
语言百科2024-03-16 06:01:17留学世界



1. 强迫的含义:forced一词来源于英语动词force,意为“强迫、迫使”。因此,forced一般用作形容词,表示某件事或某种情况是被强迫的,缺乏自愿性。


2. 不得已的情况:当我们说某件事是forced时,通常指这件事并非出于自己的意愿,而是被外部因素所迫。比如,我们常说“forced to do something”(被迫做某事),表明这件事情并非出于自己的选择。

3. 被逼迫做某事:除了指不得已的情况外,forced也可以表示被逼迫做某件事。比如,“I was forced to apologize”(我被逼迫道歉)表明这个人不是出于自己的意愿而道歉。

4. 强制执行:除了指人被强制做某件事外,forced也可以表示强制执行。比如,“forced evacuation”(强制疏散)指政府或其他机构对居民进行强制性撤离。

5. 非自然状态:在一些特定语境下,forced还可以表示非自然状态。比如,“a forced smile”(勉强的微笑)指一个人不真诚的表情。

6. 强迫性的:最后,forced也可以表示某种行为或情况具有强迫性。比如,“forced labor”(强迫劳动)指被迫从事的劳动活动


1. 什么是forced?


2. 如何正确读音forced?


3. 为什么要学习forced?


4. 这个单词有什么幽默搭配?

除了它本身含有一定幽默感外,“forced”还可以和其他单词搭配使用来制造幽默效果。比如:“I was forced to eat broccoli for dinner.”(我被迫吃西兰花当晚餐。)这句话本身就有一些幽默感,因为很多人都不喜欢吃西兰花,所以被迫吃它会让人感到很不情愿


1. 什么是forced?


2. “被迫”的双语例句

- I was forced to work overtime last night. (昨晚我被迫加班。)

- She was forced to apologize for her mistake. (她被迫为自己的错误道歉。)

- The villagers were forced to evacuate due to the flood. (村民们因洪水而被迫撤离。)

3. “强制”的双语例句

- The new law will force companies to reduce carbon emissions. (新法律将强制企业减少碳排放。)

- The government is planning to force all citizens to pay a higher tax rate. (政府计划强制所有公民缴纳更高的税率。)

- The teacher had to force the students to sit down and listen. (老师不得不强迫学生坐下听讲。)

4. 引申含义:除了字面意义上的“被迫”和“强制”,forced也可以指某种无法控制的情况或结果。

- He was forced into early retirement due to his health issues. (由于健康问题,他不得不提前退休。)

- The company was forced to close down due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司被迫关闭。)

5. 幽默用法:有时候,forced也可以用来表示某种不情愿的行为或状态,带有一些幽默意味。

- I hate going to those forced family gatherings during the holidays. (我讨厌在假期参加那些被迫的家庭聚会。)

- He always has a forced smile on his face when talking to his annoying boss. (每次和讨厌的老板说话时,他脸上总是挂着一副勉强的笑容。)


1. forced labor - 强迫劳动

2. forced marriage - 强迫婚姻

3. forced confession - 强迫供认

4. forced eviction - 强制驱逐

5. forced migration - 强制迁移

6. forced displacement - 强制流离失所

7. forced sterilization - 强制绝育

8. forced conscription - 强制征兵

9. forced resignation - 被迫辞职

10. forced entry - 非法入侵

11. forced march - 强行行军

12. forced withdrawal - 被迫撤退

13. forced silence - 被迫保持沉默

14. forced isolation - 被迫隔离

15. forced conversion - 强制改变信仰

16. forced confession under torture- 受到折磨后的强迫供认

17. forced confession under duress- 在胁迫下的强迫供认

18. forced disappearance- 被逼失踪

19. forceful intervention- 武力干涉

20.forced compliance- 被逼从命


1. Coerced: This word can be used to describe a situation where someone is forced to do something against their will.

2. Compelled: Similar to coerced, this word implies that someone is being forced to do something they may not want to do.

3. Obligated: This word suggests a sense of duty or responsibility, often used in situations where someone is forced to fulfill an obligation.

4. Pressured: When someone is pressured into doing something, it means they are being pushed or influenced to act in a certain way.

5. Constrained: This word can be used to describe a situation where someone's actions or choices are limited or restricted, often due to external forces.

6. Coaxed: While not as forceful as some of the other words, coaxing still implies that someone is being persuaded or encouraged to do something.

7. Conscripted: This word specifically refers to being forced into military service, but can also be used more broadly for any situation where someone is drafted or compelled into doing something.

8. Enforced: When rules or laws are enforced, it means they are being imposed and must be followed, often through the use of force.

9. Press-ganged: This term originated from the practice of forcefully recruiting sailors into the navy, but can now refer to any situation where someone is coerced into doing something against their will.

10. Strong-armed: This phrase implies the use of physical force or intimidation in order to get someone to comply with demands

forced是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以表示被迫、强迫、强制等含义。它的读音是/fɔrˈst/,在口语中也可以简化为/fɔrst/。在英语中,forced通常用作动词或形容词,可以用来描述人们被迫做某事或某种情况下不得不做某事。例如,“He was forced to resign from his job.”(他被迫辞去了工作)。此外,forced也可以作为名词使用,表示“强制”或“压力”。如“under forced labor”(被迫劳动)。“force”这个单词也有类似的含义。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望今天的文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用forced这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!祝大家学习进步!
