
语言百科2024-03-13 15:01:37留学世界





1. 战斗

首先,fight最常见的含义就是“战斗”,它可以用作名词或动词。作为名词时,它指的是一场激烈的冲突或战争。例如,“The soldiers were ready for the fight.”(士兵们已经准备好战斗了。)作为动词时,fight意为“战斗”、“打架”,也可以指“反抗”、“抵抗”。例如,“The two boys fought over the last piece of cake.”(这两个男孩为最后一块蛋糕打了起来。)

2. 争吵

除了指实际的战斗,fight也可以用来表示言语上的争吵或冲突。例如,“My parents always fight about money.”(我的父母总是为钱而争吵。)这里的fight可以理解为“争吵”、“吵架”。

3. 追求

另外,fight也可以表示追求、努力、奋斗的意思。例如,“She has been fighting for women's rights all her life.”(她一生都在为妇女权利而奋斗。)这里的fight可以理解为“追求”、“努力”。

4. 对抗

除此之外,fight也可以指对抗、抵抗某种力量或情况。例如,“We must fight against climate change.”(我们必须抵抗气候变化。)这里的fight可以理解为“对抗”、“抵御”。

5. 挑战



1. “fight”是一个英文单词,读作/fait/。

2. 它的意思是“战斗”、“争斗”、“对抗”,也可以表示“斗争”、“奋斗”等含义。

3. 在口语中,还可以用来表示“打架”、“吵架”的意思。

4. 这个词也经常出现在一些固定短语中,比如“fight for something”,意为为某事而战斗,表示为了某个目标而努力奋斗。

5. 另外,“fight against something”则表示与某事物作斗争,表示与某种情况或问题进行抗争。

6. 除了作为动词使用外,“fight”还可以作为名词,指代一场战斗或一次争论。

7. 在当下年轻人的口语中,也有一些衍生用法,比如“food fight”,指代食物大战,在电影或电视剧中经常出现;还有“pillow fight”,指代枕头大战,在朋友聚会时常见的娱乐活动。

8. 总的来说,“fight”这个词有着丰富的含义和用法,在不同的场合都能够使用。希望你能够在平时多加练习,熟练掌握它的发音和用法,让你的英语更加地地道道!


1. “fight”的基本意思是“战斗”或“打架”,但它还有许多其他用法,让我们一起来看看吧!

2. “fight”也可以表示“争斗”或“竞争”,例如:The two teams are fighting for the championship. (这两支队伍正在为冠军而竞争。)

3. 还可以用作动词,表示“与…作战”或“与…搏斗”,例如:The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy. (士兵们勇敢地与敌人作战。)

4. “fight”也可以表示“抵抗”或“反对”,例如:We must fight against injustice and inequality. (我们必须反抗不公和不平等。)

5. 另外,“fight”还可以指代某种努力或奋斗,例如:She is fighting to overcome her fear of public speaking. (她正在努力克服自己的公众演讲恐惧。)

6. 最后,作为名词,“fight”也可以指代一场战斗、争议或冲突,例如:There was a big fight between the two rival gangs last night. (昨晚两个对立的帮派之间发生了一场大打斗。)

7. 总的来说,“fight”的用法非常丰富多样,可以表示各种不同的含义和情境。

8. 让我们来看几个例句,更加直观地理解“fight”的用法吧!

9. He fought bravely in the battle and was awarded a medal for his courage. (他在战斗中勇敢作战,因其勇气而被授予一枚奖章。)

10. The two brothers always fight over the TV remote control. (这两个兄弟总是为了电视遥控器而争吵。)

11. She is fighting for women's rights and equality in the workplace. (她正在为妇女权利和职场平等而奋斗。)

12. The young couple had a big fight last night, but they made up this morning. (那对年轻夫妇昨晚大吵了一架,但今天早上和好如初。)

13. 总的来说,“fight”是一个非常常用且有趣的词汇,在不同的语境中都有不同的含义和用法。希望你能通过本小节更加深入地了解它!


