
语言百科2024-03-15 04:57:11留学世界




你可能听过这个词,但是你知道它的意思吗?如果不知道,别担心,我来给你解释一下。floppy其实是一个形容词,它的英语读音是[flop-ee]。它的意思是“松软的”或者“软弱无力的”,通常用来形容某物或某人缺乏力量或活力。比如说,当你在做运动时感觉腿部没有力气,你就可以说“my legs feel floppy”。还有一种情况是指软盘(floppy disk),这也是floppy这个词最早出现的地方。但现在随着科技的发展,软盘已经很少被使用了。


除了形容缺乏力量和软盘外,floppy这个词还可以用来形容某人的头发或衣服等松散、下垂的状态。比如说,“her hair was long and floppy”就是指她的头发又长又松软。或者,“he was wearing a floppy hat”就是指他戴着一顶宽边软帽


1. 什么是floppy?


2. floppy的发音


3. floppy的读音起源


4. floppy与其他类似单词的区别


5. 如何正确地读出floppy?






6. 其他相关单词的发音



(2)hard disk:/hɑːd dɪsk/,“硬盘”;

(3)compact disk:/kəmˈpækt dɪsk/,“光盘”;

(4)USB disk:/juːesbiː dɪsk/,“U盘”


1. What is a floppy?

- Floppy is a type of storage device used for computers, also known as a floppy disk or diskette.

- Floppy disks were widely used in the 1980s and 1990s, but have since been replaced by more advanced storage options like USB drives and cloud storage.

2. How do you pronounce floppy?

- The correct pronunciation of floppy is "flah-pi", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

- Some people may also pronounce it as "flop-ee", but this is not the standard pronunciation.

3. Why is it called "floppy"?

- The name comes from the flexible plastic material used to make the disk, which allows it to be bent or "flopped" without breaking.

- This was a major advantage over other storage devices at the time, such as hard drives or CDs, which were more fragile.

4. Examples of usage:

- "I found some old documents on a floppy disk in my attic."

- "Do you remember when we used to save our school projects on floppies?"

- "I need to transfer these files onto a USB drive because my computer doesn't have a floppy drive."

5. 双语例句:

- 我在阁楼上找到了一些旧文档,保存在软盘里。

(I found some old documents on a floppy disk in my attic.)

- 你还记得我们以前把学校作业保存在软盘上的时候吗?

(Do you remember when we used to save our school projects on floppies?)

- 我需要把这些文件转移到U盘上,因为我的电脑没有软盘驱动器。

(I need to transfer these files onto a USB drive because my computer doesn't have a floppy drive.)


1. "Floppy disk" - 软盘

2. "Floppy drive" - 软盘驱动器

3. "Floppy eared" - 软耳朵的

4. "Floppy hat" - 宽边帽

5. "Floppy hair" - 松软的头发

6. "Floppy bunny" - 松软的兔子

7. "Floppy puppy" - 松软的小狗

8. "Floppy sun hat" - 宽边太阳帽

9. "Floppy beach bag" - 松软的沙滩包

10. "Floppy diskette" - 软盘片


1. Flaccid

- 词性:形容词

- 同义词:limp, soft, droopy, weak, floppy

2. Lax

- 词性:形容词

- 同义词:loose, relaxed, slack, easygoing, floppy

3. Sagging

- 词性:动词/形容词

- 同义词:drooping, hanging down, loose, flabby, floppy

4. Dangling

- 词性:动词/形容词

- 同义词:hanging down, swinging loosely, drooping, limp, floppy

5. Limp

- 词性:形容词/动词

- 同义词:flaccid, weak, droopy, loose, floppy

6. Loose

- 词性:形容词/副动作次序关系副詞

- 同义词:slack , baggy , roomy , floppy , free

7. Soft

- 词性: 形容詞

-同義詞: gentle , mild , tender , supple , floppy

8. Weak

- 詞性: 形容詞

-同義詞: feeble , frail , delicate , powerless , floppy

9. Droopy

- 詞性: 形容詞

-同義詞: sagging , limp , wilted , flabby , floppy

10. Bendable

- 詞性: 形容詞

-同義詞: flexible , pliable , adaptable , supple , floppy

