
语言百科2024-03-15 14:41:46留学世界



1. 什么是focused?



2. focused的同义词有哪些?

- Concentrated:意为“专注的,集中的”,与focused在含义上相似,但更强调对某一特定事物或任务的集中。

- Attentive:意为“注意的,留心的”,与focused相比更加强调对细节和细微之处的关注。

- Engrossed:意为“全神贯注的”,与focused在含义上相近,但更加强调对某一事物或任务完全投入。

- Absorbed:意为“全神贯注的”,与engrossed在含义上相似,但更多用于形容对某一事物或任务产生极大兴趣和吸引力。

- Intense:意为“强烈的,紧张的”,与focused在含义上有些差异,但也可以用来描述一个人或事物具有高度集中注意力和精力。

3. focused在句子中如何使用?

- 作形容词时:

- He is very focused on his work.(他对工作非常专注。)

- She has a very focused mind.(她拥有一颗非常专注的心。)

- The team needs to stay focused on the goal.(团队需要专注于目标。)

- 作动词时:

- She focused her attention on the speaker.(她把注意力集中在演讲者身上。)

- He needs to focus more on his studies.(他需要更专注于学习。)

- The company is focusing on expanding its market share.(公司正专注于扩大市场份额。)

4. focused的反义词有哪些?

- Distracted:意为“分心的,心烦意乱的”,与focused相反,指一个人无法集中注意力。

- Inattentive:意为“不注意的,疏忽的”,与attentive相反,指一个人缺乏关注和留心。

- Disengaged:意为“不专注的,漫不经心的”,与engrossed相反,指一个人对某一事物或任务没有兴趣和投入。

- Relaxed:意为“放松的,轻松的”,与intense相反,指一个人没有紧张和压力。

5. 如何提高自己的focused能力?

- 制定明确目标:明确知道自己想要达到什么目标可以帮助我们更容易集中精力。

- 减少干扰:尽量避免在工作或学习时受到干扰,如关闭社交媒体、手机静音等。

- 做好时间管理:合理安排自己的时间,避免拖延和浪费时间。

- 注重休息:保持良好的作息习惯,充足的睡眠可以提高注意力和集中力。

- 练习冥想:通过冥想可以帮助我们训练集中注意力的能力。

- 坚持锻炼:适当的运动可以提高大脑活跃度和注意力


1. 首先,我们来看一下英语中的"focused"是如何发音的。它的读音为/fəʊkəst/,重音在第二个音节上。

2. "focused"是一个形容词,意思是专注的、集中的。它可以用来描述一个人或者一件事情。

3. 如果你想表达某人很专注、很集中注意力,你可以说他/她 is focused。例如:"He is very focused on his studies."(他对学习非常专注。)

4. 除了形容人之外,"focused"也可以用来形容某件事情或者活动。比如:"The company has a focused marketing strategy."(这家公司有一项专注的市场营销策略。)

5. 有时候,我们也会用到"focused on"这个短语,表示某人或者某件事情的关注点或者重点所在。例如:"She is very focused on her career."(她对自己的职业非常专注。)

6. 总的来说,"focused"是一个非常常用且实用的词汇,在日常生活和工作中都会经常遇到。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解并使用它!


1. 什么是focused?


2. focused的用法

a. 作形容词时,focused可以修饰人或物,表示其具有专注、集中的状态。例如:“She is a very focused student.”(她是一个非常专注的学生。) “The laser beam is highly focused.”(激光束非常集中。)

b. 作动词时,focused可以接受不同的宾语,表示将注意力、精力等集中在某一特定事物上。例如:“He focused his attention on the task at hand.”(他把注意力集中在手头的任务上。) “The company needs to focus on improving customer service.”(公司需要把重点放在改善客户服务上。)

3. 双语例句

a. She is very focused on her studies and rarely gets distracted by other things.


b. The team needs to stay focused if they want to win the championship.


c. The artist's paintings are known for their highly focused details.


d. The company's new strategy is to focus on expanding into international markets.


e. He has always been a focused and determined athlete, which is why he has achieved so much success.



1. "Stay focused" - 保持专注

2. "Laser-focused" - 集中注意力

3. "Focused mindset" - 专注的心态

4. "Focused effort" - 集中精力

5. "Focused approach" - 专注的方法

6. "Hyper-focused" - 超级专注

7. "Focused goals" - 确定的目标

8. "Focused thinking" - 专注思考

9. "Focused work ethic" - 专注的工作态度

10. "Focused time management" - 精准的时间管理


1. Concentrated - This word emphasizes the intense and undivided attention given to something.

2. Centered - This word suggests a strong focus on one particular thing or goal.

3. Attentive - This word implies a careful and mindful focus on something.

4. Absorbed - This word conveys the idea of being completely engrossed in something.

5. Engaged - This word implies active involvement and dedicated focus on a task or subject.

6. Fixated - This word suggests an intense and unwavering focus on something.

7. Intense - This word emphasizes the strength and depth of one's focus.

8. Single-minded - This word implies a strong determination and unwavering concentration on one specific thing.

9. Undivided - This word conveys the idea of giving all of one's attention to something without any distractions or interruptions.

10. Unwavering - This word suggests a steadfast and unchanging focus on something.

Overall, these synonyms for "focused" all convey the idea of giving undivided attention and concentration to something, without being easily distracted or losing sight of the goal at hand.

It is important for translators to have a focused approach when working on translations, as it requires careful attention to detail and accuracy in conveying the original meaning of the text.

A focused translation should not only be accurate, but also unique in its interpretation and delivery of the message. Using these synonyms can help convey a sense of dedication and precision in producing high-quality translations.

In addition, it is important for translations to not include any hyperlinks, as they can be distracting and take away from the main content. A focused translation should be solely focused on accurately conveying the intended message without any external distractions.

Furthermore, a focused translation should be detailed and precise in its delivery of information. It should not only convey the main ideas, but also capture nuances and subtleties that may be present in the original text.

In conclusion, a focused translation requires undivided attention, concentration, and dedication to accurately convey the intended message without any distractions or external influences. These synonyms for "focused" can help convey the importance of a meticulous and precise approach in the translation process

focused是一个非常常用的词汇,在日常生活中也经常会遇到。它的意思是专注的、集中的,读音为[fəʊkst]。我们可以通过一些双语例句更加深入地了解它的用法,例如:“She is very focused on her studies.”(她非常专注于学习。)在英语中,还有许多与focused相关的词组,如stay focused(保持专注)、be focused on(专注于)、remain focused(保持专注)等等。当然,如果你想要表达相同意思,也可以使用一些同义词,比如concentrated、attentive、engrossed等等。最后我想说,我作为这个网站的编辑,非常喜欢与大家分享有趣且实用的知识,在这里希望能够得到大家的关注和支持。如果你喜欢我的文章,请继续关注我哦!
