
语言百科2024-03-17 04:22:14留学世界



1. Introduction


For many non-native English speakers, homophones can be a challenging aspect of the language. Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings. They can often cause confusion and lead to misunderstandings in communication.

2. Definition of "for"

The word "for" is a preposition that has multiple meanings and uses in the English language. It is pronounced as /fɔːr/ and is derived from the Old English word "fōr," meaning "before, in place of."

3. Meaning of "for"

The most common meaning of "for" is to indicate a purpose or reason, such as "I am studying for my exam." It can also indicate a duration of time, as in "I will be away for two weeks." Additionally, it can be used to show support or agreement, as in "I am rooting for you."

4. Homophones of "for"

There are several homophones for the word "for" in the English language. Some common examples include:

- Four: This is a number that comes after three and before five.

- Fore: This can refer to the front part of something or mean to warn someone about something.

- Faur: This is an archaic form of the word "four."

- Furr: This can refer to an animal's coat or mean a soft material used for lining clothing.

- Phor: This is not a commonly used word but can mean either an ancient Greek unit of measurement or a type of insect.

5. Usage examples

Here are some examples of how these homophones are used in sentences:

- I need four eggs for this recipe.

- The golfer shouted “fore!” before teeing off.

- The old house had a secret room hidden behind a false wall.

- The cat's fur was soft and fluffy.

- The phor beetle is known for its bright green color.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "for" is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses in the English language. It is important to pay attention to context when using or interpreting this word to avoid confusion with its homophones. With practice and exposure to different examples, non-native speakers can improve their understanding and usage of "for" and its homophones in the English language


1. 发音:for的同音词英语为/fɔːr/,其中的“o”发音为长音,读作/ɔː/。

2. 词性:for可以是介词、连词、名词或代词,在不同的句子中扮演不同的角色。

3. 同义词:for的同义词有多个,常见的有:

- In place of:作为…的替代

- Instead of:而不是

- On behalf of:代表

- As a substitute for:作为…的替代品

- On account of:因为,由于

4. 用法示例:

- 介词用法:“I bought a gift for my mom.”(我给我妈妈买了一件礼物。)

- 连词用法:“I'll do it for you.”(我会帮你做这件事。)

- 名词用法:“This is a good idea for our project.”(这对我们的项目来说是一个好主意。)

- 代词用法:“For me, it's too difficult to understand.”(对我来说,这太难理解了。)

5. 注意事项:

- 在口语中,for通常会缩写为“fer”,例如“I'm lookin' fer ya.”(我正在找你。)

- 在某些情况下,for也可以表示“因为”,例如“For all I know, he could be lying.”(据我所知,他可能在撒谎。)这种用法通常出现在固定短语中。

6. 区别其他同音词:

- Four:/fɔːr/,表示数字4

- Fore:/fɔːr/,表示“前面”、“前部”等

- Foe:/fəʊ/,表示“敌人”

7. 练习:

- 请用for的同义词替换下面的句子中的for并保持句意不变。

a. I bought this book for my friend.

b. He spoke for me at the meeting.


a. I bought this book on behalf of my friend.

b. He spoke on my behalf at the meeting


1. 用法解释:


2. 介词用法:

a. 表示目的或目标:for the purpose of / for the sake of

例句:He took a part-time job for the purpose of earning some extra money.


b. 表示给予或提供:for someone / something

例句:I bought a gift for my friend's birthday.


c. 表示时间段:for + 时间段

例句:I have been studying English for 3 years.


d. 表示原因或理由:for this reason / for that reason

例句:I couldn't go to the party, for I had to work overtime.


e. 表示代替或替换:in exchange for / instead of

例句:She gave me her old phone for my broken one.


f. 表示比率或程度:for every / for every 10 people

例句:There is one doctor for every 500 people in this village.


3. 连词用法:

a. 表示因果关系:for / because / as

例句:I didn't go to the party, for I was feeling sick.


b. 表示转折关系:for all that / despite

例句:For all that he has been through, he still has a positive attitude towards life.


c. 表示条件关系:for / if

例句:I will help you, for you are my friend.


4. 名词用法:

a. 表示支持或赞成:vote for / be for

例句:The majority voted for the new policy.


b. 表示代表或代理人:proxy for / representative for

例句:He will act as a proxy for his boss at the meeting.


5. 动词用法:

a. 表示做某事的目的或原因:do something for + 名词

例句:I went to the store to buy some milk for breakfast.


b. 表示帮助或支持:support / help for

例句:Thank you for your support during this difficult time.


c. 表示代替或替换:substitute for / replace for

例句:I will substitute for my colleague while she is on vacation.


d. 表示比率或程度:account for / make up for

例句:The students' grades account for 50% of their final mark.


6. 双语例句:

a. I bought a new dress for the party tonight.


b. For every problem, there is a solution.


c. He apologized to me, but I couldn't forgive him, for he had betrayed my trust.


d. I will vote for the candidate who has the best policies.


e. She is working as a substitute teacher for her friend who is on maternity leave.



1. For the Win - 赢得胜利

2. For the Road - 准备出发

3. For the Record - 值得一提的是

4. For the Time Being - 暂时的

5. For the Sake of - 为了...的利益

6. For Good Measure - 为了更完整地说明

7. For Keeps - 要紧记在心

8. For Better or Worse - 不管好坏,无论如何

9. For a Song - 很便宜地,几乎免费地

10. For Crying Out Loud - 天哪,难道你不明白吗?


1. Four - 四

Four是英语中表示数字“4”的词语,与for发音相同。例如:I have four siblings.(我有四个兄弟姐妹。)

2. Fore - 前面的

Fore是一个形容词,意为“在前面的”,也与for发音相同。例如:The fore part of the ship was damaged in the storm.(船头在风暴中受损了。)

3. Faur - 法国作曲家名字

Faur是法国作曲家加布里埃尔·法鲁(Gabriel Fauré)的姓氏,与for发音相同。他是19世纪末和20世纪初最著名的法国作曲家之一。

4. Forage - 饲料

Forage是一个名词,意为“饲料”,也与for发音相同。例如:The farmer is gathering forage for his cattle.(农民正在收集牛的饲料。)

5. Forego - 放弃

Forego是一个动词,意为“放弃”,也与for发音相同。例如:I had to forego my vacation to finish this project on time.(我不得不放弃我的假期,以便按时完成这个项目。)

6. Fourrure - 皮草

Fourrure是法语中表示“皮草”的词语,在英语中也常被使用,并且与for发音相同。例如:She loves wearing luxurious fourrure coats in the winter.(她喜欢在冬天穿着豪华的皮草大衣。)

7. Forbear - 忍耐

Forbear是一个动词,意为“忍耐”,也与for发音相同。例如:He had to forbear his anger in front of his boss.(他不得不在老板面前忍住他的愤怒。)

8. Fours - 卡片游戏


9. Forth - 向前

Forth是一个副词,意为“向前”,也与for发音相同。例如:The ship sailed forth into the open sea.(船向前驶入开阔的海域。)

10. Foreshadow - 预示

Foreshadow是一个动词,意为“预示”,也与for发音相同。例如:The dark clouds foreshadowed a coming storm.(黑云预示着即将到来的暴风雨。)