1. Fight back: 反击,抵抗

2. Fight for: 为...而战,争取

3. Fight against: 与...作战,反对

4. Fight off: 击退,赶走

5. Fight on: 继续战斗,坚持不懈

6. Fight with: 与...作战,与...争斗

7. Fight to the death: 拼死作战

8. Fight fire with fire: 以其人之道还治其人之身

9. Fight against the odds: 不顾困难奋勇前进

10. Fighting spirit: 斗志,战斗精神

11. Fist fight: 打架,肉搏战

12. Fight or flight response: 斗争或逃避反应(生理学上的一种反应)

13. Pillow fight: 枕头大战(儿童游戏)

14. Dogfight: 空中格斗(指飞机之间的空中交火)

15. Food fight:食物大战(指用食物互相投掷的游戏)

16.Fight club:格斗俱乐部(电影名)

17.Fight scene:打斗场面(电影、电视剧等中的动作场景)

18.Fighting words:挑衅性言辞,激怒对方的话语

19.Fight song:激励性歌曲,在体育比赛中演唱以鼓舞士气

20.Fight for your rights:为自己的权利而战

21.Fight to the finish:战斗到底,不放弃

22.Fight fire with fire:以其人之道还治其人之身

23.Fighting chance:胜算,取胜的机会

24.Fight dirty:卑鄙手段作战,使用不光彩的手段

25.Bare-knuckle fight: 赤手空拳的搏斗

此外,“fight”这个词也经常被用来比喻其他事物,例如“fight fire with fire”就是指采取同样的手段来应对挑衅。另外,“fighting spirit”也可以用来形容一个人具有坚强的意志和毅力


1. Battle: This word can be used to describe a physical fight or a struggle against something.

Example: "The two warriors engaged in a fierce battle on the battlefield."

2. Brawl: This is often used to describe a noisy and violent fight between two or more people.

Example: "The bar erupted into a brawl when the two drunk men started arguing."

3. Clash: This word can be used to describe a disagreement or conflict between two individuals or groups.

Example: "The clash between the two political parties resulted in chaos on the streets."

4. Combat: This word can be used to describe a fight or struggle, especially in a military context.

Example: "The soldiers were trained in hand-to-hand combat for close-range fights."

5. Scuffle: This word is often used to describe a brief and disorderly fight.

Example: "The children got into a scuffle over who gets to play with the toy first."

6. Skirmish: Similar to combat, this word is often used to describe a small-scale fight or battle.

Example: "The army engaged in several skirmishes with the enemy before retreating."

7. Quarrel: This word can be used to describe an argument that turns into a physical altercation.

Example: "The couple had a quarrel that ended up with them throwing things at each other."

8. Fracas: This is another word for brawl, often used to describe a noisy and chaotic fight.

Example: "The fracas outside the club caused quite a disturbance for the neighborhood."

9. Altercation: This word can be used to describe an argument that escalates into physical violence.

Example: "The altercation between the two drivers resulted in one of them getting out of their car and punching the other."

10. Confrontation: Similar to clash, this word is often used to describe an encounter between opposing sides that leads to conflict.

Example: "The confrontation between the protesters and the police turned violent."

fight作为一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“战斗”或者“争论”。它的发音为/fait/,在口语中也可以简化为/fit/。除了表示实际的战斗行为外,fight还可以用来指代对抗、竞争或者与困难作斗争。例如,“I will fight for my dreams.”(我会为我的梦想而奋斗。)同时,我们还可以使用一些与fight相关的词组来丰富我们的表达,比如“fight against”(与...作斗争)、“fight for”(为...而战)、“pick a fight”(挑起争吵)等等。此外,如果你想要增加自己的词汇量,可以尝试寻找一些与fight意思相近的同义词,如battle、struggle、combat等等。最后,我是网站编辑小李,在这里我会分享更多有趣的英语知识和学习技巧,请大家多多关注!
