
语言百科2024-04-02 03:28:37留学世界



1. 概念介绍



2. 用法示例

- Something happens: 某事发生了

- It happens every day: 它每天都会发生

- What happened?: 发生了什么?

- A strange thing happened: 发生了一件奇怪的事情

3. 同义词

Happens可以和其他一些动词互换使用,例如occur, take place, come about等。它们都有相同的意思,即指某件事情在某个时间或地点发生。

4. 不同场景下的用法

- 在日常对话中,happens通常用来询问某件事是否已经发生或正在发生。

例如:What happened to your car? 你的车怎么了?

- 在新闻报道中,happens常被用来描述突发事件或重大事件的发生。

例如:A shooting happened in the downtown area last night. 昨晚市中心发生了一起枪击事件。

- 在科学研究中,happens可以指自然现象、实验结果等的出现。

例如:The chemical reaction happens when the temperature reaches a certain level. 当温度达到一定水平时,化学反应就会发生。

5. 注意事项

- Happens是一个不及物动词,它后面通常不跟宾语,但可以和介词短语一起使用。

例如:The accident happened at the intersection. 事故发生在十字路口。

- Happens也可以用作连系动词,后面跟形容词来描述某种状态的变化。

例如:She happens to be my best friend. 她恰好是我的最好朋友


1. 是不是发生的意思呢?

“happens”这个词最基本的意思就是“发生”,它可以用来描述一件事情正在进行或者已经发生了。比如,“What happens when you mix red and blue?”(当你把红色和蓝色混合在一起会发生什么?)这句话就是在问两种颜色混合会产生什么结果。

2. 也可以表示碰巧或者偶然

除了表示事情发生,happens还可以用来表示某件事情是偶然或者碰巧发生的。比如,“I happened to see her in the park yesterday.”(我昨天碰巧在公园里看到她了。)这里的happened to就是表示偶然性。

3. 还有一种更加俏皮的用法

除了基本意思之外,happens还可以用来表示某件事情很可能会发生或者某个人很可能会做某件事。比如,“He happens to be a big fan of basketball.”(他恰好是一个篮球迷。)这里的happens to表达的就是某个人特别喜欢某件事情或者具有某种特质


1. “happens”是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以作为动词或名词使用。

2. 作为动词时,它的意思是“发生”、“出现”、“碰巧”,常用于表示某件事情在某个时间或地点发生。

例句:What happens when you mix red and blue?(当你把红色和蓝色混合时会发生什么?)

3. “happens”也可以用来表示偶然性,表达“碰巧”的意思。

例句:I happened to see him on the street yesterday.(我昨天碰巧在街上见到了他。)

4. 作为名词,“happens”指的是“事件”、“事情”,与动词意思相同,只是用法不同。

例句:The same thing happens every day.(每天都发生同样的事情。)

5. 在口语中,“happens”还可以作为插入语使用,表示一种惊讶或者不满的情绪。

例句:Happens, I forgot my keys at home again!(真倒霉,我又把钥匙忘在家里了!)

6. “whatever happens”是一个固定搭配,意为“无论发生什么”,常用于安慰或者鼓励他人时使用。

例句:Don't worry, whatever happens, we'll get through it together.(别担心,无论发生什么,我们都会一起度过的。)

7. “happens”也可以与其他词组合使用,形成新的短语,例如“happen to be”表示“碰巧是”,“happen on/upon”表示“偶然发现”等等。

例句:I happen to be a big fan of his music.(我碰巧是他音乐的粉丝。)

例句:I happened upon this beautiful garden while taking a walk.(我在散步时偶然发现了这个美丽的花园。)


1. Happens to be - 恰好是

2. Happens to know - 碰巧认识

3. Happens to have - 恰好拥有

4. Happens to coincide - 恰好一致

5. Happens to occur - 恰好发生

6. Happens to fall - 恰好落在

7. Happens to catch - 恰好抓住

8. Happens to find - 恰好找到

9. Happens to come across - 偶然遇见

10. Happens to stumble upon - 偶然发现

11. Happens to witness - 偶然目睹

12. Happens to overhear - 偶然听到

13. Happens by chance - 偶然发生的事情

14. Just happens that - 碰巧是这样的情况

15. It so happens that - 碰巧是这样的情况

1. It just so happens that + 句子:表示某件事情恰巧发生,强调偶然性。

例句:It just so happens that I have an extra ticket for the concert tonight. (恰巧我今晚多了一张音乐会的票。)

2. Happen to + 动词原形:表示偶然发生的动作。

例句:I happened to see him at the grocery store yesterday. (我昨天偶然在杂货店看到了他。)

3. Happen to be + 形容词:表示某人或事物具有某种特质。

例句:He happens to be a very talented musician. (他碰巧是一位非常有才华的音乐家。)

4. Happen to + 不定式:表示偶然发生的动作。

例句:I happened to find this book in the library. (我偶然在图书馆找到了这本书。)

5. Happen by chance: 意为“偶然发生”,与happen by accident意思相同,但更加正式。

例句:We met by chance at the conference last year and have been good friends ever since. (我们去年在会议上偶然相遇,从此成为了好朋友。)


1. Occurs - This is a commonly used synonym for "happens" and has a similar meaning of something taking place or coming into being.

2. Transpires - This word is often used in more formal contexts and refers to something happening or occurring, especially in a surprising or unexpected way.

3. Takes place - This phrase can be used interchangeably with "happens" and emphasizes the location or setting where the event occurs.

4. Comes about - This phrase is often used to describe something happening as a result of certain circumstances or conditions.

5. Takes shape - This expression suggests that something is gradually forming or developing, rather than just happening suddenly.

6. Unfolds - This word implies that something is gradually revealing itself or progressing over time.

7. Materializes - This term refers to something becoming real or tangible, often after being planned or anticipated.

8. Arises - Similar to "occurs," this word emphasizes that something happens as a result of certain conditions or factors.

9. Eventuates - A more formal synonym for "happens," this word suggests that an event has come to pass after a series of events or actions.

10. Befalls - This verb suggests that something unfortunate happens, often unexpectedly, to someone

