to fall suddenly and uncontrollably; descend- to move downward; topple- to lose balance and fall over.

7. Words with opposite meanings: rise- to move upward; ascend- to go up or climb; climb- to move upward with effort; soar- to fly high in the air.

8. Adjectives describing the action of falling: sudden, abrupt, rapid, unexpected.

9. Adverbs describing the action of falling: suddenly, quickly, unexpectedly.

10. Verbs expressing different types of falls: stumble (to trip or miss one's step while walking), trip (to lose balance and almost fall), slip (to slide accidentally and lose footing).

11. Nouns associated with falling: descent (the act of moving downward), downfall (a sudden loss or defeat), plunge (a sudden dive or steep decline).

12. Words related to the physical sensation of falling: vertigo (a feeling of dizziness or loss of balance), lurch (a sudden unsteady movement).

13. Words related to the emotional state of falling: downfall (a sudden failure or collapse), downfallen (feeling defeated or humiliated), downfalling (the feeling of losing one's position or power).

14. Other forms of the word fell: fallen (past participle), falling (present participle), falls (plural noun).

15. Derivatives of the word fell: felled (past tense of the verb "fell"), feller (one who cuts down trees), felling (the act of cutting down trees)

