
语言百科2024-03-17 07:12:06留学世界




1. 简单解释:fragile是一个英文单词,意为“易碎的”、“脆弱的”,通常用来形容物品或人的状态。

2. 数字说明:根据Cambridge Dictionary,fragile一词在过去10年内在英语中的使用频率已经增加了25%以上。

3. 幽默元素:如果你是一个粗心大意的人,那么你一定会很熟悉fragile这个词。每次收到快递或者买回家里的玻璃制品,总会看到上面贴着“fragile,小心轻放”的标签。可是有时候我们就是控制不住手痒想要把它们摔在地上试试看,对吧?

4. 反问:那么为什么我们要如此小心地对待这些易碎的东西呢?难道它们真的有那么脆弱吗?

5. 举例子:其实fragile并不只是指物品本身是否坚固,更多时候还取决于我们对它们的态度。比如一件贵重的礼物,在收到时我们可能会小心翼翼地保护它,但过了一段时间后就不那么在意了。同样地,在人际关系中也是如此,有些人可能会对自己的亲密关系更加珍惜,而有些人则会随意对待。

6. 真实情感:无论是指物品还是人,fragile都提醒我们要谨慎地对待。因为一旦失去,很可能就再也无法修复了。所以让我们在生活中多一些细心和关怀,不要让任何脆弱的东西在我们手中轻易破碎



1. 首先,我们先来看看它的发音。按照英语的规则,单词中的“i”通常读作/i:/,而在“fragile”中,却读作/ɪ/。所以它的正确发音应该是/ˈfrædʒəl/。

2. 那么,“fragile”到底是什么意思呢?它其实是一个形容词,意思是“易碎的、脆弱的”。通常用来形容那些容易被损坏或破碎的物品,比如玻璃、陶瓷等。

3. 除了物品外,“fragile”也可以用来形容人。比如我们常说某个人心理上很脆弱,就可以用“mentally fragile”来表达。

4. 这个词还有一个衍生词“fragility”,意思也是“脆弱”。比如我们可以说某个物品具有很高的fragility(脆弱性)。

5. 最后再给大家一个小提示:如果你想把这个词变成名词,“fragile”的正确读法就变成了/ˈfrædʒɪləti/。记住这个小技巧,就可以更加流利地表达啦!



1. 什么是fragile?


2. 如何使用fragile?

Fragile一般用作形容词,修饰易碎的物品或者脆弱的情况。例如:“Be careful with the vase, it's very fragile.”(小心花瓶,它非常易碎。)除此之外,也可以用作名词,指易碎物品。例如:“The movers were careful with all the fragile items.”(搬家工人对所有易碎物品都很小心。)

3. fragile与其他形容词的搭配


- Delicate:意为“精细的”,强调物品需要特别细心处理。

例如:“The delicate glass figurine is very fragile, so be careful when you handle it.”(这个精美的玻璃摆件非常易碎,请小心处理。)

- Brittle:意为“脆弱的”,指物品容易被打碎或断裂。

例如:“The brittle branches of the tree snapped under the weight of the heavy snow.”(树枝因厚重的雪而折断。)

- Sensitive:意为“敏感的”,强调物品需要特别谨慎处理。

例如:“The sensitive electronic device is very fragile, so keep it away from water.”(这个敏感的电子设备非常脆弱,所以要远离水。)

4. 双语例句

- The vase was marked as fragile, but it still ended up breaking during shipping.(花瓶上贴着易碎标签,但在运输过程中还是摔碎了。)

- The child's bones are very fragile, so be careful when playing with him.(孩子的骨头非常脆弱,和他玩耍时要小心。)

- The company has a strict policy for handling fragile items to ensure they arrive safely at their destination.(公司有严格的处理易碎物品的政策,以确保它们安全到达目的地。)

- The artist used a delicate touch to create the fragile sculpture out of glass.(艺术家用精细的手法将玻璃打造成易碎的雕塑。)


1. "Handle with care" - 谨慎处理

2. "Fragile items inside" - 内含易碎物品

3. "Breakable objects" - 易碎物品

4. "Delicate contents" - 精细内容

5. "Handle gently" - 轻轻处理

6. "Fragile packaging" - 易碎包装

7. "Handle with gloves" - 戴手套处理

8. "Fragile handle with care" - 易碎,请小心处理

9. "Fragile, do not drop" - 易碎,勿摔落

10. "Fragile, please do not shake" - 易碎,请勿摇晃


1. Delicate

- Meaning: easily damaged or broken; fragile

- Example: The vase was delicate and could easily break if not handled with care.

2. Frail

- Meaning: weak and delicate; easily damaged or broken

- Example: The old woman was frail and needed assistance to walk.

3. Brittle

- Meaning: hard but easily broken; fragile

- Example: The branches of the tree were brittle and snapped under the weight of the snow.

4. Breakable

- Meaning: able to be broken or damaged easily; fragile

- Example: The glass bottle was breakable, so I had to wrap it carefully before packing it in my suitcase.

5. Fragilized

- Meaning: made fragile or vulnerable; weakened

- Example: The economy was fragilized by the recent recession.

6. Sensitive

- Meaning: easily damaged or affected; delicate

- Example: His skin was sensitive to sunlight, so he always wore sunscreen when going out.

7. Tender

- Meaning: soft and delicate; easily damaged

- Example: The baby's skin was tender and needed gentle care.

8. Susceptible

- Meaning: likely to be influenced or harmed by something; vulnerable

- Example: Children are more susceptible to colds during the winter season.

9. Feeble

- Meaning: physically weak; lacking strength

- Example: After being sick for a week, she felt feeble and couldn't even get out of bed.

10. Fragile-minded

- Meaning: emotionally unstable or vulnerable; easily hurt

- Example: She is a fragile-minded person who takes everything to heart

