
语言百科2024-03-13 08:13:45留学世界




1. 介绍few的词性和含义


2. few的同义词和反义词


3. few在句子中的用法

(1) 作为定语:few + 名词单数形式,如:few people (少数人)、few opportunities (少量机会)。

(2) 作为表语:be + few + 名词复数形式,如:There are few books on the shelf. (书架上有少量书籍。)

(3) 作为副词:few + 动词原形/形容词原级,如:He has few friends. (他没有几个朋友。)

4. few与little的区别

虽然两者都表示数量不多,但few更强调数量上的限制,而little则更强调程度上的不足。例如:There are few cars on the road. (路上车很少。) 这句话强调路上车辆数量很少;而There is little traffic on the road. (路上交通很少。) 这句话则强调路上交通的程度很低。

5. few的常见搭配

(1) few + 名词复数形式:few books (少量书籍)、few people (少数人)、few opportunities (少量机会)等。

(2) very/fairly/quite + few:非常/相当/很少,如:very few students (非常少的学生)。

(3) a few + 名词复数形式:几个,如:a few friends (几个朋友)、a few dollars (几美元)。

(4) not many/fewer than + 数字:不多于,如:not many people (不多于人数)、fewer than 10 students (不多于10名学生)。

6. 常用短语

(1) a few days ago: 几天前

(2) just a few: 只有几个

(3) quite a few: 相当多的

(4) in a few minutes: 几分钟后

(5) one of the few: 少数之一

7. 示例句子

1)There are very few trees in the desert.


2)He has little interest in sports.


3)There are only a few tickets left for the concert.


4)I have fewer friends than my sister.


5)In a few years, he became a successful businessman.


8. 常见错误

(1) 将few用作不可数名词,如:There is little people in the room. (错误) 应为:There are few people in the room. (正确)

(2) 将few和little混淆使用,如:I have few time. (错误) 应为:I have little time. (正确)



首先,我们来学习一下“few”的基本含义。它是一个形容词,表示数量少、数量不足的意思。比如说,“I have few friends.”(我只有几个朋友。)或者“Few people can finish this task.”(很少有人能完成这项任务。)所以,当我们在翻译中遇到这个词时,要根据上下文来判断它的具体含义。


当然,除了正确的发音外,我们也要注意“few”的语气。在非正式的场合,我们可以用一种轻松俏皮的语气来表达。比如说,“I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”(我有几招绝招。)或者“Few people can resist the temptation of chocolate.”(很少有人能抵挡住巧克力的诱惑。)这样就显得更加生动有趣了吧!



1. Few的基本用法


2. Few作为形容词的用法


- There are few people in the park today.(今天公园里人很少)

- I have few friends in this city.(我在这个城市没有几个朋友)

3. Few作为名词的用法


- These few are my closest friends.(这几个人是我最亲近的朋友)

- We should cherish the few good things we have.(我们应该珍惜我们拥有的少数好事)

4. Few与a few和the few的区别

Few通常表示数量很少或者不足,而a few和the few则分别表示“一些”和“那些”。例如:

- There are a few apples on the table.(桌子上有几个苹果)

- The few students who arrived early were rewarded.(那些早到的学生得到了奖励)

5. 双语例句

1) Few people can understand his true intentions.


2) I have few regrets in my life.


3) There are a few things I need to discuss with you.


4) The few remaining trees were cut down for development.


5) He is one of the few who can speak three languages fluently.



1. A few: 几个,一些。例如:I have a few friends.(我有几个朋友。)

2. Quite a few: 相当多的,许多。例如:There are quite a few people at the party.(派对上有相当多的人。)

3. Few and far between: 很少见的,稀少的。例如:Opportunities like this are few and far between.(像这样的机会很少见。)

4. In a few words: 简言之,简单地说。例如:Can you describe the movie in a few words?(你能用几句话描述这部电影吗?)

5. Few and between: 稀少的,罕见的。例如:Compliments from my boss are few and between.(老板对我的赞美很少见。)

6. A select/few group: 精英小团体,精英阶层。例如:Only a select/few group of students were chosen for the internship program.(只有一小群学生被选中参加实习计划。)

7. Fewer and fewer: 越来越少的,越来越少见的。例如:There are fewer and fewer opportunities for advancement in this company.(在这家公司里晋升的机会越来越少了。)

8. A handful of: 一把,一小撮。例如:There were only a handful of people at the protest rally.(抗议集会上只有一小撮人。)

9. Not a few: 不少,相当多。例如:Not a few people were surprised by the sudden announcement.(相当多的人对突然的公告感到惊讶。)

10. Few and sundry: 各种各样的人,各色人等。例如:The event attracted few and sundry, from celebrities to ordinary citizens.(这个活动吸引了各种各样的人,从名人到普通市民。)


1. Not many - “There are not many people who know how to properly pronounce 'few' in English."

2. A handful - "There's only a handful of people who can say 'few' correctly in English."

3. Limited number - "A limited number of individuals are able to pronounce 'few' accurately in English."

4. Scarcely any - "Scarcely any people can say 'few' the right way in English."

5. Only a few - "Only a few individuals have the ability to pronounce 'few' correctly in English."

6. Hardly any - "Hardly any people know how to say 'few' properly in English."

7. A small group - "A small group of people can pronounce 'few' accurately in English."

8. Just a couple - "Just a couple of individuals know how to say 'few' correctly in English."

9. Sparse amount - "There is a sparse amount of people who can properly pronounce 'few' in English."

10. Meager number - "The meager number of individuals who can say 'few' correctly in English is surprising."

