
语言百科2024-03-17 08:20:23留学世界




1. 什么是framed


2. Framed的起源


3. Framed的用法


4. Framed与其他类似词汇的区别

有时候我们也会听到类似于framed的单词,比如fraud、set up和trick等。虽然它们都有欺骗、欺诈的含义,但它们与framed还是有一些区别。Fraud通常指利用欺骗手段获得不当利益,而framed则更多指被安排或陷害。Set up则更多指被安排或陷害某人,而trick则强调利用欺骗手段来达到某种目的。

5. Framed在文学作品中的使用


6. Framed在现实生活中的应用

除了文学作品,framed也经常出现在电影和电视剧中。比如美国电影《The Fugitive》(《逃犯》)中,主角被误认为杀死了妻子,最后通过自己的努力证明自己无辜。类似地,在中国电视剧《伪装者》中,主角也被误认为是间谍而受到追捕和惩罚。

7. 如何避免被framed



1. Framed的发音

Framed一词是一个动词,在英文中的发音为/freɪmd/,其中“fr”发音为/f/,“a”发音为/eɪ/, “m”发音为/m/, “e”发音为/ɪ/, “d”发音为/d/。整个单词的重音在第一个音节上。

2. Framed的含义

Framed一词有多种含义,可以根据具体语境来理解。最常见的含义是指“被陷害”,也可以指“被安排”,“被构建”,“被装饰”等。例如,“He was framed for the crime.”(他被陷害犯罪了。),“The picture is beautifully framed.”(这幅画被精美地装饰了。)

3. Framed的同义词


4. Framed在句子中的使用

Framed一词通常作为动词使用,在句子中可以作谓语或者修饰其他名词或代词。例如,“She was framed by her enemies.”(她被她的敌人陷害了。),“The picture was beautifully framed by the artist.”(这幅画被艺术家精美地装饰了。)

5. Framed的派生词


6. Framed的常见搭配

Framed一词在英文中常与其他单词搭配使用,可以构成不同含义的短语。例如,“framed for a crime”(被陷害犯罪), “framed picture”(装饰画), “well-framed argument”(合理的论点)等。

7. Framed在不同语境中的使用


8. Framed的用法注意事项

在使用Framed一词时,需要注意其所处的语境和含义,避免产生歧义。同时,也要注意动词的时态和人称的变化。例如,“I was framed”(我被陷害了),“He is framing a picture”(他正在装饰一幅画)。

9. Framed的相关短语

除了常见搭配外,Framed一词还可以与其他单词构成更多短语,如“framed up”(被陷害),“frame of mind”(心态), “frame of reference”(参考框架)等


1. Framed的基本含义


2. Framed作为动词的用法

作为动词时,Framed通常指将物品放入框架中,以保护或展示。比如,“She framed her diploma and hung it on the wall.”(她把毕业证书装框并挂在墙上。)此外,Framed也可以指有意地安排或设计某事物。例如,“The artist framed the painting with a beautiful border.”(艺术家用漂亮的边框装饰了这幅画。)另外,Framed还可以表示陷害、诬告或构陷某人。例如,“He was framed for a crime he didn't commit.”(他被人陷害犯了他没有犯的罪。)

3. Framed作为形容词的用法

作为形容词时,Framed通常指物品具有框架结构或设计。比如,“The picture was beautifully framed.”(这幅画被精美地装裱了。)此外,Framed也可以表示某人具有特定的身材体型。例如,“She has a petite frame.”(她身材娇小。)

4. 双语例句

1) The portrait was framed in an ornate gold frame, making it look even more majestic.(这幅肖像被装在一架华丽的金色框架中,看起来更加威严。)

2) The detective suspected that the suspect had been framed for the murder.(侦探怀疑凶手是被人诬陷的。)

3) The old photo was carefully framed and placed on the mantelpiece.(这张老照片被精心装裱并放在壁炉架上。)

4) She had a slim frame and delicate features, making her look like a model.(她身材苗条,五官精致,看起来像个模特。)

5) The artist carefully framed each of his paintings to enhance their beauty.(艺术家精心为每幅画配上框架,以增强它们的美感。)



1. "Framed" as a phrase: This phrase is often used to describe someone who has been falsely accused or set up for a crime they did not commit. For example, "He was framed for the robbery, but he had an alibi." It can also refer to a situation where someone is made to look guilty or responsible for something they didn't do.

2. "Framed" as a verb: In this context, "framed" means to deliberately make someone seem guilty or responsible for something they didn't do. For example, "The evidence was planted to frame him for the murder."

3. "Framed" as an adjective: When used as an adjective, "framed" can describe something that has been carefully arranged or presented in a particular way. For instance, "The photo was beautifully framed and displayed on the wall."

4. "Framed" in the art world: In the art world, "framed" refers to the border or casing around a piece of artwork. It can also be used figuratively to describe how something is presented or perceived. For example, "Her story was framed in a way that made her seem like the victim."

5. Synonyms for "framed": Some other words that can be used instead of "framed" include set up, falsely accused, implicated, incriminated, and scapegoated.

6. Antonyms for "framed": On the other hand, antonyms for "framed" include exonerated, cleared, vindicated, and proven innocent.

7. Idioms with "frame": There are also some idiomatic phrases using the word "frame," such as "to put someone in a bad frame of mind," meaning to make them feel upset or angry; and "to frame one's thoughts," meaning to organize or structure one's thinking.

8. Pop culture references: "Framed" has been used in many movies, TV shows, and songs. For example, the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" features a character who is framed for murder, and the TV show "How to Get Away with Murder" often involves characters being framed for crimes they didn't commit.

9. Everyday use: While "framed" may have negative connotations in certain contexts, it can also be used in everyday situations to describe something that has been carefully arranged or presented. For instance, "I framed the photo of us from our vacation and put it on my desk."


1. "Framed" is translated as "set up", which means to be falsely accused or incriminated.

2. Other synonyms for "framed" include "falsely implicated", "wrongly accused", and "falsely charged".

3. Another way to express the same idea is by saying "framed for a crime" or "framed for something they didn't do".

4. Some other phrases that convey a similar meaning are "set up to take the fall", "made a scapegoat", and "set up as a patsy".

5. A more informal way to say it would be "being set up" or simply "being framed"

