
语言百科2024-03-15 22:42:06留学世界





首先,“following”作为一个形容词,在英文中意思是“接下来的”或者“随后的”。例如,当我们说“I will be following you”时,意思就是“我会跟着你走”。另外,“following”也可以用作名词,表示“粉丝”或者“追随者”的意思。比如,“She has a large following on social media”,意思就是“她在社交媒体上拥有大量的粉丝”。

除此之外,“following”还可以作为介词使用,表示“在...之后”。例如,“Following the meeting, we will have a team dinner”,意思就是“会议结束后,我们将进行团队晚餐”


1. 跟随我一起学习:如何正确地发音following

2. 找准重点:掌握following的正确发音要诀

3. 从基础开始:跟着我练习发音,轻松掌握following

4. 跟上节奏:让你的英文发音更加流畅,学会说出清晰的following

5. 摆脱拼读困扰:跟着我的指导,轻松拥有标准的following发音

6. 突破难关:解密following发音中的挑战点,帮你快速进步

7. 不再迷惑:告别常见的发音错误,学会正确地说出following

8. 轻松驾驭:掌握各种场景下的不同读法,让你信心满满地说出following

9. 让英语变得更有趣:用幽默感和生动例子带你领略一下正确的following发音

10. 与众不同:通过正确的发音,让你在英文交流中脱颖而出


1. 什么是following?


2. 如何使用following?

a. 动词用法:作为动词时,following后面通常跟着一个宾语,表示跟随某人或某物的行动。例如:I will be following you to the party.(我会跟着你去参加派对。)

b. 介词用法:作为介词时,following后面通常跟着一个名词或代词,表示紧随在其后。例如:Following the instructions, I completed the project successfully.(按照说明,我成功地完成了这个项目。)

c. 表示顺序:在句子中,following也可以表示顺序,在这种情况下,它通常与the、a等冠词连用。例如:The following day, we went to the beach together.(第二天我们一起去了海滩。)

3. 双语例句:

a. Please follow the instructions carefully in the following order:(请按照以下顺序仔细遵循说明。)

b. Following your advice, I decided to take a break and relax for a while.(听从你的建议,我决定休息一下放松一下。)

c. The following year, we went on a trip to Europe.(第二年,我们去了欧洲旅行。)

d. He was following me so closely that I could feel his breath on my neck.(他跟得我很近,我能感觉到他的呼吸在我的脖子上。)


1. "In the footsteps of" - 跟随...的脚步

例句:Following in the footsteps of her parents, she became a doctor.

2. "Keeping up with" - 跟上...的步伐/跟上...的进展

例句:It's hard to keep up with all the latest fashion trends.

3. "Tagging along" - 跟着一起去/跟着一起做

例句:I'm just tagging along with my friends, I don't really know where we're going.

4. "Following suit" - 照样做/仿效

例句:After seeing her success, many other companies followed suit and implemented similar strategies.

5. "Trailing behind" - 落后于/跟不上

例句:Our team is trailing behind in the competition, we need to work harder.

6. "In pursuit of" - 追求...

例句:He spent his whole life in pursuit of fame and fortune, but never found true happiness.

7. "Going after" - 追逐/追求

例句:She's going after her dreams and won't let anyone stand in her way.

8. "Shadowing" - 尾随/跟踪

例句:The detective spent weeks shadowing the suspect before finally catching him in the act.

9. "Adhering to" - 遵循/坚持

例句:We must adhere to the rules and regulations set by our company.

10. "Following through" - 坚持到底/贯彻执行

例句:She always follows through on her promises, which is why people trust her


1. After

2. Next

3. Subsequent

4. Succeeding

5. Pursuing

6. Trailing

7. Ensuing

8. Coming after

9. In the wake of

10. In the footsteps of

11. Following in the path of

12. In continuation of

13. Consecutive to

14. Successive to

15. Subsequently to

16. Posterior to

17. Later on

18. In the aftermath of

19 .In the wake of

20 .In the trail of

