
语言百科2024-04-06 13:47:44留学世界



1. 定义



2. 脚后跟的含义


3. 鞋子的后跟


4. “Heel”的其他含义


5. “Heel”作为动词的用法

作为动词时,heel的意思是“跟随”、“服从”或“控制”。例如,当我们说某人“heel the rules”,意思是他们遵守规则;当我们说某人“heel their boss”,意思是他们服从老板的命令;当我们说某人“heel the dog”,意思是他们控制住狗的行为。






4.例如:“She always heels her boss's orders.”(她总是听从她老板的命令。)

5.在一些俚语中,heel也可以表示“服从某人”,例如“Heel to the king.”(听从国王的命令。)



8.例如:“I love your new heels, they look so stylish!”(我喜欢你的新高跟鞋,它们看起来很时尚!)




1. “heel”是一个英语单词,意思是“跟部”,通常指鞋子的后跟部分。

例如:She was wearing a pair of high heels.(她穿着一双高跟鞋。)

2. 在口语中,还可以用作动词,意思是“向某人使唤,控制”。

例如:She always heels her husband around.(她总是控制她的丈夫。)

3. “heel”也可以作为名词,表示“顺从的人,走狗”。

例如:He is just a heel to his boss.(他只是老板的走狗。)

4. 在美国俚语中,“heel”还有“坏蛋”的含义。

例如:He's a real heel, always causing trouble.(他是个真正的坏蛋,总是惹麻烦。)

5. 下面给出一些关于“heel”的双语例句:

- She kicked off her heels and walked barefoot on the sand.


- Heels are not allowed in the gym for safety reasons.


- The boss always heels his employees around like they're his servants.


- Don't be such a heel, help your friend out.


- She's a real heel, always lying to get what she wants.



1. High heel - 高跟鞋

High heel是指一种具有较高跟的女性鞋子,通常指跟高于3英寸(7.6厘米)的鞋子。这种鞋子可以让女性显得更加修长和优雅,但也可能会给脚部带来不适。

2. Achilles' heel - 阿喀琉斯之踵

Achilles' heel源自希腊神话中的英雄阿喀琉斯,他唯一的弱点就是他的脚后跟。因此,这个词组被用来形容一个人或物品的致命弱点。

3. Heel and toe - 脚后跟和脚尖

Heel and toe是指在操纵汽车时同时用到脚后跟和脚尖。这种技术通常用于赛车或高速驾驶,可以帮助控制车辆的速度和平衡。

4. Heel over - 倾斜

Heel over指船只或飞机向一侧倾斜。这个词组经常被用来描述船只在风浪中倾斜,或者飞机在升降过程中出现侧倾。

5. On the heels of - 紧随其后

On the heels of意为紧随其后,在某件事情之后立即发生。这个词组通常用来形容某个事件紧接着另一个事件发生。

6. Dig in one's heels - 坚持不懈

Dig in one's heels意为坚持不懈,不退缩。这个词组通常用来形容一个人在面对挑战或困难时坚定地站稳脚跟。

7. Bring to heel - 控制,使听命

Bring to heel意为控制,使听命。这个词组通常用来指责某人或某物没有遵守规则或指令,需要被控制或纠正。

8. Down at heel - 破烂的

Down at heel意为破烂的,指衣着褴褛或状态不佳。这个词组通常用来形容一个人或物品的状况不佳。

9. Head over heels - 翻滚,深陷

Head over heels可以有两种含义:一是指身体向前翻滚;二是指深陷于某种感情或境地中。

10. Heel of bread - 面包的后部

Heel of bread是指面包最后剩下的部分,通常比较硬而且很少被人吃掉。这个词组也可以用来比喻某件事情剩下的不重要或无用的部分


1. Heel - Meaning in English

2. Synonyms for Heel

3. Alternative Words for Heel

1. Heel - Meaning in English

Heel is a noun that refers to the back part of the foot, below the ankle and behind the arch. It is also used as a verb to describe the act of walking or resting on one's heels.

2. Synonyms for Heel

a) Sole: The sole is another word for the bottom part of the foot, including both the heel and the toes.

b) Hindfoot: This term refers to the back part of the foot, including the heel bone and surrounding structures.

c) Calcaneus: This is a medical term for the heel bone, which forms the base of the hindfoot.

d) Tarsus: The tarsus is a group of seven bones in each foot that includes the heel bone.

e) Rearfoot: Similar to hindfoot, this term describes the back part of the foot, including both sides of the heel bone.

3. Alternative Words for Heel

a) Footstep: This word can be used as a synonym for heel when referring to walking or stepping with one's feet.

b) Stomp: Stomp can be used as an alternative word for heel when describing heavy or forceful steps.

c) Tread: Similar to stomp, tread can also be used as a synonym for heel when referring to walking or stepping with one's feet.

d) Trample: This word can be used as an alternative to heel when describing heavy or careless steps that may cause damage.

e) Stride: Stride can be used as a synonym for heel when talking about confident and purposeful steps.


In conclusion, there are various synonyms and alternative words that can be used instead of "heel" depending on context and intended meaning. These include words such as sole, hindfoot, calcaneus, tarsus, rearfoot, footstep, stomp, tread, trample, and stride. It is important to choose the appropriate word to accurately convey the desired message

