
语言百科2024-04-02 03:09:37留学世界



1. "Happened"的英文翻译是什么?


2. What is the English translation for "happened"?


3. Happened的常见英文翻译


- Occurred:这是最常用的翻译,意为发生、出现。

- Took place:这个翻译也比较常见,意为发生、进行。

- Happen:这是"happened"的原形,也可以作为动词使用。

- Transpired:这个单词通常用来描述事情或事件已经发生,并且可能已经结束了。

- Came about:意为产生、出现。

4. 其他可能的翻译


- Went down:这个表达通常用来描述不太好或不太重要的事情发生。

- Went on:意为继续进行、持续。

- Came to pass:这个翻译比较书面,意为发生、出现。

- Befell:这是"happened"的过去式,意为发生、降临。

- Came off:意为成功、实现



2.读法:happened是一个动词,意为“发生”,常用于过去式和过去分词形式。例如:“What happened last night?”(昨晚发生了什么事?)“It has happened before.”(这种情况以前发生过。)

3.幽默:如果你想要用一句幽默的话来描述happened的发音,可以说,“It sounds like a combination of 'happy' and 'ended'.”(它听起来像是“happy”和“ended”的结合体。)这样不仅有趣,还能帮助人们更容易记住这个单词的发音


1. 用法介绍


2. 例句解析

- The accident happened last night.


- Have you ever happened to visit China?


- What happened to the missing documents?


3. 在句子中的位置


4. 搭配短语

- happen to do sth:碰巧做某事

- happen to sb:对某人来说发生

- happen by chance:偶然发生

5. 可能引起的误解

在英文中,happen和come about都可以表示“发生”,但它们有细微的差别。Happen更加强调偶然性和意外性,而come about则更多指事件逐渐形成。

6. 注意事项


7. 例句对比

- The meeting happened last week.(会议上周已经举行了。)

- The meeting is happening now.(会议正在进行中。)

8. 常见错误

在英文中,happened不可以和together连用,正确的表达应该是:happen together


1. Occurred - 发生

例如:The incident happened last night. (这件事情发生在昨晚。)

2. Took place - 发生

例如:The accident took place on the highway. (这起事故发生在高速公路上。)

3. Transpired - 发生

例如:It was a strange event that transpired during the trip. (旅行期间发生了一件奇怪的事件。)

4. Came about - 发生

例如:I can't believe what came about at the meeting yesterday. (我无法相信昨天会议上发生的事情。)

5. Went down - 发生

例如:I heard something went down at the party last night. (我听说昨晚派对上发生了一些事情。)

6. Occurrence - 事件,发生的事情

例如:The occurrence of natural disasters is increasing every year. (自然灾害的发生每年都在增加。)

7. Incident - 事件,意外事件

例如:The incident at the construction site caused a lot of damage. (建筑工地上的意外事件造成了很大的损失。)

8. Event - 事件,活动

例如:The event was a huge success, thanks to everyone's hard work. (多亏了大家的辛勤努力,这次活动取得了巨大成功。)

9. Happening - 事件,正在进行的事情

例如:What's the happening in town tonight? (今晚镇上有什么活动?)

10. Circumstance - 环境,情况

例如:The circumstances surrounding the incident are still unclear. (事件发生的环境仍然不明。)

11. Situation - 情况,处境

例如:The current situation is quite dire and we need to come up with a solution quickly. (当前的情况非常严峻,我们需要快速找到解决方案。)

12. Development - 发展,进展

例如:The development of technology has greatly impacted our daily lives. (技术的发展对我们的日常生活产生了巨大影响。)

13. Outcome - 结果,后果

例如:We are still waiting for the outcome of the investigation. (我们仍在等待调查结果。)

15. Result - 结果,效果

例如:The result of their hard work was evident in their final grades. (他们辛勤努力的结果在最终成绩中得以体现。)


1. Occurred

"Occurred"是"happened"的同义词,都指发生了某件事情。例如:The accident occurred last night. (事故发生在昨晚。)

2. Took place

"Took place"也可以用来表示"happened",强调某件事情发生的具体时间和地点。例如:The meeting took place in the conference room. (会议在会议室举行。)

3. Transpired

"Transpired"意为发生或出现,可以代替"happened"来描述某件事情的发生。例如:It transpired that she had been lying all along. (结果证明她一直在撒谎。)

4. Came about

"Came about"指某件事情突然发生或产生,与"happened"的含义相似。例如:I'm not sure how it came about, but we ended up becoming friends. (我不确定是怎么回事,但我们最终成了朋友。)

5. Materialized

当某件事情变得真实或实现时,可以用"materialized"来代替"happened"。例如:Her dream of becoming a doctor finally materialized after years of hard work. (经过多年的努力,她终于实现了成为医生的梦想。)

6. Came to pass

"Came to pass"意为发生或实现,可以用来表示"happened"中所描述的事件已经发生了。例如:The prophecy came to pass just as it was foretold. (预言如同预言一般实现了。)

7. Went down

"Go down"也可以用来表示某件事情发生了,尤其是指不好的事情。例如:The ship went down in a storm. (船在暴风雨中沉没。)

8. Befell

"Befell"是"happen"的过去式,用来描述发生在过去的事件。例如:A terrible tragedy befell the town last night. (昨晚这个小镇发生了一场可怕的悲剧。)

9. Arise

"Arise"意为出现或发生,可以用来代替"happened"来描述某件事情的发生。例如:A problem may arise if we don't address it now. (如果我们现在不解决这个问题,可能会出现麻烦。)

10. Eventuate

当某件事情最终发生时,可以用"eventuate"来表示,与"happened"含义相似。例如:After months of negotiations, a deal eventuated between the two companies. (经过数月的谈判,两家公司最终达成了协议。)

happened的英文翻译是“发生”。它的发音为[hæpənd],读作“哈普恩德”。在翻译行业中,happened常被用作动词,表示某件事情或事件的发生。例如,“What happened to the car?”(这辆车发生了什么事?)在日常交流中,我们也可以用happened来表示一种意外或突发的情况。例如,“I'm sorry, it just happened.”(对不起,这是突然发生的。)除了单独使用外,happened还可以构成一些常用的词组,如“happen to”、“happen on”等。例如,“I happened to see him at the party.”(我碰巧在聚会上看到了他。)最后,如果你想学习更多关于英语单词的知识,请关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣且实用的内容!
