
语言百科2024-04-07 18:48:46留学世界





其实,“herebymyside”是一个英文短语,它的意思是“在我身边”或者“与我同在”。这个短语通常用来表达某人或某物与自己紧密联系在一起的状态。比如,在一张照片上你和你的朋友站在一起,你可以说:“That's me and my friend here by my side.”(这就是我和我的朋友站在我身边的照片。)

除了表示实际的位置关系外,“herebymyside”还可以用来表达感情上的紧密联系。当你想要表达对某人或某物的爱、支持、保护等情感时,也可以使用这个短语。比如,在写给最好朋友的信中,你可以说:“No matter what happens, I will always be here by your side.”(无论发生什么,我都会一直站在你身边。)



首先,让我们来看看这个标题的英文单词组成。"herebymyside"由三个单词组成:here、by和my side。其中,“here”是指“在这里”,“by”是介词,“my side”则是指“我的身边”。那么,结合起来就可以理解为“在我身边”的意思。





1. herebymyside的用法


这个短语通常用来表达某人或某物始终陪伴在另一个人身边的含义。它可以用来形容友谊、爱情、亲密关系等。例如,“My best friend is always herebymyside no matter what happens.”(无论发生什么事情,我的最好朋友始终都在我身旁。)

2. herebymyside的双语例句

- She is always herebymyside, supporting me through thick and thin.


- My dog is my loyal companion, always herebymyside.


- I know I can count on you to be herebymyside when I need you.


- She promised to stay herebymyside until the very end.


- With her by my side, I feel like I can conquer anything.



1. Always by my side: 始终在我身边

2. A constant companion: 永远的伴侣

3. My trusted partner: 我信赖的合作伙伴

4. Never alone: 永不孤单

5. Inseparable duo: 不可分割的二人组

6. Together forever: 永远在一起

7. Hand in hand: 手牵手

8. Shoulder to lean on: 可依靠的肩膀

9. Side by side: 并肩而立

10. Companionship at its best: 最好的陪伴


1. By My Side - This phrase is a direct translation of "herebymyside" in English. It conveys the same meaning of being close or nearby to someone or something.

2. Beside Me - Another equivalent phrase for "herebymyside" in English, this expression also suggests physical proximity and closeness.

3. Alongside - This word can be used as an adverb or preposition to mean "by the side of" or "next to." It can be used in a similar context as "herebymyside."

4. Close By - This phrase is often used to describe something or someone that is physically near or in close proximity. It can also be used as a synonym for "herebymyside."

5. In My Vicinity - This expression means "in the area around me" and can be used to describe someone or something that is close by, similar to the meaning of "herebymyside."

6. Within Reach - This phrase suggests that something or someone is easily accessible or nearby, similar to the idea of being by one's side.

7. Next Door - While this phrase typically refers to physical location, it can also be used figuratively to mean being close by or alongside someone.

8. By My Sidekick - This phrase adds a playful tone and suggests that someone is not only by your side but also acting as a support or companion.

9. Hand in Hand - This expression literally means holding hands with someone, but it can also convey the idea of being together and supporting each other, similar to the concept of being by one's side.

10. Shoulder to Shoulder - This phrase emphasizes standing beside someone and working together towards a common goal, much like being by one's side.

11. Together With Me - While this may not be an exact synonym for "herebymyside," it conveys a similar idea of being in the company of someone or having their support and presence.

12. In My Proximity - This phrase means being close to someone or something, and can be used interchangeably with "herebymyside."

13. By My Hand - This expression can be used to describe someone who is physically close by, but it can also suggest that they are providing assistance or support, similar to the meaning of "herebymyside."

14. Standing By Me - This phrase conveys the idea of someone being there for you and supporting you, much like the concept of being by one's side.

15. Within Arm's Reach - This phrase suggests that something or someone is within easy reach or close by, similar to the meaning of "herebymyside."

16. Near Me - A simple but effective way to convey the same idea as "herebymyside," this phrase means physically close to me.

17. By My Side All The Time - While not a direct synonym for "herebymyside," this phrase emphasizes constant presence and support from someone.

18. Close At Hand - This expression means near or nearby and can be used in a similar context as "herebymyside."

19. Right Next To Me - This phrase emphasizes physical proximity and suggests that someone is standing right beside you, much like being by your side.

20. By My Wingman/Wingwoman - Similar to "sidekick," this phrase adds a playful tone and suggests that someone is not only by your side but also supporting you in some way.

21. Together With Us - While not an exact synonym for "herebymyside," this expression conveys the idea of being together with others and working towards a common goal.

22. In My Presence - This phrase means being physically near or in the same space as someone, similar to the meaning of "herebymyside."

23. By My Companion - This phrase suggests that someone is not only physically close by but also providing companionship and support, similar to the concept of being by one's side.

24. Close By My Side - A slight variation of "herebymyside," this phrase conveys the same idea of being physically close to someone or something.

25. Within Eyeshot - This expression means within sight or view, and can be used in a similar context as "herebymyside."

26. By My Support - While not an exact synonym, this phrase conveys a similar idea of someone being there for you and providing assistance or encouragement.

27. Together With You - This phrase emphasizes the idea of being with someone and working together towards a common goal, similar to the concept of being by one's side.

28. In My Neighborhood - This expression means in the area around me and can be used to describe something or someone that is close by, much like "herebymyside."

29. Beside Myself - While this phrase has a different literal meaning, it can also be used figuratively to mean feeling overwhelmed or overjoyed by someone's presence, similar to the idea of being by one's side.

30. Alongside Me - Similar to "alongside," this word suggests physical proximity and can be used in a similar context as "herebymyside."

