
语言百科2024-03-31 12:34:22留学世界




1. 名词hail指的是冰雹,也可以用来形容大量的东西或人群。例如,“The car was damaged by the hail.”(汽车被冰雹损坏了。)“The singer received a hail of applause from the audience.”(歌手得到了观众们的热烈掌声。)


2. 动词hail有几种不同的意思,最常见的是指向某人或物喊话或打招呼。例如,“He hailed a taxi and got in.”(他招呼了一辆出租车并上了车。)“She hailed her friend from across the street.”(她从街对面向朋友打招呼。)

除此之外,hail还可以表示赞扬或认可某人或物。例如,“The new policy was hailed as a success by everyone.”(新政策被大家称赞为成功。)“His bravery was hailed by his colleagues.”(他的勇气受到同事们的赞扬。)

此外,hail还可以表示向某人致敬或欢迎某人加入某个团体或组织。“The president hailed the new members of the club during his speech.”(总统在演讲中欢迎俱乐部的新成员。)


1. 简介


2. 词源


3. 发音技巧


4. 音标

根据国际音标系统IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet)标注,hail的发音应为/heɪl/。

5. 同类词汇


- male(男性):/meɪl/

- sale(销售):/seɪl/

- fail(失败):/feɪl/

6. 不同含义下的读法


- 欢呼、喝彩:/heɪl/

- 问候、致敬:/heɪl/

- 冰雹:/heɪl/

- 车辆召唤:/heɪl/

7. 常用短语


- hail from(来自):/heɪl frəm/

- hail a taxi(叫出租车):/heɪl ə ˈtæksi/

8. 练习


- 听力练习:多听一些英语材料,尤其是以英语为母语的人说话,可以帮助我们更好地掌握发音。

- 口型练习:跟着录音或视频模仿发音,注意嘴巴和舌头的位置。

- 多说多读:多说多读可以帮助我们更熟悉单词的发音,并且增加对不同含义下发音的理解


1. 什么是hail?


2. hail的用法

- 名词:The storm brought heavy hail and strong winds.(暴风雨带来了大冰雹和强风。)

- 动词:The crowd hailed the team's victory with cheers and applause.(人群以欢呼和掌声来欢呼团队的胜利。)

3. 双语例句

- The hailstones were as big as golf balls.


- We could hear the sound of hails hitting the roof.


- The villagers hailed the arrival of the new doctor.


- The team was hailed as national champions.



1. "Hail to the King" - 这是一句常见的口号,意为向国王致敬。通常用于欢迎国王或其他有权威的人。

2. "Hail Mary" - 这是一句宗教用语,意为向圣母玛利亚祈祷。在基督教中,这句话通常用于请求圣母保佑或帮助。

3. "Hail Caesar" - 这是一句拉丁语,意为向凯撒致敬。在历史上,凯撒是罗马帝国的伟大统治者,因此这句话也被用来表示对伟大领导者的尊敬。

4. "Hail, hail, the gang's all here" - 这是一首流行歌曲的歌词,意为大家都来了,欢迎欢迎。通常用于表示朋友们聚在一起时的欢乐气氛。

5. "Hail from" - 这个短语指某人来自某个地方。例如:He hails from a small town in Texas(他来自德克萨斯州的一个小镇)。

6. "Hail a cab" - 这个短语指拦出租车。例如:I need to hail a cab to get to the airport(我需要拦辆出租车去机场)。

7. "Hail a ride" - 这个短语指拦车搭顺风车。例如:We were running late, so we had to hail a ride to the party(我们来迟了,所以只能拦辆车去参加聚会)。

8. "Hail fellow well met" - 这是一句老式的表达方式,意为和你打招呼很高兴。通常用于表示对某人的友好和善意。

9. "Hail damage" - 这个短语指冰雹造成的损坏。例如:My car was parked outside during the storm and now it has hail damage(我的车在暴风雨中停在外面,现在有冰雹造成的损坏)。

10. "Hailstorm of criticism" - 这个短语指大量的批评或指责。例如:The new policy has received a hailstorm of criticism from the public(新政策受到了公众的大量批评)


1. Greet: Hail is often used as a verb to mean greet or welcome. For example, "The crowd hailed the champion with cheers and applause."

2. Salute: Another synonym for hail is salute. This word is commonly used in military contexts, such as "The soldiers hailed their commanding officer with a salute."

3. Acclaim: Hail can also be used to express admiration or praise, similar to the word acclaim. For instance, "The artist was hailed as a genius for his unique paintings."

4. Acknowledge: To acknowledge someone's presence or existence can also be expressed as hailing them. For example, "The teacher hailed the new student and introduced her to the class."

5. Call out to: When you hail someone, you are calling out to them in order to get their attention. This phrase can be used interchangeably with hail in certain situations.

6. Applaud: Hail can also mean to applaud or show approval for someone or something. For instance, "The audience hailed the performer's amazing talent with a standing ovation."

7. Celebrate: In some cases, hail can be used as a synonym for celebrate. For example, "The town will hail its 100th anniversary with a grand parade and festivities."

8. Praise: Similar to applaud and acclaim, hail can also mean to praise or commend someone or something highly.

9. Cheer: When a crowd hails someone, they are often cheering for them in excitement or support.

10.Tribute: Lastly, hail can also be used as an expression of tribute or honor towards someone or something deserving of respect and admiration

