
语言百科2024-03-19 23:14:21留学世界



1. Empty: 空的,无内容的

例如:His wallet was empty, he had no money left.


2. Incomplete: 不完整的,未完成的

例如:The project is still incomplete, we need more time to finish it.

3. Scant: 缺乏的,不足的

例如:The evidence against him was scant, there was not enough to prove his guilt.

4. Sparse: 稀疏的,稀少的

例如:The population in this area is sparse, there are not many people living here.

5. Partial: 部分的,不完全的

例如:She only gave a partial explanation, leaving out important details.

6. Insufficient: 不充分的,不足够的

例如:We have insufficient evidence to convict him of the crime.

7. Lacking: 缺乏的,缺少的

例如:Her essay was lacking in depth and analysis.

8. Depleted: 耗尽的,枯竭的

例如:After running a marathon, his energy was completely depleted.

9. Deficient: 缺乏的,不足够的

例如:Her diet is deficient in essential nutrients, causing health problems.

10. Wanting: 缺乏的,不足够的

例如:His performance was wanting, he did not meet our expectations


1. Empty:读作[ˈɛmpti],意为“空的”,可以用来形容一件事物或者某个地方没有被填满或者占据。

2. Vacant:读作[ˈveɪkənt],意为“空缺的”,可以用来形容某个职位、房间或者座位没有被占据。

3. Sparse:读作[sparms],意为“稀疏的”,可以用来形容某个地方或者事物分布不均匀、稀少。

4. Scant:读作[skænt],意为“不足的”,可以用来形容某种资源、资金或者数量不够。

5. Incomplete:读作[ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt],意为“不完整的”,可以用来形容某件事物缺少某些必要部分。

6. Depleted:读作[dɪˈpliːtɪd],意为“耗尽的”,可以用来形容某种资源、能量或者精力已经消耗殆尽。

7. Insufficient:读作[ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt],意为“不足够的”,可以用来形容某种数量、能力或者效果不够满足需求。

8. Inadequate:读作[ɪnˈædəkwət],意为“不充分的”,可以用来形容某种条件、措施或者能力无法满足所需。

9. Lacking:读作[ˈlækɪŋ],意为“缺乏的”,可以用来形容某种特质、能力或者资源不足。

10. Deficient:读作[dɪˈfɪʃənt],意为“缺乏的”,可以用来形容某种物质、能量或者数量不足


1. Empty

- Usage: When something is not full, it can be described as empty.

- Example sentence: The cup was empty, so I filled it with water.

1. 空的

- 用法:当某物不满时,可以用空的来形容。

- 双语例句:杯子是空的,所以我给它加满了水。

2. Vacant

- Usage: Similar to empty, vacant is used to describe something that is not full.

- Example sentence: The seats were all vacant, so we were able to find a spot easily.

2. 空缺的

- 用法:与empty类似,vacant用来形容某物不满的状态。

- 双语例句:所有座位都是空缺的,所以我们很容易找到一个位置。

3. Incomplete

- Usage: When something is missing or not fully assembled, it can be described as incomplete.

- Example sentence: The puzzle was incomplete, as we were missing one piece.

3. 不完整的

- 用法:当某物缺少部分或没有完全组装时,可以用不完整来形容。

- 双语例句:拼图是不完整的,因为我们缺少一块拼图。

4. Sparse

- Usage: Sparse is used to describe something that is thinly spread out or not dense.

- Example sentence: The trees in the forest were sparse, allowing sunlight to shine through.

4. 稀疏的

- 用法:Sparse用来形容某物分布稀疏或不密集的状态。

- 双语例句:森林中的树木稀疏,让阳光透过来。

5. Scant

- Usage: Similar to sparse, scant is used to describe something that is not abundant or sufficient.

- Example sentence: The food at the party was scant, leaving many guests hungry.

5. 缺乏的

- 用法:与sparse类似,scant用来形容某物不充足或不足够的状态。

- 双语例句:派对上的食物很缺乏,导致很多客人都感到饿了


1. Empty-handed: 一无所有的

例句:He came back from the store empty-handed because they were sold out of his favorite snacks.

2. Half-empty: 半空的

例句:She always sees the glass as half-empty, while I prefer to see it as half-full.

3. Starving: 饥饿的

例句:I skipped breakfast this morning and now I'm absolutely starving.

4. Hungry as a bear: 非常饿的

例句:After a long day of hiking, we were all hungry as bears and couldn't wait to have dinner.

5. Barely enough: 几乎不够的

例句:They only gave us barely enough food for two people, even though we paid for a family meal.

6. Running on fumes: 精疲力尽的

例句:I've been working non-stop for days and now I'm running on fumes, I need a break.

7. Hollow inside: 空洞的,没有满足感的

例句:Even though he had everything he wanted, he still felt hollow inside and couldn't find true happiness.

8. Incomplete: 不完整的,缺失的

例句:The puzzle was missing a few pieces, making it incomplete and impossible to finish.

9. Lacking: 缺乏的,不足的

例句:Their presentation was lacking in detail and failed to impress the audience.

10. Unfulfilled: 未实现的,未满足的

例句:Despite her success, she still felt unfulfilled and longed for something more meaningful in her life


1. Empty: 空的,无内容的,与full相反

例:The glass is empty, there's no water left in it.

2. Incomplete: 不完整的,未完成的,与full相反

例:The report is incomplete, we need to add more details to it.

3. Sparse: 稀疏的,不密集的,与full相反

例:The forest is sparse, there are not many trees in this area.

4. Scanty: 缺乏的,不充足的,与full相反

例:The information provided is scanty, we need more data to make a decision.

5. Deficient: 不足的,缺乏的,与full相反

例:Her diet is deficient in essential nutrients, she needs to eat more balanced meals.

6. Insufficient: 不充分的,不足够的,与full相反

例:The budget allocated for this project is insufficient, we need more funds to complete it.

7. Inadequate: 不够好的,不充分的,与full相反

例:His performance was inadequate, he needs to improve in certain areas.

8. Lacking: 缺乏的,没有的,与full相反

例:Her speech was lacking in passion, she didn't seem convinced by her own words.

9. Depleted: 耗尽了的,用尽了的,与full相反

例:Our resources are depleted, we need to find new ways to sustain our business.

10. Vacant: 空缺的,在空闲中,在空置中,在空白中;没有人占用或使用;无人的,无人居住的,与full相反

例:The seat next to me is vacant, you can sit there

full的反义词是empty。它的发音为/ˈɛmpti/,意为“空的”。empty可以用作形容词或动词,具有广泛的用法。下面是一些常见的搭配和短语:empty space(空间),empty stomach(空腹),feel empty(感觉空虚)。与full相反,empty也可以用来表示“无效的”或“无意义的”。例如:“His promises turned out to be empty words.”(他的承诺最终变成了空话。)
