
语言百科2024-03-15 22:08:18留学世界



1. 简介



2. 同义词

Fond可以与以下单词互换使用:fond of、loving、affectionate、devoted、admiring。

3. 用法示例

1) I am very fond of my dog. (我非常喜欢我的狗。)

2) She has always been fond of music. (她一直对音乐很感兴趣。)

3) He is very fond of his little sister. (他非常喜欢他的小妹妹。)

4. 搭配短语

1) be fond of + 名词:喜爱某物

2) be fond of + 动名词:喜欢做某事

3) have a fondness for + 名词:对某物有强烈的喜爱

5. 反义词


6. 用法注意

Fond通常用于形容人对事物或人的感情,而不适用于抽象概念。例如,我们不能说“I am fond of honesty”(我喜欢诚实),而应该说“I am fond of honest people”(我喜欢诚实的人)。

7. 深入探讨

Fond一词还可以用作动词,意为“融化,溶解”。例如,“The chocolate was so hot that it quickly fonded in my mouth”(巧克力太热了,很快就在我嘴里融化了)


1. “fond”的读音


2. “fond”的词性及含义

“fond”是一个形容词,意为“喜欢的,钟爱的”,也可以表示“温柔的,亲切的”。例如:“She has a fondness for flowers.”(她喜欢花。);“He has a fond memory of his childhood.”(他对童年有着美好的回忆。)

3. “fond”的词源及相关词汇


- fondly:adv. 温柔地,亲切地;喜爱地

- fondness:n. 喜爱,钟爱

- fondle:v. 抚摸,抚弄

4. “fond”的用法示例

- I am very fond of chocolate ice cream.


- She is very fond of her new puppy.


- He has a fondness for classical music.


5. “fond”的常见搭配

- fond of:喜欢,钟爱

- fond memories:美好的回忆

- have a fondness for:对...有喜爱

6. “fond”与其他词汇的区别

“fond”与其他词汇的区别在于它强调的是一种感情,表示对某物或某人的喜爱和钟爱,而不是简单的喜欢或亲切。例如,“She is fond of her friend.”(她喜欢她的朋友)强调的是一种亲密关系,而不仅仅是简单的友好。

7. 常见错误用法

- 错误:I am very found of this book.


正确:I am very fond of this book.


8. “fond”在不同语境下的用法差异


- 在谈论食物时,可以表达“美味可口”的意思。

例如:“The chef is famous for his fond creations.”(这位厨师以其美味佳肴而闻名。)

- 在谈论人时,可以表示对某人有好感或赞赏的意思。

例如:“She is very fond of her new boss.”(她对她的新老板非常有好感。)

9. “fond”在不同语言中的翻译


- 法语:aimer(喜爱)

- 西班牙语:cariñoso(温柔的)

- 德语:lieb(亲切的)


1. “fond”是一个形容词,意为“喜爱的,钟爱的”,常用于表达对某人或某物的感情。


- She is very fond of her new puppy. (她非常喜欢她的新小狗。)

- He has always been fond of classical music. (他一直很喜欢古典音乐。)

2. “fond”也可以用作动词,意为“热爱,喜欢”,常与介词“of”连用。


- She fondly remembers her childhood in the countryside. (她怀念着在农村度过的童年。)

- He is fond of playing basketball with his friends. (他喜欢和朋友们一起打篮球。)

3. “fond”还可以表示“温柔的,亲切的”,通常用于形容人。


- The old couple were very fond to their grandchildren. (这对老夫妇非常亲切地对待他们的孙子孙女。)

- The teacher was always fond and patient with her students. (老师总是温柔耐心地对待她的学生。)

4. 在口语中,“fond”也可以表示“偏执的,痴迷的”,通常带有贬义色彩。


- She's really fond of that actor, she talks about him all the time. (她真是痴迷那个演员,总是谈论他。)

- He's so fond of his own opinions, he never listens to anyone else's. (他太偏执于自己的观点,从不听别人的。)


1. She was always fond of reading, and spent most of her free time with her nose in a book. (她一直很喜欢阅读,大部分空闲时间都是把鼻子埋在书里。)

2. My grandmother is very fond of gardening, she spends hours in her backyard tending to her flowers and vegetables. (我的祖母非常喜欢园艺,在后院花园里花费数小时照料她的花朵和蔬菜。)

3. He has always been fond of adventure, and has traveled to many different countries around the world. (他一直很喜欢冒险,已经去过世界上许多不同的国家。)

4. I'm not really fond of spicy food, I prefer something milder. (我并不是很喜欢辣食,我更喜欢一些口味比较温和的东西。)

5. She was always so fond and caring towards animals, which is why she became a veterinarian. (她对动物总是那么温柔关怀,这也是她成为兽医的原因。)


1. "Fond of" - 喜欢,对...有好感

例如:I'm really fond of chocolate.(我非常喜欢巧克力。)

2. "Fond memories" - 美好的回忆

例如:Whenever I think of my childhood, I have fond memories of playing with my friends in the park.(每当我想起我的童年,我都会怀念和朋友在公园里玩耍的美好回忆。)

3. "Fondness for" - 对...的喜爱

例如:She has a fondness for traveling and exploring new cultures.(她喜欢旅行和探索新的文化。)

4. "Fond farewell" - 深情的告别

例如:As we said our fond farewells, tears streamed down our faces.(当我们深情地告别时,眼泪顺着我们的脸颊流下来。)

5. "Fond embrace" - 亲切的拥抱

例如:They greeted each other with a fond embrace after not seeing each other for years.(多年不见后,他们用亲切的拥抱相互问候。)

6. "Fondly remembered" - 难忘的回忆

例如:The old couple fondly remembered their first date at the park bench where they first met.(老夫妻难忘他们第一次约会时在公园长凳上相遇的情景。)

7. "Fonder by the day" - 日益喜爱

例如:As they spent more time together, their love for each other grew fonder by the day.(随着他们相处的时间越来越多,他们对彼此的爱也日益增加。)

8. "Fond hopes" - 美好的愿望

例如:We have fond hopes for a better future for our children.(我们怀抱着美好的愿望,希望孩子们有一个更美好的未来。)

9. "Fondly regarded" - 受到喜爱的

例如:She was fondly regarded by her colleagues for her kindness and hard work.(她因为善良和勤奋而受同事们的喜爱。)

10. "Fond farewell tour" - 深情告别之旅

例如:The band's final concert was a fond farewell tour to their fans all over the world.(乐队最后一场演唱会是为了向全世界的粉丝深情告别。)


1. Affectionate - showing fondness or tenderness towards someone or something

2. Attached - having a strong emotional connection or bond with someone

3. Devoted - deeply caring and loyal towards someone or something

4. Enamored - filled with love and admiration for someone or something

5. Fondly - with great affection and warmth

6. Infatuated - experiencing intense feelings of love and admiration for someone or something

7. Smitten - completely captivated by someone or something, often in a romantic way

8. Adoring - expressing deep love and admiration for someone or something

9. Cherishing - holding dear and valuing someone or something greatly

10. Doting - showing excessive love, care, and attention towards someone

