
语言百科2024-03-21 12:38:02留学世界



1. garage是一个法语借词,发音为/gəˈrɑːʒ/,在英语中也有一些变体发音,比如/gəˈrɑːdʒ/或/gəˈrɑːʃ/.


2. 它的意思是指车库,是指供存放汽车的地方,通常附属于住宅或商业建筑。

3. 除了存放汽车外,garage也可以用来存放其他物品,比如自行车、工具等。

4. 在美国和加拿大,garage也可以指代汽车修理厂。

5. garage这个词最早出现在法国,在法语中意思是“保护”的意思,后来被引入英语中。

6. 在英国和澳大利亚等国家,garage的发音可能会略有不同。在英式英语中,发音为/gəˈrɑːʒ/;而在澳式英语中,则为/gəˈrɑːdʒ/.

7. garage这个词也可以用作动词,在这种情况下意思是“将汽车停放在车库里”。

8. garage还可以用来表示一个乐队或乐手的排练室。比如,“我的朋友们每周都会去我的garage排练乐队。”

9. 最后,在美国俚语中,garage也可以指代一个私人的工作室,比如画家、作家等的工作室。

10. 总的来说,garage是一个多功能的词汇,在不同的语境中有着不同的含义,但都与汽车或保护相关联。所以,如果你想要问garage是什么意思,可以简单地回答为“车库”


1. 有没有想过,为什么有些人说garage的时候,听起来像是在说“嘎日吉”?

2. 其实,这是因为garage的英文发音和我们平时所说的“嘎”的发音很相似。

3. 不过,在英语中,这个单词的发音更接近于“嘎拉吉”,其中的“a”发音比较特殊,有点像是在把舌头从牙齿后面向上翘。

4. 如果你觉得这个发音太复杂,也可以简化一下,直接读成“嘎拉吉”就可以了。

5. 当然,如果你想要更贴近原始发音,也可以试着将“garage”分解成两个部分来读,“ga-ra-ge”,重点放在第二个音节上。

6. 这样读起来会更加清晰明了,同时也能够展示出你对这个单词的专业知识。

7. 不过无论你选择哪种发音方式,在日常生活中都可以使用,并不会影响到交流和理解。

8. 所以,不管是要去修车还是要找地方停车,记住如何正确地读出garage这个单词就可以啦!


1. garage是一个法语借词,意为“车库”,英语中发音为/gəˈrɑːʒ/。

2. 在英语中,garage除了指代车库,还可以用作动词,意为“将车辆停放在车库内”。

3. 例如:“I always make sure to garage my car at night to keep it safe.”

4. 中文中也有类似的用法,如“把车子放进车库”。

5. garage作为名词时,还可以指代汽车修理厂或停车场等地方。

6. 例如:“I took my car to the garage to get it fixed.”

7. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到garage经常和其他单词搭配使用,如garage sale(庭院拍卖)、garage band(家庭乐队)等。

8. “Garage rock”是一种流行音乐风格,源自20世纪60年代的美国。

9. 这种音乐通常由年轻人在家里的车库里演奏和录制,因此得名为garage rock。

10. 总的来说,garage是一个多功能的单词,在日常生活和文化领域都有广泛的应用


1. "Garage" is pronounced as "gəˈrɑːʒ" in English.

2. The word "garage" comes from the French word "garer", which means to shelter or protect.

3. The term "garage" was first used in the late 19th century to refer to a building used for storing and repairing vehicles.

4. Other common words used to describe a garage include "carport", "parking lot", and "auto shop".

5. In British English, a garage is often referred to as a "lock-up" or a "motor house".

6. A slang term for a garage is "car hole", which is often used in a humorous or sarcastic way.

7. The phrase "in the garage" can also be used figuratively to mean being in a state of disrepair or dysfunction.

8. Another popular phrase associated with garages is "garage sale", which refers to selling items that are no longer needed or wanted.

9. Many people use their garages not only for parking cars, but also as storage space for household items and tools.

10. Some creative individuals have turned their garages into living spaces, known as "garage apartments" or "granny flats"


1. Carport

A carport is a covered structure used to provide limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from the elements. The structure can either be free standing or attached to a wall. It typically has a roof but no walls.

2. Parking garage

A parking garage is a multi-level structure designed for parking cars and other vehicles. It can be either open-air or enclosed, and may have multiple levels for increased capacity.

3. Auto shop

An auto shop is a place where cars are repaired or serviced. This term is often used interchangeably with "garage" in the sense of a place where cars are kept or worked on.

4. Workshop

A workshop is a room or building where tools and machinery are used for making or repairing things, especially mechanical devices.

5. Car barn

A car barn is a large, usually open-sided building used for storing vehicles, especially trains or streetcars.

6. Motor house

A motor house is a building designed to store and maintain motor vehicles, especially large ones such as buses or trucks.

7. Repair shop

A repair shop is a place where items are fixed or restored to working condition, often specializing in specific types of repairs such as automotive repairs.

8. Vehicle depot

A vehicle depot is a facility used for the storage and maintenance of vehicles, particularly those belonging to public transportation systems.

9. Car shed

A car shed is an enclosed structure used for storing cars, usually smaller than a garage and often located in residential areas.

10. Automobile shelter

An automobile shelter is any type of structure that provides protection from the elements for vehicles, including carports and garages

我们了解到garage一词的意思是“车库”,它的发音是[ɡəˈrɑːʒ],在口语中也可以简化为[ɡəˈrɑːdʒ]。garage这个词在英语中有着广泛的用法,可以指代汽车修理厂、停车场等。同时,我们也学习到了一些相关的词组,如garage sale(旧货出售)、garage band(车库乐队)等。除此之外,我们还了解到了一些与garage同义的词汇,如carport(汽车棚)、parking lot(停车场)等。

