
语言百科2024-03-13 05:53:08留学世界



1. 什么是few?



2. few的用法

(1) 作为形容词时,few通常修饰可数名词单数形式,如few people(很少的人)、a few books(几本书)。

(2) few也可以作为代词使用,表示“一些”、“几个”,但强调数量少。例如:Few have been successful in this field.(在这个领域里成功的人很少。)

(3) 另外,few还可以作为副词使用,意为“很少”、“几乎没有”。例如:I have few friends.(我几乎没有朋友。)

3. few与little的区别

few和little都可以表示“少”的意思,但它们有一些细微的差别。few主要用来表示数量上的缺乏,而little则更多地指程度上的缺乏。例如:There are few people in the room.(房间里人很少。)但是当我们想表达某种资源或财富缺乏时,则可以使用little。例如:We have little time left to finish the project.(我们剩下很少时间来完成这个项目。)

4. few的近义词


5. few的反义词

few的反义词是many,意为“很多的”。它们常常一起使用,构成对比来强调数量上的差异。例如:There are few people in the park, but many in the shopping mall.(公园里人很少,但购物中心里人很多。)

6. 表达“更少”的方式


(1) 使用比较级形式:fewer(更少)和less(更少)。例如:I have fewer friends than you do.(我比你朋友少。)

(2) 使用副词more sparingly:意为“更节省地”,也可以表示程度上更少。例如:We need to use our resources more sparingly.(我们需要更节省地利用资源。)

7. 常见搭配

(1) a few + 可数名词复数形式,表示“几个”、“一些”。例如:I have a few friends who live in this city.(我有几个朋友住在这个城市。)

(2) quite a few + 可数名词复数形式,意为“相当多”。例如:Quite a few students are interested in studying abroad.(相当多的学生对出国留学感兴趣。)

(3) very few + 可数名词复数形式,意为“很少”。例如:Very few people can afford to buy a house in this neighborhood.(在这个社区,很少人买得起房子。)


1. 数量少:few在英语中是指“少数的,几个,少量的”意思。在口语中,我们通常会把few读成[fju:],注意不要把它读成[fu:]哦。

2. 与little的区别:有些人可能会觉得few和little很相似,但其实它们还是有一些区别的。Little通常用来表示“小”的概念,而few则更多地强调数量上的少。比如说,“I have little money”意思是“我没有多少钱”,而“I have few friends”则是指“我朋友很少”。

3. 修饰可数名词:请记住,few只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词。比如说,“I have few apples”这样的表达是正确的,但是“I have few water”就是错误的。

4. 贬义用法:虽然few本身并没有贬义含义,但有时候我们会用它来表示某种不满或者轻蔑的情绪。比如说,“He has few talents”就暗示着这个人并没有什么特长。

5. 可以加上形容词:如果你想要更加强调数量上的少,可以在few前面加上形容词来修饰它。比如说,“There are only a few brave soldiers left in the battlefield”中的brave就是形容词,用来强调这些士兵数量上的稀少。

6. 与fewer的区别:有时候我们会把few和fewer混淆,但它们其实是有一些区别的。Fewer通常用来比较两者之间数量的差异,而few则更多地强调数量本身的少。比如说,“I have fewer apples than you”意思是“我比你少苹果”,而“I have few apples”则是指“我苹果很少”。



1. Few的基本意思


2. Few作为形容词的用法

当few作为形容词时,通常放在名词前面修饰名词,表示数量很少。例如:“There are few people in the park.”(公园里人很少) “I have few friends in this city.”(我在这个城市没有几个朋友)

3. Few作为副词的用法

当few作为副词时,通常放在动词前面修饰动作,表示做某事的人或事物很少。例如:“He has few options to choose from.”(他没有多少选择) “I can count on my fingers the number of times we've met.”(我们见过的次数我都能数得出来)

4. Few与little的区别

Few和little都有“少数”的意思,但是它们在使用上有一些区别。Few通常用于可数名词,而little则用于不可数名词。例如:“I have a few books to read.”(我有几本书要读) “There is little water left in the bottle.”(瓶子里剩下很少水)

5. 双语例句

1) There are few students in the classroom today.(今天教室里的学生很少)

2) He has few friends who truly understand him.(他没有几个真正了解他的朋友)

3) Few people can afford to buy a house in this city.(在这个城市,能买得起房子的人很少)

4) There is little chance of winning the lottery.(中彩票的机会很小)

5) She has little patience for rude customers.(她对粗鲁的顾客没有多少耐心)


1. A few: 几个,少量的

例如:I have a few friends who I can always count on.

2. Few and far between: 稀少的,不常见的

例如:Opportunities like this are few and far between.

3. In a few words: 简言之,简单地说

例如:Can you describe your experience in a few words?

4. A few of: 一些,几个

例如:I only have a few of these books left.

5. Fewer and fewer: 越来越少的

例如:There are fewer and fewer people interested in traditional music nowadays.

6. Few and little: 少许,少量

例如:We need to make do with the few resources we have.

7. A select/few group: 精英小团体

例如:Only a select/few group of students were chosen for the study abroad program.

8. Not many/fewer people: 没有多少人,更少的人数

例如:Not many people know about this hidden gem of a restaurant.

9. A handful of: 一小撮,几个

例如:There are only a handful of people who can solve this difficult puzzle.

10. Few and far between: 很少发生的,不常见的

例如:Finding true love is like finding a needle in a haystack, it's few and far between


1. Limited

- Definition: a small number or amount of something

- Example: There are only a limited number of seats available for the concert.

2. Scant

- Definition: barely sufficient or adequate; not enough in amount, quantity, or extent

- Example: The company's profits were scant this year due to the economic downturn.

3. Sparse

- Definition: thinly dispersed or scattered; not thick or dense

- Example: The forest was sparse, with only a few trees scattered throughout.

4. Meager

- Definition: lacking in quantity or quality; not enough in amount, degree, or extent

- Example: The refugees had to survive on meager rations provided by the aid organization.

5. Handful

- Definition: a small number of people or things; a small amount of something that is difficult to manage or control.

- Example: The teacher had a handful of students who consistently misbehaved in class.

6. Scarce

- Definition: insufficient for the demand; hard to find; rare

- Example: During the drought, water became scarce and people had to line up for hours to get some.

7. Paltry

- Definition: very small in amount; meager; insignificant

- Example: The salary offered for the job was paltry compared to the responsibilities and qualifications required.

8. Inadequate

- Definition: not enough; insufficient

- Example: The company's security measures were inadequate, leading to a data breach.

9. Few and far between

- Definition: infrequent; rare

- Example: Opportunities like this come few and far between, so you should take advantage of it.

10. Handful

- Definition: a small number of people or things; a difficult task

- Example: Managing this project is going to be a handful with all the tight deadlines and budget constraints

