
语言百科2024-03-15 18:55:08留学世界



1. 介绍



2. 源起


3. 含义

作为一个普通名词,folks指代一群人,通常具有某种共同特征或关系。例如,“young folks”指年轻人,“country folks”指乡村居民,“city folks”指城市居民。此外,它也可以用来指代家庭成员,如“my folks”指我的家人。

4. 使用场景

Folks这个词在日常生活中经常被使用,在口语和书面语都很常见。它可以用来描述一个群体或家庭成员,也可以用来泛指一般大众。例如,“The folks next door are very friendly.”(隔壁那些人非常友好。) “I'm going to visit my folks this weekend.”(我这个周末要去看望我的家人。) “Folks these days are more health-conscious.”(现在的人们更注重健康。)

5. 同义词



1. 简介


2. 发音


3. 意义


4. 同义词


5. 例句

- I love spending time with my folks during the holidays.


- The folks in this town are very friendly and welcoming.


- Let's go out and meet some new folks tonight.


6. 常用搭配

- folks at home: 家人

- folks next door: 邻居

- good folks: 好人家

- old folks: 老人

- young folks: 年轻人

7. 注意事项

















1. "Hey folks!" - 常用的问候语,相当于中文的“大家好!”

2. "Good folks" - 指善良友好的人们,常用于称赞他人。

3. "Folks at home" - 指家里的人,常用于谈论自己的家庭。

4. "Folksy" - 形容某人或某物具有乡村风格或质朴的特点。

5. "Folksinger" - 民谣歌手,指演唱民间音乐的艺人。

6. "Folklore" - 民俗学,指研究民间传说、传统和习俗的学科。

7. "Folk art" - 民间艺术,指由普通民众创作的艺术作品。

8. "Folk wisdom" - 民间智慧,指流传于民间并被广泛认可的智慧和知识。

9. "Folksy charm" - 乡村魅力,指具有乡土气息和吸引力的特质。

10. "Meet the folks" - 见家长,指与恋人介绍双方父母见面


1. People: This is a commonly used synonym for "folks" and is often used in a more formal setting. For example, "Hello, folks" can be changed to "Hello, people."

2. Folksies: This is a playful and informal way of referring to a group of people. It has a similar meaning to "folks" but adds a touch of humor. For example, "Hey there, folksies!"

3. Family: This synonym for "folks" emphasizes the close relationship between the group of people being referred to. It can also be used when talking about your own family members. For instance, "My folks are coming over for dinner tonight."

4. Tribe: This word has gained popularity in recent years and refers to a close-knit community or group of people who share similar interests or beliefs. It can be used as another synonym for "folks." For example, "I'm meeting up with my tribe later tonight."

5. Gang: Similar to "tribe," this word also refers to a close group of people who share common interests or goals. It can be used as a synonym for "folks" in a more informal setting. For instance, "I'm going out with my gang tonight."

6. Crew: This word is often associated with groups of friends or colleagues who work together on a project or activity. It can also be used as another synonym for "folks." For example, "My crew and I are going on vacation next week."

7. Peeps: This is an informal and slang term that means friends or acquaintances. It can be used as another synonym for "folks" in a casual setting among friends. For instance, "What's up, peeps?"

8. Posse: Originally referring to a group of armed men who ride together, this word has evolved to mean a close-knit group of friends or allies. It can be used as a synonym for "folks" in a playful and informal way. For example, "I'm heading out with my posse tonight."

9. Squad: This word is often used to refer to a group of friends who hang out together or work together. It can also be used as another synonym for "folks." For instance, "My squad and I are going to the movies later."

10. Bunch: This word can refer to a group of people or things and is often used in a more casual setting. It can be used as a synonym for "folks" when talking about a group of friends or acquaintances. For example, "I'm meeting up with my bunch later today."

folks是一个非常有趣的词汇,它可以用来指代亲人、朋友,也可以用来表示某个特定群体。在翻译行业中,folks通常被用来指代一群熟悉领域的专业人士。除了以上提到的用法外,folks还有许多词组和常用搭配,比如“good folks”、“young folks”、“city folks”等等。如果你想要提高自己的英语水平,不妨多使用这个词汇,并且尝试运用它的不同含义和搭配。最后,我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢我们的文章,请记得关注我们哦!谢谢阅读!
