
语言百科2024-04-01 13:55:39留学世界




1. What is "hanging" in English?


首先,让我们来看看"hanging"这个词在英语中的含义。它可以指挂着的物体,比如"hanging clothes"(挂着的衣服);也可以指悬挂、吊着某物,比如"hanging a picture on the wall"(把图片挂在墙上)。

2. The slang meaning of "hanging"

除了字面意义外,"hanging"还有一种俚语意思。它可以用来形容某人或某物处于某种状态或位置。比如,"I'm just hanging at home tonight."(今晚我就待在家里);"The painting is hanging in the museum."(这幅画挂在博物馆里)。

3. Other expressions with "hanging"

除了作为动词使用外,"hanging"还可以作为名词出现。例如,我们经常听到"hanging out"这个表达方式,在英语中它表示和朋友一起闲逛、聊天。另外还有"hanging around/around with someone/something"(和某人/某物闲逛)等表达方式。

4. Hang on, there's more!

除了以上提到的用法外,"hanging"还可以作为形容词,表示某物非常吸引人、出色或令人难忘。比如,"That was a hanging performance!"(那场表演太棒了!);"The party was hanging."(那个派对太精彩了!)

5. Conclusion


1. "Dangling" - 这个词可以用来形容某物悬挂在空中,也可以指某人的行为或态度不稳定,像是悬挂在空中一样。

2. "Suspended" - 含义类似于"dangling",但更多指某物被吊起来或悬挂在某处。

3. "Swinging" - 这个词可以用来描述某物或某人来回摇摆的动作,也可以指某人的情绪或态度变化不定。

4. "Hanging loose" - 这个短语通常用来形容某人放松或不拘束的状态,也可以指某物松垮地悬挂着。

5. "Draped" - 这个词通常用来描述某物被随意地披在另一物体上,也可以指某人的姿态或行为看起来很随意。

6. "Swaying" - 这个词可以用来形容轻微地左右移动,也可以指某人的想法或观点受到外界影响而改变。

7. "Hanging by a thread" - 这个短语通常用来形容处于危险境地或生活处境不稳定的状态


1. Hanging的基本含义


2. Hanging在翻译中的用法

在翻译过程中,hanging可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。作为动词时,常用于表达待定的状态,例如:“The translation project is still hanging, we need to discuss it further.”(这个翻译项目还没有确定,我们需要进一步讨论。)作为名词时,常用于表示悬而未决的问题或情况,例如:“There are still a few hangings in the translation, we need to clarify them.”(这个翻译中还有几个问题未解决,我们需要澄清一下。)

3. Hanging的例句

(1) The translation of this contract is still hanging, we need to review it again.


(2) There are a few hangings in the translation, please make sure they are all correct.


(3) We cannot publish the translated document yet, there are some hangings that need to be addressed first.


(4) The hanging issue in the translation has been resolved, we can proceed with the final review.


4. Hanging在翻译行业中的重要性




1. 直译法:将"hanging"直接翻译为"悬挂",这是最常见的翻译方式。例如:"She hung her clothes on the line."(她把衣服挂在了绳子上。)

2. 比喻法:将"hanging"比喻为其他类似的动作或状态,使翻译更加生动形象。例如:"The threat of failure is hanging over his head."(失败的威胁就像一把悬在他头上的剑。)

3. 转换法:根据具体语境,将"hanging"转换成适合的动词或名词进行翻译。例如:"Hanging out with friends"(和朋友们一起出去玩)中的"hanging out"可以翻译为"go out with friends".

4. 同义替换法:将"hanging"替换成与之意思相近的单词或短语进行翻译,使句子更加通顺自然。例如:"The painting is hanging on the wall."(那幅画挂在墙上)中的"hanging"可以替换成"dangling from"或"suspended on".


1. 注意上下文:"hanging"有多种含义,在进行翻译时要根据具体语境选择合适的意思。

2. 注意固定搭配:"hanging out with friends"、 "hanging on the line"等都是固定搭配,需要注意翻译时的准确性。

3. 注意时态和语态:"hanging"作为动词时,可以表示进行时或被动语态,翻译时要根据具体情况进行转换。

4. 注意幽默感:"hanging"作为一个常用词汇,可以在翻译中加入幽默元素,让读者感到愉悦。例如:"The monkey was hanging from the tree, looking like a furry ornament."(猴子挂在树上,看起来像一个毛茸茸的装饰品。)

5. 注意修辞手法:可以使用反问、举例子等修辞手法来增加文章的趣味性和吸引力。例如:"What's worse than hanging out with your in-laws on a Sunday afternoon?"(除了在一个周日下午和你的岳父母一起出去玩还有什么更糟糕的?)


1. Hanging around: 闲逛,无所事事

Example: I saw him hanging around the park all day, he must be really bored.

2. Hanging on every word: 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听

Example: The students were hanging on every word of the teacher's lecture.

3. Hanging by a thread: 岌岌可危,悬而未决

Example: The company's future is hanging by a thread, they need to make some changes quickly.

4. Hanging up the phone: 挂电话,结束通话

Example: I had to hang up the phone because my battery was low.

5. Hanging out with friends: 和朋友一起出去玩,聚会

Example: I love hanging out with my friends, we always have a great time together.

6. Hanging on for dear life: 紧紧抓住不放,死死抓住

Example: The hiker was hanging on for dear life as he climbed up the steep cliff.

7. Hanging onto something/someone: 抓住某物/某人不放,依靠某物/某人生活

Example: She was hanging onto her boyfriend for financial support after losing her job.

8. Hanging in there: 坚持下去,挺过去

Example: It's been a tough year, but we're still hanging in there and not giving up.

9. Hanging over someone's head: 悬在某人头上,威胁着某人

Example: The deadline for the project is hanging over my head, I need to finish it soon.

10. Hanging loose/loosely: 放松,松弛

Example: After a long day at work, I like to just hang loose and watch some TV

