
语言百科2024-03-28 13:56:24留学世界



1. 等级的含义:Grade一词源于拉丁语gradus,意为“步伐、等级”,在英文中通常指代等级、成绩或品质。


2. 用于学业评定:在学校教育中,grade通常用来表示学生的成绩等级,如A、B、C等。它不仅代表着学生的知识水平,也反映了他们的努力和表现。

3. 用于产品质量评定:在商业领域,grade也常被用来评判产品的品质。例如,优质的咖啡豆会被分为不同的等级(grade),从而影响其价格和市场认可度。

4. 用于人才评价:除了学业和产品,grade也可以指代个人的能力和价值。例如,在招聘过程中,雇主会根据候选人的工作经验、技能水平和表现来给予不同的grade。

5. 含义延伸:除了以上几种常见用法外,grade还可以引申出其他含义。例如,在美国,“freshman”、“sophomore”、“junior”和“senior”分别对应大一、大二、大三和大四这四个年级(grade)。

6. 总结:总而言之,无论是在学业还是商业领域,grade都是一种用来评定等级、成绩和品质的重要概念。它不仅仅是一个简单的词汇,更代表着个人的努力和价值。所以,不要小看一个grade,它可能会影响你的未来发展哦!



1. grade的基本发音


2. grade与英文单词great的区别


3. grade在句子中的用法

除了作为名词表示等级、年级或成绩外,grade还可以作为动词使用。当作动词时,它表示评分、评定或分类等含义。例如,“The teacher graded the students' essays”(老师给学生打分)。

4. 其他相关单词


5. 如何正确发音grade


6. 练习方法


- 听英文歌曲或观看英文电影,在其中寻找并听出grade这个单词;

- 请朋友或老师帮忙纠正你的发音;

- 多多练习,在不同语境中使用这个单词


1. 什么是grade?


2. grade的用法

a. 等级:在这个意思上,grade通常用于描述事物的质量或重要性。例如:“This is a high-grade product.”(这是一个高品质的产品。)“He is in the top grade of his class.”(他在班上排名前列。)

b. 年级:在美国和加拿大,学生们被分为不同的年级(grade),例如一年级(first grade)、二年级(second grade)等。

c. 成绩:在学校教育中,学生们每学期都会收到成绩单(report card),上面会显示他们各门课程的成绩。

d. 评分:当我们想要评价某件事物时,也可以使用grade这个动词。“The teacher graded the students' essays.”(老师给学生们的论文打分。)

3. 双语例句

a. The restaurant received a high grade for its food and service.


b. My sister is in third grade.


c. I got an A grade on my math test.


d. Can you grade these papers for me?



1. Grade point average (GPA): 平均绩点,用来衡量学生的学习成绩。

例:My GPA this semester is 3.5, I'm really happy with my grades.

2. Letter grade: 字母等级,通常用来表示学生的成绩,从A到F分别代表不同等级。

例:I got an A on my math test, I'm so proud of myself!

3. Gradebook: 成绩册,记录学生每次考试的成绩和平均分数。

例:I need to check my gradebook to see if the teacher has entered my latest exam score.

4. Graded assignment: 已评分作业,老师给学生布置的作业并已经批改过的作业。

例:I forgot to turn in my graded assignment last week, so I lost some points.

5. Final grade: 最终成绩,指整个学期或课程结束后所得到的总评成绩。

例:I studied really hard for the final exam because it will determine my final grade for the class.

6. Pass/fail: 及格/不及格,指考试或课程通过或未通过。

例:I hope I don't get a failing grade on my history paper, I really need to pass this class.

7. Grading scale: 评分标准,用来决定每个字母等级对应的百分比范围。

例:Our teacher uses a strict grading scale, so it's hard to get an A in her class.

8. Extra credit: 额外加分,老师给学生提供的额外机会来提高成绩。

例:I'm going to do the extra credit assignment to boost my grade.

9. Grade inflation: 成绩膨胀,指学校或老师提高学生的成绩以显示更好的教学效果。

例:Some people argue that grade inflation is a problem in our education system.

10. Grading curve: 评分曲线,指老师根据整个班级的平均分数来决定每个学生的成绩。

例:I was worried about failing the test, but luckily the teacher graded on a curve and I passed


1. Level

- What does level mean in English?

- Synonym examples: rank, standing, position

2. Rating

- What is the English synonym for rating?

- Synonym examples: evaluation, assessment, score

3. Mark

- How can you replace grade with another word?

- Synonym examples: score, grade point, percentage

4. Class

- What is a similar word for grade in English?

- Synonym examples: class level, academic standing, academic performance

5. Degree

- Can you give me an example of a synonym for grade?

- Synonym examples: degree of proficiency, level of achievement, standard of excellence

6. Rank

- What is the meaning of grade in English?

- Synonym examples: position, status, standing

7. Evaluation

- How can I rephrase the question "What is the meaning of grade in English?"

- Synonym examples: What does grade mean in English?, How can you define grade in English?

8. Score

- Is there another way to say "grade" in English?

- Synonym examples: mark, point, result

9. Standing

- Can you provide a synonym for grade that has a similar meaning?

-Synonym examples: level of education, academic rank, educational achievement

10. Rating scale

- What is a synonym for "grade" that is commonly used in education settings?

-Synonym examples: grading system, assessment scheme, marking scale

