1. 等级、级别
在学校里,我们经常会听到grade这个词。它可以表示学生的年级或者班级。比如,我现在是高三(grade 12)学生,在12年级(grade 12)上学。此外,在考试成绩中,A、B、C等字母也被用来代表不同的等级。
2. 分数、评分
3. 品质、质量
另外,grade还有品质、质量的意思。比如,在购买商品时,我们会看到有些商品标注为“一等品”(first grade),表示它具有很高的品质。
4. 评定、划分
5. 年级、年龄段
1. 什么是grade
2. grade的发音
3. grade的词性
4. grade作为名词时的用法
(1)等级:例如,“He is in the sixth grade.”(他在六年级。)
(2)成绩:例如,“I got an A grade on my math test.”(我数学考试得了A级成绩。)
(3)年级:例如,“She is in the same grade as me.”(她和我在同一个年级。)
5. grade作为动词时的用法
(1)给予等级:例如,“The teacher graded our exams.”(老师给我们阅卷。)
(2)评分:例如,“The judges will grade the performances.”(评委们将对表演进行评分。)
(3)分类:例如,“The diamonds are graded according to their clarity and color.” (钻石根据它们的纯度和颜色进行分类。)
6. grade作为形容词时的用法
(1)高级的:例如,“She is a grade-A student.”(她是一个优等生。)
(2)等级上的:例如,“This is a grade-B restaurant.” (这是一家二级餐厅。)
(3)优质的:例如,“He bought a grade-A steak for dinner.” (他买了一块A级牛排作为晚餐。)
7. grade与相关词汇
(1)grade point average:平均绩点,通常用于描述学生的平均成绩。
(2)grading system:评分制度,用于描述学校或公司的评分标准。
1. 什么是grade?
2. grade的用法
- 表示学生的年级:我在六年级。I'm in grade six.
- 表示学生的成绩:我在数学考试中得了A等级。I got an A grade on my math test.
- 表示产品的质量等级:这款牛奶是A级品质。This milk is of grade A quality.
3. 双语例句
- 我妹妹正在读三年级。
My sister is in the third grade.
- 这家餐厅得到了最高的卫生评分。
This restaurant received the highest grade for hygiene.
- 我们需要把这些文件按照重要性分为几个等级。
We need to categorize these documents into different grades based on their importance
1. "Grade A": 通常指最高质量的产品或服务,也可以用来形容某人的表现或能力非常出色。
比如说,这家餐厅的食材都是Grade A的,味道绝对一流。
2. "First-grade": 指第一等级或第一类别的东西,也可以用来形容某人非常优秀或出色。
3. "Top-grade": 同样指最高等级或最高品质的东西,也可以表示某人在某方面处于顶尖水平。
4. "Grade point average (GPA)": 指学生在一段时间内取得的平均成绩,通常以4分制计算。
5. "Upgrade": 意为升级或提升,在翻译行业中也指提高翻译质量或水平。
6. "Downgrade": 相反地,意为降级或下降,在翻译行业中也指降低翻译质量或水平。
7. "Grade school": 指小学,通常指1-6年级的学校。
我小时候在一所grade school上学,那段时光非常美好。
8. "Graded assignment": 指有等级评定的作业或任务。
这次考试是一次graded assignment,成绩将会影响到我们最后的总评。
9. "Grade inflation": 指成绩膨胀现象,即学生得到比实际表现更高的分数。
有些老师为了迎合家长和学校的要求,会造成grade inflation,这对学生来说并不公平。
10. "Pass with flying colors": 意为轻松通过某事物,并且取得非常好的成绩。
我很自信这次考试能pass with flying colors!
1. Level: Just like grades, levels are used to indicate a certain standard or rank. For example, you can say "I got an A level on my exam" or "She reached the highest level in her dance class."
2. Rank: This word is often used in a competitive context, such as sports or academic rankings. You can say "He achieved the top rank in his class" or "The company is ranked number one in the industry."
3. Score: Similar to grades, scores are used to measure performance or achievement. For instance, you can say "Her test score was 95%" or "He received a perfect score on his presentation."
4. Rating: This term is commonly used to evaluate something based on a scale or standard. You can say "The restaurant has a high rating on Yelp" or "The movie received a low rating from critics."
5. Mark: In some countries, marks are used instead of grades to indicate academic performance. For example, you can say "She got full marks on her math test" or "His marks have improved since last semester."
6. Grade point average (GPA): This refers to the average of all the grades a student receives in their courses. You can say "His GPA is 3.5" or "She has a high GPA due to her hard work and dedication."
7. Standing: This word is often used in academic settings and refers to one's position relative to others based on grades or performance. For instance, you can say "He has a standing of second in his class" or "She is currently in good standing with her professors."
8. Evaluation: This term is commonly used in professional settings and refers to the process of assessing someone's performance or work quality. You can say "Her evaluation was excellent and she received a promotion" or "My annual evaluation showed areas for improvement."
grade是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“等级”或“年级”。在英语中,它的发音为/ɡreɪd/,读者可以通过多听多说来提高自己的发音水平。除了作为名词外,grade还可以作为动词使用,表示“给予等级”或“评分”。例如,“She graded the students' exams.”(她给学生们阅卷)。同时,在日常生活中也有许多与grade相关的词组,如“first grade”(一年级)、“passing grade”(及格分数)等。此外,与grade意思相近的同义词还有rank、level、class等。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个单词。我是网站编辑小张,喜欢就关注我吧!祝大家学习进步!