
语言百科2024-03-18 09:40:47留学世界




1. 冰箱的简称



2. 电冰箱


3. 便携式小型冷藏设备


4. 冷藏室



1. 是不是每次看到这个单词都会想到冰箱?没错,fridge就是指冰箱,只是用英文来表达而已。

2. 但是,怎么读这个单词呢?是不是感觉有点难以捉摸?

3. 别担心,其实读起来并不复杂。只需要把重音放在第一个音节上,发音类似于“frai-ji”。

4. 如果你还是无法掌握正确的发音,可以试着把“fridge”分解成两部分来读,“fri”和“dge”,然后再将它们连起来。

5. 不过,要记住的是,“fridge”的发音中的“i”并不发出声音,所以一定要注意哦。

6. 除了冰箱,在英语中,“fridge”也可以用来指代小型的冷藏柜或者冷冻柜。

7. 而且,在一些俚语中,“fridge”也可以作为形容词使用,比如说“cold as a fridge”,意思就是非常冷。

8. 总之,学会正确地读出“fridge”的发音,并掌握它在不同场合下的用法,会让你更加游刃有余地使用英语哦!


1. fridge的基本用法


2. fridge的发音


3. fridge的双语例句

1) I need to buy a new fridge for my kitchen.


2) Can you put the milk back in the fridge after you finish using it?


3) The fridge is making a strange noise, we should get it checked.


4) I always keep some snacks in the fridge for when I get hungry at night.


5) The fridge is full, we need to clean it out and throw away any expired food.



1. Refrigerator - 这是fridge的正式名称,指的是一个用于冷藏和保鲜食物的家用电器。

2. Fridge/freezer - 这是一个结合了冰箱和冰柜功能的家用电器。

3. Mini fridge - 这是一种小型的冰箱,通常用于学生宿舍或办公室。

4. Top-mount fridge - 这是一种常见的冰箱类型,冷藏室位于顶部,冷冻室位于底部。

5. Bottom-mount fridge - 与top-mount相反,冷藏室位于底部,冷冻室位于顶部。

6. Side-by-side fridge - 这种类型的冰箱将冷藏室和冷冻室并排放置,通常采用对开门设计。

7. French door fridge - 类似于side-by-side,但采用上下双开门设计,中间为抽屉式的冷藏室。

8. Counter-depth fridge - 这种类型的冰箱与厨房柜台平齐,使厨房看起来更整洁。

9. Built-in fridge - 冰箱被嵌入到厨房柜子中,看起来更像是一个整体装置。

10. Compact fridge - 也称为bar fridge或beverage center,通常用来存放饮料和小食品


1. Refrigerator

- A refrigerator, or fridge for short, is a household appliance used for storing and preserving food at low temperatures.

- The term "fridge" is commonly used in informal situations, while "refrigerator" is more formal and commonly used in written or professional contexts.

2. Icebox

- An icebox is an old-fashioned term for a compact refrigerator that was popular in the early 20th century.

- The term "icebox" comes from the fact that early refrigerators used blocks of ice to keep food cold.

3. Cooler

- A cooler is a portable insulated container used to keep food and drinks cold.

- Unlike a refrigerator, which uses electricity to cool its contents, a cooler uses ice or other cooling agents.

4. Chiller

- A chiller is a type of industrial refrigeration equipment used to cool large quantities of products or materials.

- In the food industry, chillers are often used to keep ingredients or finished products at specific temperatures.

5. Fridge-freezer

- A fridge-freezer is a combination appliance that includes both a refrigerator and freezer compartment.

- This type of appliance is commonly found in households and allows for convenient storage of both fresh and frozen foods.

6. Cold storage

- Cold storage refers to any facility or room designed to keep perishable items at low temperatures for extended periods of time.

- This can include refrigerated warehouses, walk-in coolers, and other specialized facilities.

7. Food preservation unit

- A food preservation unit is another term for a refrigerator or freezer.

- This term emphasizes the role of these appliances in preserving food and preventing spoilage.

8. Ice chest

- An ice chest is similar to a cooler but typically has thicker walls and better insulation.

- It is commonly used for outdoor activities such as camping or picnics to keep food and drinks cold.

9. Walk-in refrigerator

- A walk-in refrigerator is a large refrigerated room used in commercial settings, such as restaurants or grocery stores.

- It allows for easy storage and access to a large quantity of perishable items.

10. Beverage center

- A beverage center is a small refrigerator designed specifically for storing and cooling beverages.

- It often includes features such as adjustable shelves and temperature controls for different types of drinks

