
语言百科2024-03-18 22:01:30留学世界










1. 什么是frosted?


2. frosted的发音是什么?


3. 如何正确发音frosted中的“o”和“ed”?


4. 如何练习正确地发音frosted?


5. 除了frosted,还有哪些单词也是以“ed”结尾的?



1. frosted的基本意思


2. frosted作为形容词的用法

frosted作为形容词时,常用来描述物体表面光滑、透明且有一层冰霜覆盖的状态。例如:“The window was frosted over, making it difficult to see outside.”(窗户上结了冰霜,很难看清外面的景象。)此外,frosted也可以用来表示某种颜色或质地具有类似冰霜一样的效果。例如:“She chose a wedding dress with a frosted blue color.”(她选择了一件带有冰蓝色调的婚纱。)

3. frosted作为动词的用法

frosted作为动词时,常指给物体表面喷上或涂上一层冰霜状物质。例如:“The baker frosted the cupcakes with a layer of white icing.”(烘焙师在杯子蛋糕上涂抹了一层白色糖霜。)此外,frosted也可以指给物体表面喷上或涂上类似冰霜的效果,使其看起来更加美观。例如:“The glass bottle was frosted to give it a more elegant appearance.”(玻璃瓶被喷上冰霜效果,使其看起来更加优雅。)

4. frosted的双语例句

- The frosted glass door provided privacy while still allowing some light to pass through.


- The winter morning was greeted with a frosted landscape, making it look like a winter wonderland.


- The cake was beautifully decorated with frosted flowers and intricate designs.


- She loves to wear frosted lip gloss for a subtle shine on her lips.


- The cold weather caused the leaves to become frosted, giving them a silvery appearance.



1. Frosty the Snowman: 这是一首经典的圣诞歌曲,其中的“Frosty”就是指“冰霜覆盖的”意思。

2. Frosted Flakes: 这是一种著名的早餐麦片,其名字中的“frosted”指的是麦片上覆盖的甜味糖粉。

3. Frosted Glass: 这种玻璃表面有一层模糊的薄膜,可以用来做隔断或者装饰。它被称为“frosted glass”是因为它看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

4. Frosted Tips: 这是一种流行的发型,在男性头发顶部加入淡色染发剂,使其看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

5. Frosted Nails: 这是一种时尚美甲,使用特殊材料或者技术使指甲看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

6. Frosted Cupcakes: 这种小蛋糕上有一层厚厚的奶油或者糖霜,使其看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

7. Frosted Windows: 在寒冷天气下,窗户上会结冰,形成一层冰霜,这时候我们就可以说窗户被“frosted”了。

8. Frosted Lipstick: 这是一种带有珠光效果的唇膏,使嘴唇看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

9. Frosted Donuts: 这是一种甜甜圈,上面有厚厚的糖霜,使其看起来像被冰霜覆盖了一样。

10. Frosted Trees: 在寒冷的冬天,树木上会结冰形成一层冰霜,这时候我们就可以说树木被“frosted”了


1. Frosty

- Definition: covered with frost or resembling frost in appearance

- Example: The trees were covered in a layer of frosty ice, making them sparkle in the morning light.

2. Icy

- Definition: extremely cold or covered in ice

- Example: The roads were icy after the snowstorm, making it dangerous to drive.

3. Glazed

- Definition: coated with a thin layer of ice or sugar

- Example: The donuts were glazed with a sugary frosting, making them irresistible to the customers.

4. Frosted-over

- Definition: completely covered in frost or ice

- Example: The windows were frosted-over, making it difficult to see outside.

5. Hoarfrost

- Definition: delicate white frost that forms on surfaces when the temperature is below freezing

- Example: The hoarfrost on the leaves made them look like they were covered in tiny crystals.

6. Frozen

- Definition: turned into ice due to extreme cold temperatures

- Example: The lake was frozen solid, allowing people to skate on its surface.

7. Rimed

- Definition: coated with a layer of frost or ice crystals

- Example: The branches of the tree were rimed with a thin layer of frost, creating a beautiful winter scene.

8. Glacial

- Definition: relating to glaciers or extremely cold temperatures; icy and slow-moving like a glacier

- Example: The wind was glacial as it blew across the frozen tundra, making it difficult for anyone to travel.

9. Wintry

- Definition: characteristic of winter; cold and snowy

- Example: We took a wintry walk through the frosted fields, enjoying the peacefulness of the snowy landscape.

10. Chilled

- Definition: made cold by being exposed to low temperatures

Example - :The glasses were chilled before serving wine, keeping it at the perfect temperature

