首先,fired最常见的意思就是"被解雇"。当你的老板或者公司决定不再需要你的工作时,他们可能会告诉你:"You're fired!"这句话就相当于中文里的"你被解雇了!"
除了被解雇外,fired也可以表示"被开除"。这通常发生在教育或军事领域,在某些情况下,人们可能会说:"He was fired from the school."(他被学校开除了。)或者"He was fired from the military."(他被军方开除了。)
虽然很少见,但fired也可以表示"点燃"的意思。比如,在一场战争中,士兵们可能会说:"We fired our guns at the enemy."(我们向敌人开枪射击。)这里的"fired"就是指将枪械点燃并发射子弹。
除了上述意思外,fired还可以表示"放弃"。比如,当你不再想要做某件事情时,你可能会说:"I'm fired up about quitting my job."(我已经决定辞职了。)这里的"fired up"就是指激发了某种决心或热情。
1. 被炒鱿鱼了吗?——解读“fired”的含义
2. 看懂这个单词,让你在职场更有底气——如何读音“fired”
3. “被开除”还是“被解雇”?——揭开“fired”的真实面目
4. 原来这就是老板说的那句话!——学会正确发音“fired”
5. 不要再说错了!——轻松掌握正确的“fired”发音技巧
6. 从现在开始,别再丢脸了!——学会如何念出“fired”的正确音节
7. 让你的英语水平高人一等!——轻松掌握英式发音中的“fired”
8. 拜托,别再说成“费尔德”了!——教你如何准确地发出“fired”的美式音韵
9. 被老外笑话?快来学习正确发音的诀窍吧!——怎样才能完美地说出“fired”
10. 职场百科必备知识:怎样读准英文中的"fired"?
1. fired的基本含义
2. fired的用法
a. 作为动词使用
- He was fired for being late to work every day.
- The company fired several employees due to budget cuts.
b. 作为形容词使用
- I'm sorry, but you are fired.
- She was feeling down after being fired from her job.
3. 双语例句
a. The manager decided to fire the employee for repeatedly violating company policies.
b. The company has a strict policy of firing employees who engage in illegal activities.
c. After being fired from her job, she struggled to find a new one.
d. He was fired without any warning, which came as a shock to him.
e. The company fired him for poor performance, but he believes it was unjustified.
1. Fired up - 激发,激励
2. Get fired - 被解雇
3. Fire someone - 解雇某人
4. Fire away - 开始,继续说话
5. Fire back - 回击,反击
6. Fire up the engine - 启动引擎
7. On fire - 着火,燃烧
8. Catch fire - 起火,着火
9. Play with fire - 玩火,冒险行为
10. Under fire - 受到攻击,受到指责
11. Open fire - 开火,射击
12. Draw fire - 吸引注意力,招致批评或攻击
13. Friendly fire - 友军误伤
14. Fire drill - 消防演习,应急演练
15. Fire escape - 避难通道,逃生通道
1. Terminated - This is a formal way of saying "fired" and is often used in official documents or announcements. It implies that the employment has been ended due to some reason, such as poor performance or misconduct.
2. Dismissed - This is another formal synonym for "fired" and is often used in legal contexts. It means that the employee has been officially removed from their position by their employer.
3. Sacked - This term is commonly used in British English and means the same as "fired." It originated from the practice of workers carrying their belongings in a sack after being dismissed from their job.
4. Let go - This phrase is often used to soften the impact of being fired. It suggests that the employee was released from their job, rather than being actively fired.
5. Pink-slipped - This term comes from the practice of employers giving employees a pink slip (a termination notice) when they are fired. It is commonly used in American English.
6. Axed - This informal term implies that the employee was suddenly and unexpectedly let go, similar to being hit with an axe.
7. Given the boot - Another informal expression for being fired, it suggests that the employee was kicked out of their job.
8. Terminated with cause - This phrase indicates that the employee was fired due to some specific reason, such as violating company policies or breaking a contract.
9. Separated from employment - A more formal way of saying "fired," this phrase is often used in legal documents or official statements.
10. Discharged - Similar to "dismissed," this term also carries a legal connotation and implies that the employee's services were terminated by their employer.
11. Let off - This phrase can be used to mean "fired," but it can also have a different meaning depending on context, such as being let off work early or given a warning instead of being fired.
12. Terminated for cause - Similar to "terminated with cause," this phrase indicates that the employee was fired due to some specific reason.
13. Relieved of duties - This phrase is often used in a military or government context to indicate that someone has been removed from their position or responsibilities.
14. Dismissed from employment - Another formal way of saying "fired," this phrase is often used in legal documents or official statements.
15. Given the sack - Similar to "sacked," this term is also commonly used in British English and implies that the employee was suddenly and unexpectedly fired
fired是一个常用的英语单词,它可以表示“解雇”、“开除”等含义,读音为[fʌɪəd]。在日常生活中,我们经常会听到或使用到这个词,比如“被解雇”可以用“get fired”来表达。通过本文的介绍,相信大家对fired的意思、发音、用法和相关词组都有了更深入的了解。最后,在此我作为网站的编辑,衷心希望大家能够喜欢并关注我们的网站,也欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议。谢谢!